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  • 正则表达式与三剑客

    第十二课 正则表达式







    正则表达式(Regular Express,RE)是一种字符模式,用于在查找过程中匹配指定的字符。



    元字符 功能 示例 匹配对象
    ^ 行首定位符 /^love/ 匹配所有以love开头的行
    $ 行尾定位符 /love$/ 匹配所有以love结尾的行
    . 匹配单个字符 /l..e/ 匹配包含一个l,后面跟两字符,再跟一个e的行
    * 匹配0个或多个重复的位于*号前的字符 / *love/ 匹配包含跟在0个或多个空格后的模式love行
    [] 匹配一组字符中任一个 /[Ll]ove/ 匹配包含love或Love的行
    [x-y] 匹配指定范围内的一个字符 /[A-Z]ove/ 匹配大写字母后面跟着ove的字符
    [^] 匹配不在指定组内的字符 /[^A-Z]/ 匹配不在范围A-Z之间的任意一个字符
    \ 用来转义元字符 /love./ 匹配包含love,后面跟一个句点。


    column column column column
    < 词首定位符 /<love/ 匹配包含以love开头的词的行
    > 词尾定位符 /love>/ 匹配包含以love结尾的词的行
    \(..\) 匹配稍后将要使用的字符的标签 /(love) able \1er/ 最多9个可用标签。模式中最左边的是第一个。左例中模式love被保存为标签1,用\1表示
    x\{m\}或x\{m,\} 或x\{m,n\} 字符x的重复出现:m次,至少m次,至少m次且不超过n次 o\{5,10\} 匹配包含5~10个连续的字母o的行


    root@lanquark:~/unixshellbysample/chap03# cat picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love
    is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'love' picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '^love' picnic 
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'love$' picnic 
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'l.ve' picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love
    is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'o*ve' picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love
    is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the

    一组字符([ ])

    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '[Ll]ove' picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love

    一个字符范围([ - ])

    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'ove[a-z]' picnic 
    I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
    Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
    I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
    clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love

    不在组内的字符([^ ])

    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'ove[^a-zA-Z0-9]' picnic 
    love, how much I adore you. Do you know
    the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think


    root@lanquark:~/unixshellbysample/chap03# cat textfile 
    Unusual occurrences happened at the fair.
    Patty won fourth place in the 50 yard dash square and fair.
    Occurrences like this are rare.
    The winning ticket is 55222.
    The ticket I got is 54333 and Dee got 55544.
    Guy fell down while running around the south bend in his last event.


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '\<fourth\>' textfile 
    Patty won fourth place in the 50 yard dash square and fair.


    root@lanquark:~/unixshellbysample/chap03# sed 's#\([Oo]ccur\)rence#\1enece#' textfile 
    Unusual occureneces happened at the fair.
    Patty won fourth place in the 50 yard dash square and fair.
    Occureneces like this are rare.
    The winning ticket is 55222.
    The ticket I got is 54333 and Dee got 55544.
    Guy fell down while running around the south bend in his last event.





    grep word filename

    root@lanquark:~# grep hjm /etc/passwd


    元字符 功能 示例 匹配对象
    ^ 行首定位符 '^love' 匹配所有以love开头的行
    $ 行尾定位符 'love$' 匹配所有以love结尾的行
    . 匹配单个字符 'l..e' 匹配包含一个l,后面跟两字符,再跟一个e的行
    * 匹配0个或多个重复的位于*号前的字符 ' *love' 匹配包含跟在0个或多个空格后的模式love行
    [ ] 匹配一组字符中任一个 '[Ll]ove' 匹配包含love或Love的行
    [^] 匹配不在指定组内的字符 '[^A-K]' 匹配不在范围A-Z之间的任意一个字符
    \ 用来转义元字符 'love.' 匹配包含love,后面跟一个句点。
    < 词首定位符 '<love' 匹配包含以love开头的词的行
    > 词尾定位符 'love>/' 匹配包含以love结尾的词的行
    \(..\) 匹配稍后将要使用的字符的标签 '(love)ing' 最多9个可用标签。模式中最左边的是第一个。左例中模式love被保存为标签1,用\1表示
    x\{m\}或x\{m,\} 或x\{m,n\} 字符x的重复出现:m次,至少m次,至少m次且不超过n次 o\{5,10\} 匹配包含5~10个连续的字母o的行
    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep NW datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '^n' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '4$' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '^[we]' datafile 
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '^[we]' datafile 
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '[^0-9]' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep 'ss* ' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '[a-z]\{9\}' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '\(3\)\.[0-9].*\1' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '\<north' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep '\<north\>' datafile 
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    选项 功能
    -c 显示匹配到的行的数目,而不是显示行的内容
    -i 比较字符时忽略大小写
    -l 只列出匹配行所在的文件的文件名
    -n 在每一行前面加上它在文件中的相对行号
    -v 反向查找,只显示不匹配的行
    -w 把表达式做为词来查,就好像被<和>所包含一样
    -A 匹配到模式所在行的后两行
    -B 匹配到模式行所在行的前两行
    -C 匹配到模式所在行的前后两行
    -R 对列出的目录,递归的读取并处理这些目录中的所有文件,也就是指该下目录下的所有目录


    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -c '^south' datafile 


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -i 'pat' datafile 
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -l 'SE' *


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -n '^south' datafile 
    3:southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    4:southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    5:southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -v 'Suan Chin' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -w 'north' datafile 
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -A 2 'NE' datafile 
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -B 2 'NE' datafile 
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -C 2 'NE' datafile 
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13

    -R 递归查找模式

    root@lanquark:~/demo# grep -R 'central' *
    datafile:central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13
    test.dir/datafile:central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13




    root@lanquark:~/demo# ls -l | grep '^-'
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     5 Jun  1 04:30 1111
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  1066 May 31 20:56 1.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   351 Jun  4 23:04 datafile
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root    18 Jun  4 21:54 id.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   876 May 31 21:05 ipconfig.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   338 Jun  4 23:09 picnic
    -rw-r--r--+ 1 root root 18065 May 24 21:00 temp
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     0 Jun  1 04:25 test1.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   277 Jun  4 23:17 textfile
    -rw-r--r--+ 1 root root   572 Jun  1 04:29 tt.txt

    扩展的grep: Egrep

    调用方式: egrep 或 grep -E


    元字符 功能 示例 匹配对象
    ^ 行首定位符 '^love' 匹配所有以love开头的行
    $ 行尾定位符 'love$' 匹配所有以love结尾的行
    . 匹配单个字符 'l..e' 匹配包含一个l,后面跟两字符,再跟一个e的行
    * 匹配0个或多个重复的位于*号前的字符 ' *love' 匹配包含跟在0个或多个空格后的模式love行
    [ ] 匹配一组字符中任一个 '[Ll]ove' 匹配包含love或Love的行
    [^] 匹配不在指定组内的字符 '[^A-K]' 匹配不在范围A-Z之间的任意一个字符
    + 匹配一个或多个加号前的字符 '[a-z]+ove' 匹配一个或多个小写字母后跟ove的字符串
    匹配0个或1个前导字符 'lo?ve' 匹配l后跟一个或0个字母o以及ve的字符串。
    a|b 行尾定位符 'love|hate' 匹配love或hate两上表达式之一
    () 字符组 'love(able|ly)(ve)+' 匹配lovable或lovely,匹配ov的一次或多次出现


    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# egrep 'NW|EA' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20


    root@lanquark:~/demo# egrep '3+' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# egrep '2\.?[0-9]' datafile 
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20


    root@lanquark:~/demo# egrep '(no)+' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# egrep 'S(h|u)' datafile 
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15





    命令 功能
    a\ 在当前行后添加一行或多行
    c\ 用新文本修改(替换)当前行中的文件
    d 删除行
    i\ 在当前行前插入文本
    h 把模式空间里的内容复制到暂存缓冲区
    H 把模式空间里的内容追加到暂存缓冲区
    g 取出暂存缓冲区的内容,并将其复制到模式空间,覆盖该处原有内容
    G 取出暂存缓冲区的内容,并将其复制到模式空间,追加在原有内容后面。
    l 列出非打印字符
    p 打印行
    n 读入下一输入行,并从下一条命令而不是第一条命令开始对其处理
    q 结束或退出sed
    r 从文件中读取行
    ! 对所选行以外的所有行应用命令
    s 用一个字符串替换另一个
    g 在行内进行全局替换
    p 打印行
    w 将行写入文件
    x 交换暂存缓冲区与模式空间的内容
    y 将字符转换为另一个字符(不能对正则表达式使用y)


    选项 功能
    -e 允许多项编辑
    -f 指定sed脚本文件名
    -n 取消默认的输出


    元字符 功能 示例 匹配对象
    ^ 行首定位符 /^love/ 匹配所有以love开头的行
    $ 行尾定位符 /love$/ 匹配所有以love结尾的行
    . 匹配单个字符 /l..e/ 匹配包含一个l,后面跟两字符,再跟一个e的行
    * 匹配0个或多个重复的位于*号前的字符 / *love/ 匹配包含跟在0个或多个空格后的模式love行
    [ ] 匹配一组字符中任一个 /[Ll]ove/ 匹配包含love或Love的行
    [^] 匹配不在指定组内的字符 /[^A-KM-Z]/ 匹配包含ove,但ove之前的那个字符不在A-K或M-Z之间的行
    \(..\) 保存已匹配的字符 s/\(love\)able/\1er 标记元字符之间的模式,并将其保存为标签1,之后可以用\1来引用它。最多可以定义9个标签。从左边开始编号。
    & 保存查找串以便在替换串中引用 s/love/aa&aa 字符&代表查找串,字符串love将替换前后各加了两个aa,即love变成aaloveaa
    < 词首定位符 /<love/ 匹配包含以love开头的单词的行
    > 词尾定位符 /love>/ 匹配包含以love结尾的单词的行
    x\{m\} 连续m个x /o\{5\}/ 匹配出现连续5个o
    x\{m,\} 至少m个x /o\{5,\}/ 匹配至少5个连续o
    x\{m,n\} 至少5个x,但不超过n个x /\{5,10\}/ 匹配最少5个,最多10个o


    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/north/p' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '/north/p' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '3d' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '3,$d' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '$d' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/north/d' datafile 
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed 's#west#north#g' datafile 
    northnorth	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northern		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southnorth	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed 's#[0-9][0-9]$#&.5#' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34.5
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23.5
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18.5
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15.5
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17.5
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20.5
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13.5
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13.5
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n 's#Hemenway#Jones#gp' datafile 
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Jones	4.0	.7	4	17
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n 's#\(Mar\)got#\1iance#p' datafile 
    north		NO	Mariance Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '/west/,/east/p' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '5,/^northeast/p' datafile 
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '1,4p' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -e '1,3d' -e 's#Hemenway#Jones#' datafile 
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Jones	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat newfile 
    	| *** SUAN HAS LEFT THE COMPANY ***  |
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/Suan/r newfile' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    	| *** SUAN HAS LEFT THE COMPANY ***  |
    	southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '/north/w newfile1' datafile 
    root@lanquark:~/demo# cat newfile1
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/^north/a\--->THE NORTH SALES DISTRICT HAS MOVED<---' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/eastern/i\--->NEW ENGLIST REGION<---' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/eastern/c\THE EASTERN REGION HAS TEMPORARLLY CLOSED' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -n '/eastern/{n;s#AM#Archie#p;}' datafile 
    northeast 	NE	Archie Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '1,3y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' datafile 
    WESTERN		WE	SHARON GRAY		5.3	.97	5	23
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '5q' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed '/Lewis/{s#Lewis#Joseph#;q;}' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Joseph Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -e '/northeast/h' -e '$G' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    →northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13
    →northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -e '/WE/{h;d;}' -e '/CT/{G;}' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13
    →western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -e '/WE/{h;d;}' -e '/CT/{g;}' datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    north		NO	Margot Weber		4.5	.89	5	 9
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23


    root@lanquark:~/demo# sed -e '/Patricia/h' -e /Margot/x datafile 
    northwest	NW	Charles Main		3.0	.98	3	34
    western		WE	Sharon Gray		5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	Suan Chin		5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern		EA	TB Savage		4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast 	NE	AM Main Jr.		5.1	.94	3	13
    →southeast 	SE	Patricia Hemenway	4.0	.7	4	17
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13

    四 awk





    awk 'pattern' filename
    awk '{action}' filename
    awk 'pattern{action}' filename

    [root@lanquark demo]# cat employees
    Tom Jones	4424	5/12/66	54335
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    Sally Chang	1654	7/22/54	65000
    Billy Black	1683	9/23/44	33650
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/Mary/' employees
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print $1}' employees
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/Sally/{print $1,$2}' employees
    Sally Chang



    command | awk 'pattern'
    command | awk '{action}'
    command | awk 'pattern{action}'

    [root@lanquark demo]# cat employees | awk '/Mary/'
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    [root@lanquark demo]# cat employees | awk '/Mary/{print $1,$2}'
    Mary Adams


    元字符 说明
    ^ 在行首匹配
    $ 在行尾匹配
    . 匹配单个任意字符
    * 匹配零个或多个前导字符
    + 匹配1个或多个前导字符
    ? 匹配0个或1个前导字符
    [ABC] 匹配指定字符组(即A、B和C)中的字符
    [^ABC] 匹配任何一个不在指定字符组(即A、B和C)中的字符
    [A-Z] 匹配A至Z之间的任一字符
    A|N 匹配A或B
    (AB)+ 匹配一个AB或多个AB组合,如AB,ABAB,ABABAB
    \* 匹配星号本身
    & 用在替代串中,代表查找串中匹配到的内容


    [root@lanquark demo]# cat datafile1
    northwest	NW	Joel Craig	3.0	.98	3	4
    western	WE	Sharon Kelly	5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Chris Foster	2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	May Chin	5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast	SE	Derek Johnson	4.0	.7	4	17
    eastern	EA	Susan Beal	4.4	.84	5	20
    northeast	NE	TJ Nichols	5.1	.94	3	13
    north	NO	Val Shultz	4.5	.89	5	9
    central	CT	Sheri Watson	5.7	.94	5	13


    [root@lanquark demo]#  awk '/west/' datafile1
    northwest	NW	Joel Craig	3.0	.98	3	4
    western	WE	Sharon Kelly	5.3	.97	5	23
    southwest	SW	Chris Foster	2.7	.8	2	18


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/^north/' datafile1
    northwest	NW	Joel Craig	3.0	.98	3	4
    northeast	NE	TJ Nichols	5.1	.94	3	13
    north	NO	Val Shultz	4.5	.89	5	9


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/^(no|so)/' datafile1
    northwest	NW	Joel Craig	3.0	.98	3	4
    southwest	SW	Chris Foster	2.7	.8	2	18
    southern	SO	May Chin	5.1	.95	4	15
    southeast	SE	Derek Johnson	4.0	.7	4	17
    northeast	NE	TJ Nichols	5.1	.94	3	13
    north	NO	Val Shultz	4.5	.89	5	9


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print $3,$2}' datafile1
    Joel NW
    Sharon WE
    Chris SW
    May SO
    Derek SE
    Susan EA
    TJ NE
    Val NO
    Sheri CT
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print "number of fields:",NF}' datafile1
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8
    number of fields: 8


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/northeast/{print $3,$2}' datafile1
    TJ NE
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/^[ns]/{print $1}' datafile 
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/^[ns]/{print $1}' datafile1


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$5~/\.[7-9]+/' datafile
    southwest	SW	Lewis Dalsass		2.7	.8	2	18
    central		CT 	Ann Stephens		5.7	.94	5	13


    [root@lanquark demo]# head -n 5 /etc/passwd | awk '{print $1}'
    [root@lanquark demo]# head -n 5 /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}'



    运算符 含义 示例
    < 小于 x < y
    <= 小于或等于 x <= y
    == 等于 x == y
    != 不等于 x != y
    >= 大于或等于 x >= y
    > 大于 x > y
    ~ 与正则表达式匹配 x ~ /y/
    !~ 与正则表达式不匹配 x !~ /y/


    [root@lanquark demo]# cat employees 
    Tom Jones	4424	5/12/66	54335
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    Sally Chang	1654	7/22/54	65000
    Billy Black	1683	9/23/44	33650
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$3 == 5346' employees 
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$3>5000{print $1}' employees 
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$2~/Adam/' employees 
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63	28765
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$2!~/Adam/' employees 
    Tom Jones	4424	5/12/66	54335
    Sally Chang	1654	7/22/54	65000
    Billy Black	1683	9/23/44	33650



    运算符 含义 示例
    + x + y
    - x - y
    * x * y
    / x / y
    % x % y
    ^ x ^ y
    [root@lanquark demo]# cat emp.data 
    Beth 4.00 0
    Dan 3.75 0
    Kathy 4.00 10
    Mark 5.00 20
    Mary 5.50 22
    Susie 4.25 18
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$3>0{print $2*$3}' emp.data 


    运算符 含义 示例
    && 逻辑与 a&&b
    || 逻辑或 a||b
    逻辑非 !a
    Beth 4.00 0
    Dan 3.75 0
    Kathy 4.00 10
    Mark 5.00 20
    Mary 5.50 22
    Susie 4.25 18
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$3>10 && $3<22' emp.data
    Mark 5.00 20
    Susie 4.25 18


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$3=="Chris"{$3="Christian";print}' datafile1
    southwest SW Christian Foster 2.7 .8 2 18


    变量名 含义
    ARGC 命令行参数数目
    ARGIND 命令行中当前文件在ARGV内的索引
    ARGV 命令参数构成的数组
    CONVFMT 数字转换格式,默认为%.6g
    ENVIRON 包含当前shell环境变量值的数组
    ERRNO 当使用getline函数进行读操作或使用cloase函数时,因重定向操作而生产的系统错误
    FIELDWIDTHS 在分隔固定宽度的列表时,使用空白而不是FS进行分隔的字段宽度列表
    FILENAME 当前输入文件的文件名
    FNR 当前文件的记录数
    FS 输入字段分隔符,默认为空格
    IGNORECASE 在正则表达式和字符串匹配中不区分大小写
    NF 当前记录中的字段数
    NR 目前的记录数
    OFMT 数字的输出格式
    OFS 输出字段分隔符
    ORS 输出记录分隔符
    RLENGTH match函数匹配到的字符串的长度
    RS 输入记录分隔符
    RSTART match函数匹配到的字符串的偏移量
    RT 记录终结符,对于匹配字符或者用RS指定的regex,gawk将RT设置到输入文本
    SUBSEP 数组下标分隔符
    [root@lanquark demo]# cat employees2
    Tom Jones:4424:5/12/66:54335
    Mary Adams:5346:11/4/63:28765
    Sally Chang:1654:7/22/54:65000
    Billy Black:1683:9/23/44:33650
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk -F: '$1=="Mary Adams"{print NR,$1,$2,$NF}' employees2
    2 Mary Adams 5346 28765
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk -F: 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1};$1=="mary adams"{print NR,$1,$2,$NF}' employees2
    2 Mary Adams 5346 28765


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'BEGIN{FS=":";OFS="\t";ORS="\n\n"}{print $1,$2,$3}' employees2
    Tom Jones	4424	5/12/66
    Mary Adams	5346	11/4/63
    Sally Chang	1654	7/22/54
    Billy Black	1683	9/23/44
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'BEGIN{print "Make Year"}'
    Make Year


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'END{print "The number of records is",NR}' employees2
    The number of records is 4
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '/Mary/{count++}END{print "Mary was found",count,"times"}' employees2
    Mary was found 1 times


    输出重定向(>清空 >>追加,不清空)

    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$1=="Tom"{print $1}' employees2
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '$1=="Tom"{print $1>"passing_file"}' employees2
    [root@lanquark demo]# cat passing_file 


    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'BEGIN{"date"|getline d;print d}'
    Tue Jun  5 22:53:24 EDT 2018
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'BEGIN{"date" | getline d;split(d,mon);print mon[2]}' 
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk 'BEGIN{while("ls" | getline) print}'



    [root@lanquark demo]# cat names 
    john smith 
    alice cheba 
    george goldberg 
    susan goldberg 
    tony tram 
    barbara nguyen 
    elizabeth lone 
    dan savage 
    eliza goldberg 
    john goldenrod
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print $1,$2 | "sort -r +1 -2 +0 -1"}' names
    tony tram
    john smith
    dan savage
    barbara nguyen
    elizabeth lone
    john goldenrod
    susan goldberg
    george goldberg
    eliza goldberg
    alice cheba
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print $1,$2 | "sort -r +1 -2 +0 -1"}END{print "game over"}' names
    game over
    tony tram
    john smith
    dan savage
    barbara nguyen
    elizabeth lone
    john goldenrod
    susan goldberg
    george goldberg
    eliza goldberg
    alice cheba
    [root@lanquark demo]# awk '{print $1,$2 | "sort -r +1 -2 +0 -1"}END{close("sort -r +1 -2 +0 -1");print "game over"}' names
    tony tram
    john smith
    dan savage
    barbara nguyen
    elizabeth lone
    john goldenrod
    susan goldberg
    george goldberg
    eliza goldberg
    alice cheba
    game over




    grep -r --include="*.php" 'eval' /data/



  • 相关阅读:
    Python3 内置函数
    Python3 解压序列
    Python3 装饰器
    Python3 函数
    Python3 迭代器和生成器
    Python3 函数式编程自带函数
    Python3 函数式编程
    Python3 匿名函数
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/minn/p/9138351.html
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