在ffmpeg/arm添加的文件夹 的主要目的是为了宣布动态库libs下一个
#pragma once #include <jni.h> #include <android/native_window_jni.h> #include "utils/Lock.h" #include <pthread.h> //ffmpeg 须要先定义 __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS 才干通过 c++ 编译 #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #ifndef INT64_C #define INT64_C(c) (c ## LL) #define UINT64_C(c) (c ## ULL) #endif extern "C" { #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavutil/avutil.h> #include <libavutil/dict.h> #include <libavutil/frame.h> #include <libavutil/mem.h> #include <libavutil/pixfmt.h> #include <libswscale/swscale.h> #include <libavutil/time.h> #include <libavutil/opt.h> #include <libswresample/swresample.h> } class Media { public: Media(); ~Media(); void setSurface(JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pSurface,int pWidth,int pHeight); bool initPath(const char * path); bool initCodec(int width,int height); int getResWidth(); int getResHeight(); void play(); void pause(); void stop(); bool isPlaying(); void decodeAndRenderPic(void *pBuffer,int dwBufsize); void decodeAudioAndPlay(void *pBuffer,int dwBufsize); private: static void* decodeAndRenderAdpt(void *params); void decodeAndRender(); private: bool bInit; ANativeWindow* window; char *videoFileName; AVFormatContext *formatCtx; int videoStream; int audioStream; AVCodecContext *codecCtx; AVCodecContext *codecCtxAudio; AVFrame *decodedFrame; AVFrame *frameRGBA ; jobject bitmap; void* buffer; struct SwsContext *sws_ctx; struct SwrContext *swr_ctx; int width; int height; bool _stop; pthread_t decodeThread; Mutex mutexSurface; Mutex lockWindow; };
#include "Media.h" #include "Audio.h" //ffmpeg 须要先定义 __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS 才干通过 c++ 编译 #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #include <android/native_window_jni.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "utils/Log.h" #include "cu.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/linux-syscalls.h> #define SYS_gettid __NR_gettid extern "C" { #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavutil/avutil.h> #include <libavutil/dict.h> #include <libavutil/frame.h> #include <libavutil/mem.h> #include <libavutil/pixfmt.h> #include <libswscale/swscale.h> } #define RGB_SIZE 4 //AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA,AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24 #define AV_FMT AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA Media::Media():mutexSurface(true),window(NULL),lockWindow(false) ,frameRGBA(NULL),decodedFrame(NULL) ,codecCtx(NULL),formatCtx(NULL),_stop(true) ,buffer(NULL),height(0),width(0),videoStream(-1) ,sws_ctx(NULL),videoFileName(NULL),audioStream(-1) ,codecCtxAudio(NULL),swr_ctx(NULL),decodeThread(NULL) { bInit = false; } Media::~Media(){ stop(); if(NULL!=decodeThread) { pthread_join(decodeThread, NULL); } if(NULL!=window) { ANativeWindow_release(window); window=NULL; } // Free the RGB image if(NULL!=frameRGBA) { av_free(frameRGBA); frameRGBA=NULL; } // Free the YUV frame if(NULL!=decodedFrame) { av_free(decodedFrame); decodedFrame=NULL; } // Close the codec if(NULL!=codecCtx) { avcodec_close(codecCtx); codecCtx=NULL; } // Close the video file if(NULL!=formatCtx) { avformat_close_input(&formatCtx); formatCtx=NULL; } } void Media::setSurface(JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject pSurface,int pWidth,int pHeight) { LOGD("Media::setSurface start, %d,%d,%d", (int)pSurface , pWidth, pHeight); if (0 != pSurface) { if(pWidth <=0 || pHeight<=0) { LOGD("Media::setSurface width or height is zero !!! %d,%d", pWidth, pHeight); return; } if(NULL==window) { synchronized(lockWindow) { // get the native window reference window = ANativeWindow_fromSurface(pEnv, pSurface); // set format and size of window buffer WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry(window, 0, 0, WINDOW_FORMAT_RGBA_8888); } } } else { stop(); if(NULL!=window) { // release the native window synchronized(lockWindow) { ANativeWindow_release(window); window=NULL; } } return; } //reset width and height width = pWidth; height = pHeight; if(NULL != buffer) { free(buffer); buffer=NULL; } buffer = malloc(pWidth * pHeight * RGB_SIZE); if(NULL == buffer) { LOGE("Media::setSurface Cannot malloc buffer size : %d!", pWidth * pHeight * RGB_SIZE); return; } //get the scaling context sws_ctx = sws_getContext ( codecCtx->width, codecCtx->height, codecCtx->pix_fmt, pWidth, pHeight, AV_FMT, SWS_FAST_BILINEAR,//SWS_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL ); // Assign appropriate parts of bitmap to image planes in pFrameRGBA // Note that pFrameRGBA is an AVFrame, but AVFrame is a superset // of AVPicture avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)frameRGBA, (uint8_t *)buffer, AV_FMT, pWidth, pHeight); LOGD("Media::setSurface window:%d , mutexInit.isLocked: %d !", (int)window,(int) mutexSurface.isLocked()); if(NULL!=window && mutexSurface.isLocked()) { LOGD("Media::setSurface unlock surface!"); mutexSurface.unlock(); } LOGD("Media::setSurface OK!"); return; } void audio_swr_resampling_audio_init(SwrContext **swr_ctx,/*TargetAudioParams *targetAudioParams,*/AVCodecContext *codec){ if(codec->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 /*|| codec->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32 */||codec->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8){ LOGE("codec->sample_fmt:%d",codec->sample_fmt); if(*swr_ctx){ swr_free(swr_ctx); *swr_ctx = NULL; } return; } if(*swr_ctx){ swr_free(swr_ctx); } *swr_ctx = swr_alloc(); if(!*swr_ctx){ LOGE("swr_alloc failed"); return; } /* set options */ av_opt_set_int(*swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout", codec->channel_layout, 0); av_opt_set_int(*swr_ctx, "in_sample_rate", codec->sample_rate, 0); av_opt_set_sample_fmt(*swr_ctx, "in_sample_fmt", codec->sample_fmt, 0); av_opt_set_int(*swr_ctx, "out_channel_layout", codec->channel_layout/*targetAudioParams->channel_layout*/, 0); av_opt_set_int(*swr_ctx, "out_sample_rate", codec->sample_rate/*targetAudioParams->sample_rate*/, 0); av_opt_set_sample_fmt(*swr_ctx, "out_sample_fmt", AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16/*targetAudioParams->sample_fmt*/, 0);// AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 /* initialize the resampling context */ int ret = 0; if ((ret = swr_init(*swr_ctx)) < 0) { LOGE("Failed to initialize the resampling context "); if(*swr_ctx){ swr_free(swr_ctx); *swr_ctx = NULL; } return; } } int audio_swr_resampling_audio(struct SwrContext *swr_ctx,/*TargetAudioParams *targetAudioParams,*/AVFrame *audioFrame,uint8_t **targetData){ int len = swr_convert(swr_ctx,targetData ,audioFrame->nb_samples ,(const uint8_t **)audioFrame->extended_data ,audioFrame->nb_samples); if(len < 0){ LOGE("error swr_convert"); return -1; } int dst_bufsize = len * audioFrame->channels/*targetAudioParams->channels*/ * av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16/*targetAudioParams->sample_fmt*/); LOGI("dst_bufsize:%d",dst_bufsize); return dst_bufsize; } void audio_swr_resampling_audio_destory(SwrContext **swr_ctx){ if(*swr_ctx){ swr_free(swr_ctx); *swr_ctx = NULL; } } bool Media::initPath(const char *path) { AVCodec *pCodec = NULL; int i; AVDictionary *optionsDict = NULL; LOGI("video file name is %s", path); // Register all formats and codecs av_register_all(); // Open video file if(avformat_open_input(&formatCtx, path, NULL, NULL)!=0) return false; // Couldn't open file LOGD("Media::initPath pos 1"); // Retrieve stream information if(avformat_find_stream_info(formatCtx, NULL)<0) return false; // Couldn't find stream information LOGD("Media::initPath pos 2"); // Dump information about file onto standard error av_dump_format(formatCtx, 0, path, 0); LOGD("Media::initPath pos 3"); // Find the first video stream videoStream=-1; audioStream=-1; for(i=0; i<formatCtx->nb_streams; i++) { if(formatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { LOGI("FIND VIDEO CODEC ID : %d" , i); videoStream=i; if(audioStream!=-1 ) break; } else if(formatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { LOGI("FIND AUDIO CODEC ID: %d" , i); audioStream=i; if(videoStream!=-1 ) break; } } LOGD("Media::initPath pos 5"); if(videoStream==-1) return false; // Didn't find a video stream // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream codecCtx=formatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codec; // Find the decoder for the video stream pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(codecCtx->codec_id); LOGD("Media::initPath pos 6"); if(pCodec==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec! "); return false; // Codec not found } LOGD("Media::initPath pos 7"); // Open codec if(avcodec_open2(codecCtx, pCodec, &optionsDict)<0) return false; // Could not open codec LOGD("Media::initPath pos 8"); // Allocate video frame decodedFrame=av_frame_alloc(); LOGD("Media::initPath pos 9"); // Allocate an AVFrame structure frameRGBA=av_frame_alloc(); if(frameRGBA==NULL) return false; bInit=true; LOGD("Media::initPath pos 10"); //audio decodec if(-1!=audioStream) { codecCtxAudio = formatCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec; pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecCtxAudio->codec_id); if(avcodec_open2(codecCtxAudio, pCodec, &optionsDict)<0) { audioStream=-1; LOGW("Error avcodec_open2 Audio Decode!"); } LOGE("codecCtxAudio data: %d, %d, %d" , codecCtxAudio->bit_rate , codecCtxAudio->sample_rate , codecCtxAudio->channels); } return true; } bool Media::initCodec(int width, int height) { AVCodec *pCodec = NULL; int i; //avcodec_init(); // Register all formats and codecs av_register_all(); /* find the video encoder */ pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264); if (!pCodec) { LOGE("codec not found!"); return false; } codecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec); //初始化參数。以下的參数应该由详细的业务决定 codecCtx->time_base.num = 1; codecCtx->frame_number = 1; //每包一个视频帧 codecCtx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; codecCtx->bit_rate = 0; codecCtx->time_base.den = 30;//帧率 codecCtx->width = width;//视频宽 codecCtx->height = height;//视频高 codecCtx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; LOGE("codecCtx init OK! %d", (int)codecCtx); // Open codec if(avcodec_open2(codecCtx, pCodec, NULL)<0) return false; // Could not open codec // Allocate video frame decodedFrame=av_frame_alloc(); // Allocate an AVFrame structure frameRGBA=av_frame_alloc(); if(frameRGBA==NULL) return false; //Audio int audioBitrate = 64000; int sampleRate = 44100;// 44100, 22050 and 11025. int channels=2; pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_AAC); if (!pCodec) { LOGE("codec not found!"); return false; } codecCtxAudio = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec); codecCtxAudio->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; codecCtxAudio->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC; codecCtxAudio->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; codecCtxAudio->sample_rate = sampleRate; codecCtxAudio->channels = channels; /*codecCtxAudio->profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN; codecCtxAudio->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; codecCtxAudio->bit_rate = audioBitrate; codecCtxAudio->time_base.num= 1; codecCtxAudio->time_base.den= sampleRate;*/ codecCtxAudio->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_NONE; if(avcodec_open2(codecCtxAudio, pCodec, NULL)<0) { LOGE("codec not found!"); codecCtxAudio=NULL; } bInit=true; return true; } int Media::getResWidth() { if(bInit && NULL != codecCtx) return codecCtx->width; return -1; } int Media::getResHeight() { if(bInit && NULL != codecCtx) return codecCtx->height; return -1; } void Media::play() { _stop = false; pthread_create(&decodeThread, NULL, decodeAndRenderAdpt, this); } void Media::pause() { _stop=true; } void Media::stop() { _stop=true; bInit = false; } bool Media::isPlaying() { return !_stop; } void* Media::decodeAndRenderAdpt(void *params) { LOGW("create thread : %d Media::decodeAndRenderAdpt", syscall(SYS_gettid)); bool bOk = AttachCurrentThread(); LOGI("AttachCurrentThread Result: %d", bOk); Media *pMedia = (Media *)params; if(NULL!=pMedia->codecCtxAudio) { audio_swr_resampling_audio_init(&pMedia->swr_ctx,pMedia->codecCtxAudio); initAudio(pMedia->codecCtxAudio->sample_rate,pMedia->codecCtxAudio->channels==1,pMedia->codecCtxAudio->sample_fmt != AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8); LOGI("initAudio %d,%d,%d",pMedia->codecCtxAudio->sample_rate,pMedia->codecCtxAudio->channels,pMedia->codecCtxAudio->sample_fmt); } try{ pMedia->decodeAndRender(); }catch (...) { LOGE("unkown Exception in Thread: Media::decodeAndRender"); } if(bOk) DetachCurrentThread(); if(NULL!=pMedia->codecCtxAudio) { releaseAudio(); audio_swr_resampling_audio_destory(&pMedia->swr_ctx); } pMedia->decodeThread=NULL; return NULL; } void Media::decodeAndRender() { LOGD("Media::decodeAndRender check mutexInit.isLocked: %d !",(int)mutexSurface.isLocked()); if(mutexSurface.isLocked()) { LOGD("Media::decodeAndRender wait unlock surface!"); mutexSurface.lock(); mutexSurface.unlock(); LOGD("Media::decodeAndRender wait unlock surface finished ok!"); } ANativeWindow_Buffer windowBuffer; AVPacket packet; int i=0; int frameFinished; int lineCnt; long pts; long baseTime=0; long waitTime = 0; ANativeWindow * pWin; pWin=window; uint8_t **dst_data = NULL; /* FILE *stream; stream = fopen("/sdcard/1.pcm", "wb");*/ while(av_read_frame(formatCtx, &packet)>=0 && !_stop && NULL!=window && bInit) { // Is this a packet from the video stream?if(packet.stream_index==videoStream) { // Decode video frame avcodec_decode_video2(codecCtx, decodedFrame, &frameFinished, &packet); // Did we get a video frame?
if(frameFinished) { // Convert the image from its native format to RGBA sws_scale ( sws_ctx, (uint8_t const * const *)decodedFrame->data, decodedFrame->linesize, 0, codecCtx->height, frameRGBA->data, frameRGBA->linesize ); if(packet.dts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE && decodedFrame->opaque && *(uint64_t*)decodedFrame->opaque != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { pts = *(uint64_t *)decodedFrame->opaque; LOGD("pst1: %d",pts); } else if(packet.dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { pts = packet.dts; LOGD("pst2: %d",pts); } else { pts = 0; LOGD("pst3: %d",pts); } //pts = av_q2d(codecCtx->time_base) * 1000000.0 * i * 2; pts *= 1000; //LOGD("debug %d,%d,%f",pts, (long)(av_q2d(codecCtx->time_base) * 1000000.0 * i * 2), av_q2d(codecCtx->time_base)); if(0 == pts || 0 == baseTime) { baseTime = av_gettime() - pts; LOGD("BASETIME: %d",baseTime); }else{ waitTime = (baseTime + pts) - av_gettime(); LOGD("WAITTIME: %d, %d",waitTime,pts); } //waitTime = (av_q2d(codecCtx->time_base) * 1000.0 - 0.0) * 1000; if(waitTime>0) usleep(waitTime); if(!_stop) { synchronized(lockWindow) { if(!_stop && NULL!=window) { // lock the window buffer if (ANativeWindow_lock(pWin, &windowBuffer, NULL) < 0) { LOGE("cannot lock window"); } else { // draw the frame on buffer //LOGD("copy buffer %d:%d:%d", width, height, width*height*RGB_SIZE); //LOGD("window buffer: %d:%d:%d", windowBuffer.width, windowBuffer.height, windowBuffer.stride); //memcpy(windowBuffer.bits, buffer, width * height * RGB_SIZE); if(windowBuffer.width >= windowBuffer.stride){ //LOGE("1=========windowBuffer: %d,%d,%d,%d", windowBuffer.format,windowBuffer.stride,windowBuffer.width,windowBuffer.height); memcpy(windowBuffer.bits, buffer, width * height * RGB_SIZE); }else{ //LOGE("2=========windowBuffer: %d,%d,%d,%d", windowBuffer.format,windowBuffer.stride,windowBuffer.width,windowBuffer.height); //skip stride-width 跳过padding部分内存 for(int i=0;i<height;++i) memcpy(windowBuffer.bits + windowBuffer.stride * i * RGB_SIZE , buffer + width * i * RGB_SIZE , width * RGB_SIZE); } // unlock the window buffer and post it to display ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost(pWin); // count number of frames ++i; } } } } } }else if(packet.stream_index==audioStream) { int ret = avcodec_decode_audio4(codecCtxAudio,decodedFrame, &frameFinished, &packet); // LOGD("avcodec_decode_audio4, %d , ret %d" , frameFinished, ret); if(frameFinished) { // LOGD("read audio play"); size_t unpadded_linesize = decodedFrame->nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample((AVSampleFormat)decodedFrame->format); /* Write the raw audio data samples of the first plane. This works * fine for packed formats (e.g. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16). However, * most audio decoders output planar audio, which uses a separate * plane of audio samples for each channel (e.g. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P). * In other words, this code will write only the first audio channel * in these cases. * You should use libswresample or libavfilter to convert the frame * to packed data. */ if(NULL!=swr_ctx) { int dst_linesize = 0; int dst_nb_samples =av_rescale_rnd(decodedFrame->nb_samples, decodedFrame->sample_rate, codecCtxAudio->sample_rate, AV_ROUND_UP); int dst_nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(codecCtxAudio->channels ==1 ?AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO:AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO); av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples(&dst_data,&dst_linesize,dst_nb_channels,dst_nb_samples,codecCtxAudio->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8?
AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8:AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 0); int ret = audio_swr_resampling_audio(swr_ctx,decodedFrame,dst_data); if(ret>0){ writeAudio(dst_data[0],ret); //fwrite(dst_data[0], 1, ret, stream); } if (dst_data) { av_freep(&dst_data[0]); } av_freep(&dst_data); }else{ writeAudio(decodedFrame->extended_data[0], unpadded_linesize); //fwrite(decodedFrame->extended_data[0], 1, unpadded_linesize, stream); } //fwrite(decodedFrame->extended_data[0], 1, unpadded_linesize, audio_dst_file); LOGD("read audio buffer: %d ,%d", unpadded_linesize, decodedFrame->linesize[0]); }else{ //LOGD("===read audio buffer: %d", packet.size); //writeAudio(, packet.size); } }else{ LOGD("unkown stream index: %d", packet.stream_index); } // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame av_free_packet(&packet); } //fclose(stream); LOGI("total No. of frames decoded and rendered %d", i); } void Media::decodeAndRenderPic(void *pBuffer,int dwBufsize) { ANativeWindow_Buffer windowBuffer; AVPacket packet; int frameFinished; int lineCnt; ANativeWindow * pWin; pWin=window; ARect rect; rect.left=0;; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; memset(&packet,0x00,sizeof(AVPacket)); = (uint8_t*)pBuffer;//这里填入一个指向完整H264数据帧的指针 packet.size = dwBufsize;//这个填入H264数据帧的大小 // Decode video frame avcodec_decode_video2(codecCtx, decodedFrame, &frameFinished, &packet); // Did we get a video frame?
//LOGD("111111111111111111111111"); if(frameFinished && NULL!=window && bInit) { // Convert the image from its native format to RGBA sws_scale ( sws_ctx, (uint8_t const * const *)decodedFrame->data, decodedFrame->linesize, 0, codecCtx->height, frameRGBA->data, frameRGBA->linesize ); //LOGD("22222222222222222222222222222"); synchronized(lockWindow) { if(NULL!=window) { // lock the window buffer if (ANativeWindow_lock(pWin, &windowBuffer, &rect) < 0) { LOGE("cannot lock window"); } else { //LOGD("333333333333333333333333333"); // draw the frame on buffer LOGD("copy buffer %d:%d:%d lineSize:%d", width, height, width*height*RGB_SIZE, frameRGBA->linesize[0]); LOGD("RECT : %d,%d,%d,%d",rect.left,,rect.right,rect.bottom); //LOGD("window buffer: %d:%d:%d", windowBuffer.width,windowBuffer.height, windowBuffer.stride); if(windowBuffer.width >= windowBuffer.stride){ //LOGE("1=========windowBuffer: %d,%d,%d,%d", windowBuffer.format,windowBuffer.stride,windowBuffer.width,windowBuffer.height); memcpy(windowBuffer.bits, buffer, width * height * RGB_SIZE); }else{ //LOGE("2=========windowBuffer: %d,%d,%d,%d", windowBuffer.format,windowBuffer.stride,windowBuffer.width,windowBuffer.height); //skip stride-width 跳过padding部分内存 for(int i=0;i<height;++i) memcpy(windowBuffer.bits + windowBuffer.stride * i * RGB_SIZE , buffer + width * i * RGB_SIZE , width * RGB_SIZE); } //LOGD("666666666666666666666666666"); // unlock the window buffer and post it to display ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost(pWin); // count number of frames //SaveFrame(pEnv, bitmap, codecCtx->width, codecCtx->height, i); //stop = 1; } } } } //LOGD("44444444444444444444444"); // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame av_free_packet(&packet); //LOGD("5555555555555555555555555"); } void Media::decodeAudioAndPlay(void *pBuffer,int dwBufsize) { AVPacket packet; int frameFinished; LOGD("decodeAudioAndPlay start"); if(NULL == codecCtxAudio) { LOGD("codecCtxAudio not init!"); return; } memset(&packet,0x00,sizeof(AVPacket)); = (uint8_t*)pBuffer;//这里填入一个指向完整H264数据帧的指针 packet.size = dwBufsize;//这个填入H264数据帧的大小 // Decode audio frame int ret = avcodec_decode_audio4(codecCtxAudio,decodedFrame, &frameFinished, &packet); LOGD("avcodec_decode_audio4, %d , ret %d" , frameFinished, ret); // Did we get a audio frame?
if(frameFinished && bInit) { size_t unpadded_linesize = decodedFrame->nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample((AVSampleFormat)decodedFrame->format); writeAudio(decodedFrame->extended_data[0], unpadded_linesize); LOGD("writeAudio"); }else{ LOGD("writeAudio fail!"); } // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame av_free_packet(&packet); LOGD("decodeAudioAndPlay end"); }
Audio.h 音频做成了单例模式... 没有怎么封装, 使用java的AudioTrack,使用native的话不同版本号Android的so文件不一样所以不考虑了.
#pragma once void initAudio(int mhz=44100,bool bMono=false,bool b16Bit=true); void writeAudio(void * buffer,int size); void releaseAudio();
#include "media/Audio.h" #include <jni.h> #include "cu.h" #include "utils/Log.h" #include "utils/sharedptr.h" #include "utils/Lock.h" #include <vector> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/linux-syscalls.h> #define SYS_gettid __NR_gettid #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024*20 static bool init = false; static jbyteArray buffer; static jobject audio_track; static jint buffer_size; static jmethodID method_write; using std::vector; struct ElementBuf{sharedptr<jbyte> buf;int size; }; typedef sharedptr<ElementBuf> SE; static vector<SE> _vector; static Mutex mutex(true); static Mutex mutexVistor; static bool _stop = true; void* audioThread(void *params); SE pop() { mutex.lock(); synchronized (mutexVistor) { if(!_vector.empty()) { vector<SE>::iterator iter =_vector.begin(); SE e=*iter; _vector.erase(iter); return e; } } return pop(); } void push(SE e) { synchronized (mutexVistor) { _vector.push_back(e); } mutex.unlock(); } void releaseAudioRes() { LOGD("releaseAudioRes start"); JNIEnv * pEnv = getEnv(); jclass audio_track_cls = pEnv->FindClass("android/media/AudioTrack"); // audio.stop(); //audio.release(); jmethodID method_stop =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls, "stop", "()V"); jmethodID method_release =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls, "release", "()V"); pEnv->CallVoidMethod(audio_track, method_stop); pEnv->CallVoidMethod(audio_track, method_release); pEnv->DeleteGlobalRef(audio_track); audio_track=NULL; LOGD("releaseAudioRes end"); } int g_oldMhz = 0; int g_oldbMono = false; int g_oldb16Bit = true; void initAudio(int mhz,bool bMono,bool b16Bit) { LOGD("initAudio, %d ,%d, %d",mhz,bMono,b16Bit); _stop=false; if(init) { if(g_oldMhz!=mhz||g_oldbMono!=bMono||g_oldb16Bit!=b16Bit) { releaseAudioRes(); }else{ return; } } g_oldMhz=mhz; g_oldbMono=bMono; g_oldb16Bit=b16Bit; JNIEnv * pEnv = getEnv(); jclass audio_track_cls = pEnv->FindClass("android/media/AudioTrack"); jmethodID min_buff_size_id = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(audio_track_cls,"getMinBufferSize", "(III)I"); buffer_size =pEnv->CallStaticIntMethod(audio_track_cls,min_buff_size_id, mhz, //44100, 22050 and 11025. bMono?2:0x4|0x8, //0x4|0x8,//2, /*CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO*/ 2); /*ENCODING_PCM_16BIT*/ LOGI("buffer_size=%i",buffer_size); buffer =pEnv->NewByteArray(BUFFER_SIZE);//buffer_size/4 buffer = (jbyteArray)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(buffer); jmethodID constructor_id =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls, "<init>", "(IIIIII)V"); audio_track =pEnv->NewObject(audio_track_cls, constructor_id, 3, /*AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC*/ mhz, //11025, /*sampleRateInHz*/ 44100, 22050 and 11025. bMono?2:0x4|0x8,//0x4|0x8,//2, /*CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO*/ b16Bit?2:3, /*ENCODING_PCM_16BIT*/ buffer_size, /*bufferSizeInBytes*/ 1 /*AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM*/ ); audio_track = (jobject)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(audio_track); //setvolume LOGD("setStereoVolume 1"); jmethodID setStereoVolume =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls,"setStereoVolume","(FF)I"); pEnv->CallIntMethod(audio_track,setStereoVolume,1.0,1.0); LOGD("setStereoVolume 2"); //play jmethodID method_play =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls, "play", "()V"); pEnv->CallVoidMethod(audio_track, method_play); //write method_write =pEnv->GetMethodID(audio_track_cls,"write","([BII)I"); //method_write = (jmethodID)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(method_write); LOGI("initAudio OK, BufferSize/4:%d",buffer_size/4 ); static pthread_t thread=NULL; if(NULL==thread) pthread_create(&thread, NULL, audioThread, NULL); init = true; } void* audioThread(void *params) { LOGW("create thread : %d Audio.cpp audioThread", syscall(SYS_gettid)); AttachCurrentThread(); JNIEnv * env = getEnv(); while(true) { SE e = pop(); if(_stop) continue; int size = e->size; int wirteSize = 0; jbyte * buf= e->buf.get(); while(size > BUFFER_SIZE) { // LOGD("writeAudio , BufferSize/4:%d",BUFFER_SIZE ); env->SetByteArrayRegion(buffer, 0,BUFFER_SIZE, buf + wirteSize); //LOGD("writeAudio , ==========" ); env->CallVoidMethod(audio_track,method_write,buffer,0,BUFFER_SIZE); wirteSize += BUFFER_SIZE; size -= BUFFER_SIZE; } if(size>0) { //LOGD("writeAudio , size:%d",size ); env->SetByteArrayRegion(buffer, 0,size, buf + wirteSize); env->CallVoidMethod(audio_track,method_write,buffer,0,size); } //LOGD("writeAudio , OK! size:%d",e->size ); } DetachCurrentThread(); return NULL; } void writeAudio(void * buf,int size) { sharedptr<jbyte> b(new jbyte[size]); memcpy(b.get(),buf,size); ElementBuf *eb =new ElementBuf(); eb->buf = b; eb->size = size; SE e(eb); push(e); } void releaseAudio() { _stop = true; }
bool AttachCurrentThread() { LOGI("AttachCurrentThread ing"); JNIEnv * env; int status = 0; env = getEnv(); if(NULL==env){ int ret = g_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); LOGI("AttachCurrentThread ok"); return ret>=0; } LOGW("AttachCurrentThread fail, thread is attached"); return false; } void DetachCurrentThread() { LOGI("DetachCurrentThread ing"); if(NULL!=getEnv()) g_jvm->DetachCurrentThread(); LOGI("DetachCurrentThread ok"); }
JNIEnv * getEnv() { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>JNIEnv* env; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>if (g_jvm->GetEnv((void **)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK) { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span> return NULL; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return env; }
项目的 我这里包括了我使用的libspeex库,没用到的能够不用
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := cu #LOCAL_SRC_FILES := cu.cpp FILE_LIST := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.cpp) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(FILE_LIST:$(LOCAL_PATH)/%=%) FILE_LIST := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.c) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(FILE_LIST:$(LOCAL_PATH)/%=%) FILE_LIST := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*/*.cpp) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(FILE_LIST:$(LOCAL_PATH)/%=%) LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -ljnigraphics -lz -landroid LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libavformat libavcodec libswscale libavutil libwsresample libspeex include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) $(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)) $(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/ffmpeg/arm/include) $(call import-module, ffmpeg/arm) $(call import-module, speex) include $(all-subdir-makefiles)
APP_ABI := armeabi #APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a APP_PLATFORM := android-9 APP_STL := stlport_static APP_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptions APP_CFLAGS += -Wno-error=format-security
音频使用的是:java 的AudioTrack