单元接口部分引用 comobj 单元(uses ) procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var excelx,excely : string; begin try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); WorkBook := ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open(opendialog.FileName);//使用opendialog对话框指定 //excel档路径 ExcelApp.Visible := false; ExcelRowCount := WorkBook.WorkSheets[1].UsedRange.Rows.Count; for i := 1 to excelrowcount + 1 do begin excelx := excelapp.Cells[i,1].Value; excely := excelapp.Cells[i,2].Value; if ((excelapp.Cells[i,1].Value = '') and (ExcelApp.Cells[i,2].Value = '')) then //指定excel档的第 i 行 ,第 1,2(看情况而定)行如果为空就退出,这样的设定,最好是你的档案力这两行//对应数据库中不能为空的数据 exit else with query1 do begin close; sql.clear; sql.add(insert into test(name,address) values(:name,:address)); parambyname('name').asstring := excelx;//excel档的第一列插入到test表的 name栏位; parambyname('address').asstring := excely;//excel档的第二列插入到test表的 address 栏位; execsql; end; end; finally WorkBook.Close; ExcelApp.Quit; ExcelApp := Unassigned; WorkBook := Unassigned; end; end;