一、代码 :LibType_String.cc
#include <iostream> #include <cctype> using namespace std; int main () { /*1.define and intilatize a string object*/ string s1; // default Constructor cout<<"s1-->"+s1<<endl; string s2(s1); cout<<"s2-->"+s2<<endl; string s3("hello"); cout<<"s3-->"+s3<<endl; string s4(3,'a'); cout<<"s4-->"+s4<<endl; /*2.read and write a string object*/ /************************************************************* *read and ignore all blank characters(e.g.space,newline,tabs) *read characters until encounter space,and stop **************************************************************/ string s; cin>>s; //read whitespace-separated into s; cout<<s<<endl; cin.clear(); cin.sync(); string s5,s6; cin>>s5>>s6; cout<<"s5-->"+s5<<" s6-->"+s6<<endl; /*3.read full line text,use getline*/ string line; //read line at time untile end-of-file while(getline(cin,line)) cout<<line<<endl; /*4.operations of a string object*/ string s7("hello"); string s8("world!"); cout<<"the length of s7 is "+s7.size()<<endl; cout<<"is s8 empty"<<s8.empty()<<endl; cout<<"second character in s7 is "+ s7[1]<<endl; bool b = true; b = s7!=s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8-> "+s7<<b<<endl; b = s7==s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8-> "<<b<<endl; b = s7>=s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8 ->"<<b<<endl; b= s7<=s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8 ->"<<b<<endl; b = s7>s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8 ->"<<b<<endl; b = s7<s8; cout<<"result of comparing s7 with s8 ->"<<b<<endl; b=isalpha('a'); cout<<"a is or not a alpha->"<<b<<endl; return 0; }
- isalnum(c) 如果c是字母或数字,则为true。
- isalpha(c) 如果c是字母,则为true。
- iscntrl(c) 如果c是控制字符,则为true。
- isdigit(c) 如果c是数字,则为true。
- isgraph(c) 如果c不是空格,但可以打印,则为true。
- islower(c) 如果c是小写字母,则为true。
- isaprint(c) 如果c是可打印字符,则为true。
- ispunct(c) 如果c是标点符号,则为true。
- isspace(c) 如果c是空白字符,则为true。
- isupper(c) 如果c是大写字母,则为true。
- isxdigit(c) 如果c是十六进制数,则为true。
- tolower(c) 如果c是大写字母,则返回其小写形式,否则直接返回c。
- toupper(c) 如果c是小写字母,则返回其大写形式,否则直接返回c。