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  • 上传文件校验格式

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function fileChange(target) {
    var name=target.value;
    var fileName = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")+1).toLowerCase();
    if(fileName !=="doc" && fileName !=="docx" && fileName !== 'xlsx' && fileName !== 'xls' && fileName !== 'jpg' && fileName !=='png'){
    return false;   //阻止submit提交
    (function($) {
    $.fn.ajaxfileupload = function(options) {
    var settings = {
    params: {},
    action: '',
    onStart: function() { },
    onComplete: function(response) { },
    onCancel: function() { },
    validate_extensions : true,
    valid_extensions : ['doc','docx','xlsx','xls','jpg','png'],
    submit_button : null

    var uploading_file = false;

    if ( options ) {
    $.extend( settings, options );

    // 'this' is a jQuery collection of one or more (hopefully)
    // file elements, but doesn't check for this yet
    return this.each(function() {
    var $element = $(this);

    // Skip elements that are already setup. May replace this
    // with uninit() later, to allow updating that settings
    if($element.data('ajaxUploader-setup') === true) return;

    // since a new image was selected, reset the marker
    uploading_file = false;

    // only update the file from here if we haven't assigned a submit button
    if (settings.submit_button == null)

    if (settings.submit_button == null)
    // do nothing
    } else
    // Prevent non-AJAXy submit

    // only attempt to upload file if we're not uploading
    if (!uploading_file)

    var upload_file = function()
    if($element.val() == '') return settings.onCancel.apply($element, [settings.params]);

    // make sure extension is valid
    var ext = $element.val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
    if(true === settings.validate_extensions && $.inArray(ext, settings.valid_extensions) == -1)
    // Pass back to the user
    settings.onComplete.apply($element, [{status: false, message: 'The select file type is invalid. File must be ' + settings.valid_extensions.join(', ') + '.'}, settings.params]);
    } else
    uploading_file = true;

    // Creates the form, extra inputs and iframe used to
    // submit / upload the file

    // Call user-supplied (or default) onStart(), setting
    // it's this context to the file DOM element
    var ret = settings.onStart.apply($element, [settings.params]);

    // let onStart have the option to cancel the upload
    if(ret !== false)
    $element.parent('form').submit(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }).submit();
    } else {
    uploading_file = false;

    // Mark this element as setup
    $element.data('ajaxUploader-setup', true);

    // Internal handler that tries to parse the response
    // and clean up after ourselves.
    var handleResponse = function(loadedFrame, element) {
    var response, responseStr = $(loadedFrame).contents().text();
    try {
    //response = $.parseJSON($.trim(responseStr));
    response = JSON.parse(responseStr);
    } catch(e) {
    response = responseStr;

    // Tear-down the wrapper form

    uploading_file = false;

    // Pass back to the user
    settings.onComplete.apply(element, [response, settings.params]);

    // Wraps element in a <form> tag, and inserts hidden inputs for each
    // key:value pair in settings.params so they can be sent along with
    // the upload. Then, creates an iframe that the whole thing is
    // uploaded through.
    var wrapElement = function(element) {
    // Create an iframe to submit through, using a semi-unique ID
    var frame_id = 'ajaxUploader-iframe-' + Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000)
    $('body').after('<iframe width="0" height="0" style="display:none;" name="'+frame_id+'" id="'+frame_id+'"/>');
    $('#'+frame_id).get(0).onload = function() {
    handleResponse(this, element);

    // Wrap it in a form
    element.wrap(function() {
    return '<form action="' + settings.action + '" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="'+frame_id+'" />'
    // Insert <input type='hidden'>'s for each param
    .before(function() {
    var key, html = '';
    for(key in settings.params) {
    var paramVal = settings.params[key];
    if (typeof paramVal === 'function') {
    paramVal = paramVal();
    html += '<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '" value="' + paramVal + '" />';
    return html;
    })( jQuery )
    action: '/upload_log_object',
    valid_extensions : ['doc','docx','xlsx','xls','jpg','png'],
    params: {
    extra: 'info'
    onComplete: function(response) {
    onStart: function() {
    return true; // cancels upload
    onCancel: function() {
    console.log('no file selected');

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    java mail邮件发送(带附件) 支持SSL
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/michaelcnblogs/p/12402013.html
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