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  • visual studio 容器工具首次加载太慢 vsdbgvs2017u5 exists, deleting 的解决方案

    ========== 正在准备容器 ==========
    正在准备 Docker 容器...
    C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File "C:UsersMESTCAppDataLocalTempGetVsDbg.ps1" -Version vs2017u5 -RuntimeID linux-x64 -InstallPath "C:UsersMESTCvsdbgvs2017u5"
    Info: Using vsdbg version '16.0.20412.1'
    Info: Using Runtime ID 'linux-x64'
    Info: C:UsersMESTCvsdbgvs2017u5 exists, deleting.


    感兴趣可以打开  GetVsDbg.ps1

    # Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    Downloads the given $Version of vsdbg for the given $RuntimeID and installs it to the given $InstallPath
    The following script will download vsdbg and install vsdbg, the .NET Core Debugger
    .PARAMETER Version
    Specifies the version of vsdbg to install. Can be 'latest', 'vs2019', 'vs2017u5', 'vs2017u1', or a specific version string i.e. 15.0.25930.0
    .PARAMETER RuntimeID
    Specifies the .NET Runtime ID of the vsdbg that will be downloaded. Example: linux-x64. Defaults to win7-x64.
    .Parameter InstallPath
    Specifies the path where vsdbg will be installed. Defaults to the directory containing this script.
    None. You cannot pipe inputs to GetVsDbg.
    C:PS> .GetVsDbg.ps1 -Version latest -RuntimeID linux-x64 -InstallPath .vsdbg
    For more information about using this script with Visual Studio Code see: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/wiki/Attaching-to-remote-processes
    For more information about using this script with Visual Studio see: https://github.com/Microsoft/MIEngine/wiki/Offroad-Debugging-of-.NET-Core-on-Linux---OSX-from-Visual-Studio
    To report issues, see: https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-vscode/issues
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ByName")]
        [ValidateSet("latest", "vs2019", "vs2017u1", "vs2017u5")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ByNumber")]
        $InstallPath = (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
    # In a separate method to prevent locking zip files.
    function DownloadAndExtract([string]$url, [string]$targetLocation) {
        Add-Type -assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
        Add-Type -assembly "System.IO.Compression"
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        Try {
            $zipStream = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).OpenRead($url)
        Catch {
            Write-Host "Info: Opening stream failed, trying again with proxy settings."
            $proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy()
            $proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
            $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
            $webClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $false
            $webClient.proxy = $proxy
            $zipStream = $webClient.OpenRead($url)
        $zipArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive -ArgumentList $zipStream
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToDirectory($zipArchive, $targetLocation)
    # Checks if the existing version is the latest version.
    function IsLatest([string]$installationPath, [string]$runtimeId, [string]$version) {
        $SuccessRidFile = Join-Path -Path $installationPath -ChildPath "success_rid.txt"
        if (Test-Path $SuccessRidFile) {
            $LastRid = Get-Content -Path $SuccessRidFile
            if ($LastRid -ne $runtimeId) {
                return $false
        } else {
            return $false
        $SuccessVersionFile = Join-Path -Path $installationPath -ChildPath "success_version.txt"
        if (Test-Path $SuccessVersionFile) {
            $LastVersion = Get-Content -Path $SuccessVersionFile
            if ($LastVersion -ne $version) {
                return $false
        } else {
            return $false
        return $true
    function WriteSuccessInfo([string]$installationPath, [string]$runtimeId, [string]$version) {
        $SuccessRidFile = Join-Path -Path $installationPath -ChildPath "success_rid.txt"
        $runtimeId | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $SuccessRidFile
        $SuccessVersionFile = Join-Path -Path $installationPath -ChildPath "success_version.txt"
        $version | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $SuccessVersionFile
    $ExplitVersionNumberUsed = $false
    if ($Version -eq "latest") {
        $VersionNumber = "16.0.20412.1"
    } elseif ($Version -eq "vs2019") {
        $VersionNumber = "16.0.20412.1"
    } elseif ($Version -eq "vs2017u5") {
        $VersionNumber = "16.0.20412.1"
    } elseif ($Version -eq "vs2017u1") {
        $VersionNumber = "15.1.10630.1"
    } else {
        $ExplitVersionNumberUsed = $true
    Write-Host "Info: Using vsdbg version '$VersionNumber'"
    if (-not $RuntimeID) {
        $RuntimeID = "win7-x64"
    } elseif (-not $ExplitVersionNumberUsed) {
        $legacyLinuxRuntimeIds = @{ 
            "debian.8-x64" = "";
            "rhel.7.2-x64" = "";
            "centos.7-x64" = "";
            "fedora.23-x64" = "";
            "opensuse.13.2-x64" = "";
            "ubuntu.14.04-x64" = "";
            "ubuntu.16.04-x64" = "";
            "ubuntu.16.10-x64" = "";
            "fedora.24-x64" = "";
            "opensuse.42.1-x64" = "";
        # Remap the old distro-specific runtime ids unless the caller specified an exact build number.
        # We don't do this in the exact build number case so that old builds can be used.
        if ($legacyLinuxRuntimeIds.ContainsKey($RuntimeID.ToLowerInvariant())) {
            $RuntimeID = "linux-x64"
    Write-Host "Info: Using Runtime ID '$RuntimeID'"
    # if we were given a relative path, assume its relative to the script directory and create an absolute path
    if (-not([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($InstallPath))) {
        $InstallPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) -ChildPath $InstallPath
    if (IsLatest $InstallPath $RuntimeID $VersionNumber) {
        Write-Host "Info: Latest version of VsDbg is present. Skipping downloads"
    } else {
        if (Test-Path $InstallPath) {
            Write-Host "Info: $InstallPath exists, deleting."
            Remove-Item $InstallPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
        $target = ("vsdbg-" + $VersionNumber).Replace('.','-') + "/vsdbg-" + $RuntimeID + ".zip"
        $url = "https://vsdebugger.azureedge.net/" + $target
        DownloadAndExtract $url $InstallPath
        WriteSuccessInfo $InstallPath $RuntimeID $VersionNumber
        Write-Host "Info: Successfully installed vsdbg at '$InstallPath'"
    ========== 正在准备容器 ==========
    正在准备 Docker 容器...
    C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File "C:UsersMESTCAppDataLocalTempGetVsDbg.ps1" -Version vs2017u5 -RuntimeID linux-x64 -InstallPath "C:UsersMESTCvsdbgvs2017u5"
    Info: Using vsdbg version '16.0.20412.1'
    Info: Using Runtime ID 'linux-x64'
    Info: C:UsersMESTCvsdbgvs2017u5 exists, deleting.



    https://vsdebugger.azureedge.net/vsdbg-(你的版本号.号换成-号)/vsdbg-(你的Runtime ID).zip
    -InstallPath "C:UsersMESTCvsdbgvs2017u5"
    然后在该文件下添加一个success_rid.txt文件,内容为你的Runtime ID

    重启 visual studio


    C:Users用户名vsdbgvs2017u5 ->  vsdbg-linux-x64.zip
    C:Users用户名vsdbgvs2017u5linux-musl-x64 ->  vsdbg-linux-musl-x64.zip

    解压完了,在路径 C:Users用户名vsdbgvs2017u5 里面 新建 success_rid.txt 编辑内容 linux-x64,再新建 success_version.txt 编辑内容 16.2.10709.2
    在路径 C:Users用户名vsdbgvs2017u5linux-musl-x64 里面 新建 success_rid.txt 编辑内容 linux-musl-x64,再新建 success_version.txt 编辑内容 16.2.10709.2
    Info: Previous installation at '/root/vsdbg' not found
    Info: Using vsdbg version '16.3.10904.1'
    Info: Creating install directory
    Using arguments
        Version                    : 'latest'
        Location                   : '/root/vsdbg'
        SkipDownloads              : 'false'
        LaunchVsDbgAfter           : 'false'
        RemoveExistingOnUpgrade    : 'false'
    Info: Using Runtime ID 'linux-x64'
    Downloading https://vsdebugger.azureedge.net/vsdbg-16-3-10904-1/vsdbg-linux-x64.zip
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/microestc/p/10784877.html
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