图像修补算法可以用来修复图像中的瑕疵,划痕等,或者移除不需要的内容,比如水印或其他物体。传统的图像修补算法有基于像素和基于区域的两种分类,本文介绍基于像素的传统图像修补算法的实现。论文可以在这里找到An image inpainting technique based on the fast marching method。基于像素的图像修补算法主要步骤包括两个,一是如何在要修不的图像区域中确定下一个要修补的像素,即要通过一种方法找到下一个待修补的像素,其周围有最多的已知像素,保证最好的修补效果。二是如何用周围的已知像素来估算要修补的像素。
找到要修补的下一个像素的基本思想是从需要进行修补区域的边界开始,由边界到中心逐渐填充待修补区域中的所有像素。越靠近边界的像素自然周围有越多的已知像素,而越向修补区域中心去,周围已知像素就越少。当然修补区域的形状是不确定的,所谓的中心是远离边界,向修补区域内部。完成这一步骤的就是所谓的FMM(Fast Marching Method)算法。记待修补的图像区域为Ω,∂Ω为Ω的边界。为修补Ω中的每一个像素,从∂Ω的初始位置∂Ωi开始,向Ω内部前进。下一个带修补像素的选择,以diatance的大小顺序,由小到大选择。这里distance指的是distance map的distance,所有已知像素的distance为0。如果我们得到一张包含待修补区域的distance map,distance的大小代表了待修补像素距离已知像素的远近。以distance的升序排列,即可以得到修补像素的顺序。
通常要计算distance map的计算量较大,也有一些近似的快速算法。而FMM算法提供了一种即时计算distance的方法。FMM维护一个所谓的narrow band的像素集合,它就是边界∂Ω的所有像素。对每一个像素,保存它的distance值T,它的像素值I,还有一个flag值f。f可以是以下三种
- BAND:属于narrow band的像素
- KNOWN:在∂Ω外部的像素,已知像素。T,I已知
- INSIDE:在∂Ω内部的像素,像素待修补。T,I未知
FMM初始时,对于所有位于边界∂Ω以及其外部区域的像素赋值T为0,而其内部待修补像素的T值为某一个大数(实际使用1e6)。f值按照上述定义给所有图像像素赋值。所有BAND像素放入一个以T值升序排列的有序集合,就是所谓的narrow band。因为对这个集合主要涉及到插入删除操作,实际中我使用的链表。
while (NarrowBand not empty)
extract P(i,j) = head(NarrowBand);
f(i,j) = KNOWN;
for (k,l) in (i,j-1), (i-1,j), (i+1,j), (i,j+1)
if (f(k,l) == INSIDE)
T(k,l) = min(solve(k-1,l,k,l-1),
f(k,l) = BAND;
Insert (k,l) in NarrowBand;
原文中这段伪代码最大的问题是对f(k,l) != KNOWN的判断。不是KNOWN的话,就是BAND或者INSIDE,那么就可能会重复把已经是BAND的像素重新加入到NarrowBand了。所以这里直接改成判断f(k,l)是否是INSIDE,只有INSIDE的像素才需要更新T并修补。FMM首先从NarrowBand中取出一个有最小T值的BAND像素,修改其flag为KNOWN。然后检查其临近的上下左右四联通像素,如果是INSIDE,则依次做
- 更新其distance值T。
- 实际修补其像素值。
- 修改其flag为BAND,加入NarrowBand。
下面给出Inpaint的代码。PriorityHeap是一个以T值排序的像素集合,内部使用双向链表,方便快速插入删除。初始化narrow band,用同样的narrow band对三通道数据做Inpaint。可以对三通道各用一个线程加快处理速度。
enum {
typedef struct PaintType {
int flag;
float T;
} PaintType;
typedef struct HeapElement {
float T;
CPoint point;
HeapElement(float T, CPoint& p) {
this->T = T;
point = p;
} HeapElement;
class PriorityHeap
list<HeapElement> m_band;
PriorityHeap() {}
PriorityHeap(PriorityHeap& ph)
m_band = ph.m_band;
PriorityHeap(PriorityHeap&& ph) noexcept
m_band = move(ph.m_band);
void Push(float T, CPoint& p)
auto rit = m_band.rbegin();
for (; rit != m_band.rend(); ++rit)
if (rit->T <= T)
m_band.emplace(rit.base(), T, p);
void Push(float T, CPoint&& p)
auto rit = m_band.rbegin();
for (; rit != m_band.rend(); ++rit)
if (rit->T <= T)
m_band.emplace(rit.base(), T, p);
BOOL Pop(CPoint* pp)
if (m_band.size() == 0) return FALSE;
*pp = m_band.front().point;
return TRUE;
size_t size()
return m_band.size();
BOOL Inpaint(int radius)
CRect* pRect = nullptr;
CRect Mask;
// sMask包含要修补的区域
unique_ptr<BYTE[]> sMask;
if (pDibMask)
pRect = &Mask;
return FALSE;
long i, j;
long Width = GetWidth();
long Height = GetHeight();
long Hstart, Hend, Wstart, Wend;
long len;
if (pRect->top < 0) pRect->top = 0;
if (pRect->left < 0) pRect->left = 0;
if (pRect->bottom > Height) pRect->bottom = Height;
if (pRect->right > Width) pRect->right = Width;
Hstart = pRect->top;
Hend = pRect->bottom;
Wstart = pRect->left;
Wend = pRect->right;
ASSERT(Hstart >= 0 && Hstart <= Hend && Hend <= Height);
ASSERT(Wstart >= 0 && Wstart <= Wend && Wend <= Width);
unique_ptr<BYTE[]> pRed, pGreen, pBlue;
if (GetRGB(pRed, pGreen, pBlue, &len) == FALSE) return FALSE;
// initialize narrow band
unique_ptr<PaintType[]> sPT(new PaintType[len]);
PriorityHeap narrow_band;
BYTE* pm = sMask.get();
PaintType* ppt = sPT.get();
for (i = 0; i < Hstart - 1; ++i) // to (Hstart-1) because 1 pixel extension to pRect needs to be checked
for (j = 0; j < Width; ++j)
// known
ppt->flag = KNOWN;
ppt->T = 0;
pm += Width;
for (; i < min(Hend + 1, Height); ++i)
for (j = 0; j < Wstart - 1; ++j)
// known
ppt->flag = KNOWN;
ppt->T = 0;
for (; j < min(Wend + 1, Width); ++j)
if (*pm == 0) {
// check 4 connected pixels
if (i - 1 >= 0 && *(pm - Width)) {
// band
ppt->flag = BAND;
ppt->T = 0;
narrow_band.Push(0, CPoint(j, i));
else if (j - 1 >= 0 && *(pm - 1)) {
// band
ppt->flag = BAND;
ppt->T = 0;
narrow_band.Push(0, CPoint(j, i));
else if (j + 1 < Width && *(pm + 1)) {
// band
ppt->flag = BAND;
ppt->T = 0;
narrow_band.Push(0, CPoint(j, i));
else if (i + 1 < Height && *(pm + Width)) {
// band
ppt->flag = BAND;
ppt->T = 0;
narrow_band.Push(0, CPoint(j, i));
else {
// known
ppt->flag = KNOWN;
ppt->T = 0;
else {
// inside
ppt->flag = INSIDE;
ppt->T = 1e6f;
for (; j < Width; ++j)
// known
ppt->flag = KNOWN;
ppt->T = 0;
for (; i < Height; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < Width; ++j)
// known
ppt->flag = KNOWN;
ppt->T = 0;
PriorityHeap narrow_band2(narrow_band), narrow_band3(narrow_band);
unique_ptr<PaintType[]> sPT2, sPT3;
sPT2.reset(new PaintType[len]);
memcpy(sPT2.get(), sPT.get(), sizeof(PaintType) * len);
sPT3.reset(new PaintType[len]);
memcpy(sPT3.get(), sPT.get(), sizeof(PaintType) * len);
#if 0
Inpaint(pRed.get(), sPT.get(), narrow_band, radius);
Inpaint(pGreen.get(), sPT2.get(), narrow_band2, radius);
Inpaint(pBlue.get(), sPT3.get(), narrow_band3, radius);
auto InpaintFunc = bind((void(*)(BYTE*, PaintType*, PriorityHeap&, const int)) & Inpaint, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2, placeholders::_3, placeholders::_4);
auto thread2 = thread(InpaintFunc, pGreen.get(), sPT2.get(), narrow_band2, radius);
auto thread3 = thread(InpaintFunc, pBlue.get(), sPT3.get(), narrow_band3, radius);
Inpaint(pRed.get(), sPT.get(), narrow_band, radius);
PutRGB(nullptr, pRed, pGreen, pBlue);
return TRUE;
static float solve(const PaintType* pPT, const long offset1, const long offset2)
float sol = 1e6;
float T1, T2;
T1 = pPT[offset1].T;
T2 = pPT[offset2].T;
if (pPT[offset1].flag != INSIDE)
if (pPT[offset2].flag != INSIDE) {
if (abs(T1 - T2) >= 1.0f)
sol = 1 + min(T1, T2);
sol = (T1 + T2 + sqrtf(2 - (T1 - T2) * (T1 - T2))) / 2;
sol = 1 + T1;
else if (pPT[offset2].flag != INSIDE)
sol = 1 + T2;
return sol;
void Inpaint(BYTE* pData, PaintType* pPT, PriorityHeap& narrow_band, const int radius)
long Width = GetWidth();
long Height = GetHeight();
long len = Width * Height;
unique_ptr<float[]> pfData(new float[len]); // 保存中间数据,提高精度
for (long k = 0; k < len; ++k)
pfData[k] = pData[k];
long offset;
CPoint point;
while (narrow_band.Pop(&point)) {
offset = point.y * Width + point.x;
pPT[offset].flag = KNOWN;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii)
long off_i;
CPoint point_i(point);
switch (ii) {
case 0:
if (--point_i.y < 0) continue; off_i = offset - Width; break;
case 1:
if (--point_i.x < 0) continue; off_i = offset - 1; break;
case 2:
if (++point_i.x >= Width) continue; off_i = offset + 1; break;
case 3:
if (++point_i.y >= Height) continue; off_i = offset + Width; break;
int& flag = pPT[off_i].flag;
if (flag == INSIDE)
bool off_ivalid0 = true, off_ivalid1 = true, off_ivalid2 = true, off_ivalid3 = true;
long off_i0 = off_i - Width;
if (point_i.y - 1 < 0) off_ivalid0 = false;
long off_i1 = off_i - 1;
if (point_i.x - 1 < 0) off_ivalid1 = false;
long off_i2 = off_i + 1;
if (point_i.x + 1 >= Width) off_ivalid2 = false;
long off_i3 = off_i + Width;
if (point_i.y + 1 >= Height) off_ivalid3 = false;
// calculate distance map T
float minimum = 1e6;
if (off_ivalid1 && off_ivalid0)
minimum = min(minimum, solve(pPT, off_i1, off_i0));
if (off_ivalid2 && off_ivalid0)
minimum = min(minimum, solve(pPT, off_i2, off_i0));
if (off_ivalid1 && off_ivalid3)
minimum = min(minimum, solve(pPT, off_i1, off_i3));
if (off_ivalid2 && off_ivalid3)
minimum = min(minimum, solve(pPT, off_i2, off_i3));
pPT[off_i].T = minimum;
// inpaint pixel
long i, j;
long hstart = point_i.y - radius;
long hend = point_i.y + radius;
long wstart = point_i.x - radius;
long wend = point_i.x + radius;
if (hstart < 0) hstart = 0;
if (hend > Height - 1) hend = Height - 1;
if (wstart < 0) wstart = 0;
if (wend > Width - 1) wend = Width - 1;
// gradT of the pixel being inpainted
float gradTx = 0, gradTy = 0;
if (off_ivalid2 && pPT[off_i2].flag != INSIDE) {
if (off_ivalid1 && pPT[off_i1].flag != INSIDE)
gradTx = (pPT[off_i2].T - pPT[off_i1].T) * 0.5f;
gradTx = pPT[off_i2].T - pPT[off_i].T;
else {
if (off_ivalid1 && pPT[off_i1].flag != INSIDE)
gradTx = pPT[off_i].T - pPT[off_i1].T;
if (off_ivalid3 && pPT[off_i3].flag != INSIDE) {
if (off_ivalid0 && pPT[off_i0].flag != INSIDE)
gradTy = (pPT[off_i3].T - pPT[off_i0].T) * 0.5f;
gradTy = pPT[off_i3].T - pPT[off_i].T;
else {
if (off_ivalid0 && pPT[off_i0].flag != INSIDE)
gradTy = pPT[off_i].T - pPT[off_i0].T;
float s_weight = 0, sum = 0;
for (i = hstart; i <= hend; ++i)
long row_offset = i * Width;
float r_y = float(point_i.y - i);
for (j = wstart; j <= wend; ++j)
long coff = row_offset + j;
if (coff == off_i) continue; // skip the pixel being inpainted
float r_x = float(point_i.x - j);
if (pPT[coff].flag != INSIDE)
//if (pPT[coff].flag == KNOWN)
float dir = abs(gradTx * r_x + gradTy * r_y);
if (dir < 1e-6f) dir = 1e-6f;
float dst = 1.0f / (r_y * r_y + r_x * r_x);
float lev = 1.0f / (1 + abs(pPT[coff].T - pPT[off_i].T));
float w = dir * dst * lev;
float gradIx = 0, gradIy = 0;
if (j + 1 < Width && pPT[coff + 1].flag != INSIDE) {
if (j - 1 >= 0 && pPT[coff - 1].flag != INSIDE)
gradIx = (pfData[coff + 1] - pfData[coff - 1]) * 0.5f;
gradIx = float(pfData[coff + 1] - pfData[coff]);
else {
if (j - 1 >= 0 && pPT[coff - 1].flag != INSIDE)
gradIx = float(pfData[coff] - pfData[coff - 1]);
if (i + 1 < Height && pPT[coff + Width].flag != INSIDE) {
if (i - 1 >= 0 && pPT[coff - Width].flag != INSIDE)
gradIy = (pfData[coff + Width] - pfData[coff - Width]) * 0.5f;
gradIy = float(pfData[coff + Width] - pfData[coff]);
else {
if (i - 1 >= 0 && pPT[coff - Width].flag != INSIDE)
gradIy = float(pfData[coff] - pfData[coff - Width]);
float kx, ky;
kx = gradIx * r_x;
ky = gradIy * r_y;
sum += w * (pfData[coff] + 0.35f * (kx + ky));
s_weight += w;
pfData[off_i] = sum / s_weight;
pData[off_i] = BYTE(roundf(pfData[off_i]));
flag = BAND;
// push into narrow band
narrow_band.Push(pPT[off_i].T, point_i);
原图(640x480) ε=1修补 ε=3修补
原图(440x198) 待修补图
ε=3修补 ε=5修补
原图(423x435) 待修补图
ε=3修补 ε=5修补
原图(698x319) inpaint模板
ε=3修补 ε=5修补
原图(2048x1269) inpaint模板
ε=3修补 ε=5修补