看到一篇很好的python读写excel方式的对比文章: 用Python读写Excel文件
openpyxl: http://openpyxl.readthedocs.io/en/default/
Microsoft excel API:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fp179694.aspx
1. 关于xlrd:
Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files Extract data from Excel spreadsheets (.xls and .xlsx, versions 2.0 onwards) on any platform. Pure Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.2+). Strong support for Excel dates. Unicode-aware.
xlrd 可以在任意平台上读取的excel为: .xls以及 .xlsx 。
xlrd支持和的python版本是: 2.6,2.7 , 3.2+。
2. 关于xlwt:
Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.6, 2.6, 3.3+ This is a library for developers to use to generate spreadsheet files compatible with Microsoft Excel versions 95 to 2003.
xlwt支持的excel版本是: Microsoft excel版本 95---2003,也就是 xls文件。
xlwt支持的python版本是:2.6 , 3.3+.
3. 关于xlutils:
This package provides a collection of utilities for working with Excel files. Since these utilities may require either or both of the xlrd and xlwt packages, they are collected together here, separate from either package. Currently available are: xlutils.copy Tools for copying xlrd.Book objects to xlwt.Workbook objects. xlutils.display Utility functions for displaying information about xlrd-related objects in a user-friendly and safe fashion. xlutils.filter A mini framework for splitting and filtering Excel files into new Excel files. xlutils.margins Tools for finding how much of an Excel file contains useful data. xlutils.save Tools for serializing xlrd.Book objects back to Excel files. xlutils.styles Tools for working with formatting information expressed in styles.
如果需要在 xlrd以及 xlwt之间进行交互的话,比如拷贝 xlrd 到 xlwt 需要用到xlutils。
目前提供了 copy、display、filter、margins、Save、styles几个函数。
安装 xlrd 和 xlwt
pip install xlrd pip install xlwt pip install xlutils pip list xlrd (1.0.0) xlutils (2.0.0) xlwt (1.1.2)
1. 新建一个excel文件(xlwt)
#coding='utf-8' import xlwt from datetime import datetime def set_style(font_name,font_height,bold=False): style=xlwt.XFStyle() font=xlwt.Font() font.name=font_name # 'Times New Roman' font.height=font_height font.bold=bold font.colour_index=4 borders=xlwt.Borders() borders.left=6 borders.right=6 borders.top=6 borders.bottom=6 style.font=font style.borders=borders return style def write_to_excel_xlwt(): '''Write content to a new excel''' new_workbook=xlwt.Workbook() new_sheet=new_workbook.add_sheet("SheetName_test") new_sheet.write(0,0,"hello") #write cell with style new_sheet.write(0,1,"world",set_style("Times New Roman", 220, True)) style0 = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Times New Roman, color-index red, bold on',num_format_str='#,##0.00') style1 = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='D-MMM-YY') new_sheet.write(1, 0, 1234.56, style0) new_sheet.write(1, 1, datetime.now(), style1) #write cell with formula new_sheet.write(2,0,5) new_sheet.write(2,1,8) new_sheet.write(3,0, xlwt.Formula("A3+B3")) new_workbook.save(r"NewCreateWorkbook.xls") #if change to xlsx,then open failed if __name__=="__main__": write_to_excel_xlwt()
代码执行之后,在当前路径下生成excel文件 “NewCreateWorkbook.xls”。内容如下 :
2. 读取excel文件(xlrd)
#coding='utf-8' import xlrd def read_excel_xlrd(): '''Read Excel with xlrd''' #file TC_workbook=xlrd.open_workbook(r"NewCreateWorkbook.xls") #sheet all_sheets_list=TC_workbook.sheet_names() print("All sheets name in File:",all_sheets_list) first_sheet=TC_workbook.sheet_by_index(0) print("First sheet Name:",first_sheet.name) print("First sheet Rows:",first_sheet.nrows) print("First sheet Cols:",first_sheet.ncols) second_sheet=TC_workbook.sheet_by_name("SheetName_test") print("Second sheet Rows:",second_sheet.nrows) print("Second sheet Cols:",second_sheet.ncols) first_row=first_sheet.row_values(0) print("First row:",first_row) first_col=first_sheet.col_values(0) print("First Column:",first_col) # cell cell_value=first_sheet.cell(1,0).value print("The 1th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1:",cell_value) cell_value2=first_sheet.row(1)[0].value print("The 2th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1:",cell_value2) cell_value3=first_sheet.col(0)[1].value print("The 3th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1:",cell_value3) if __name__=="__main__": read_excel_xlrd()
运行之后,控制台输出如下 :
All sheets name in File: ['SheetName_test'] First sheet Name: SheetName_test First sheet Rows: 4 First sheet Cols: 2 Second sheet Rows: 4 Second sheet Cols: 2 First row: ['hello', 'world'] First Column: ['hello', 1234.56, 5.0, ''] The 1th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1: 1234.56 The 2th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1: 1234.56 The 3th method to get Cell value of row 2 & col 1: 1234.56
3. 向已经存在的excel写入(xlrd&xlwt&xlutils)
#coding='utf-8' import xlrd import xlwt from xlutils.copy import copy def write_to_existed_file(): '''Write content to existed excel file with xlrd&xlutils&xlwt''' rb = xlrd.open_workbook(r"NewCreateWorkbook.xls",formatting_info=True) wb = copy(rb) ws = wb.get_sheet(0) font=xlwt.Font() font.name="Times New Roman" font.height=220 font.bold=False borders = xlwt.Borders() borders.left = xlwt.Borders.THIN borders.right = xlwt.Borders.THIN borders.top = xlwt.Borders.THIN borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.THIN pattern = xlwt.Pattern() pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 2 cell_style = xlwt.XFStyle() cell_style.font = font cell_style.borders = borders cell_style.pattern = pattern ws.write(6,7,"hello world",cell_style) wb.save(r"NewCreateWorkbook.xls") if __name__=="__main__": write_to_existed_file()