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  • Service的onStartCommand方法的返回值和参数详解

    Android Service的onStartCommand方法是在通过startService()的方式启动Service的时候被调用的生命周期方法。


    下面重点介绍一下onStartCommand方法的返回值和参数。看下Android SDK源码里Service类的onStartCommand方法的定义:

     * @param intent The Intent supplied to {@link android.content.Context#startService}, 
     * as given.  This may be null if the service is being restarted after
     * its process has gone away, and it had previously returned anything
     * except {@link #START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY}.
     * @param flags Additional data about this start request.  Currently either
     * 0, {@link #START_FLAG_REDELIVERY}, or {@link #START_FLAG_RETRY}.
     * @param startId A unique integer representing this specific request to 
     * start.  Use with {@link #stopSelfResult(int)}.
     * @return The return value indicates what semantics the system should
     * use for the service's current started state.  It may be one of the
     * constants associated with the {@link #START_CONTINUATION_MASK} bits.
     * @see #stopSelfResult(int)
    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        onStart(intent, startId);
        return mStartCompatibility ? START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY : START_STICKY;



    根据源码,默认情况下,要么返回START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY ,要么返回START_STICKY。但我们在重写ononStartCommand方法的时候,还有另外两种返回值START_NOT_STICKY 和 START_REDELIVER_INTENT可选。



     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
     * {@link #onStartCommand}), then leave it in the started state but
     * don't retain this delivered intent.  Later the system will try to
     * re-create the service.  Because it is in the started state, it will
     * guarantee to call {@link #onStartCommand} after creating the new
     * service instance; if there are not any pending start commands to be
     * delivered to the service, it will be called with a null intent
     * object, so you must take care to check for this.
     * <p>This mode makes sense for things that will be explicitly started
     * and stopped to run for arbitrary periods of time, such as a service
     * performing background music playback.
    public static final int START_STICKY = 1;

    上面的注释也就是说,在onStartCommand方法返回START_STICKY 的情况下:


     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
     * {@link #onStartCommand}), and there are no new start intents to
     * deliver to it, then take the service out of the started state and
     * don't recreate until a future explicit call to
     * {@link Context#startService Context.startService(Intent)}.  The
     * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
     * call with a null Intent because it will not be re-started if there
     * are no pending Intents to deliver.
     * <p>This mode makes sense for things that want to do some work as a
     * result of being started, but can be stopped when under memory pressure
     * and will explicit start themselves again later to do more work.  An
     * example of such a service would be one that polls for data from
     * a server: it could schedule an alarm to poll every N minutes by having
     * the alarm start its service.  When its {@link #onStartCommand} is
     * called from the alarm, it schedules a new alarm for N minutes later,
     * and spawns a thread to do its networking.  If its process is killed
     * while doing that check, the service will not be restarted until the
     * alarm goes off.
    public static final int START_NOT_STICKY = 2;

    意思就是,在onStartCommand方法返回START_NOT_STICKY 的情况下:


     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
     * {@link #onStartCommand}), then it will be scheduled for a restart
     * and the last delivered Intent re-delivered to it again via
     * {@link #onStartCommand}.  This Intent will remain scheduled for
     * redelivery until the service calls {@link #stopSelf(int)} with the
     * start ID provided to {@link #onStartCommand}.  The
     * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
     * call with a null Intent because it will will only be re-started if
     * it is not finished processing all Intents sent to it (and any such
     * pending events will be delivered at the point of restart).
    public static final int START_REDELIVER_INTENT = 3;

    在onStartCommand方法返回START_REDELIVER_INTENT 的情况下:
    **如果Service所在的进程,在执行了onStartCommand方法后,被清理了,则结果和START_STICKY一样,也会重新创建此Service并调用onStartCommand方法。不同之处在于,如果是返回的是START_REDELIVER_INTENT ,则重新创建Service时onStartCommand方法会传入之前的intent。 **(从名字上就可以理解,REDELIVER INTENT,重新提交intent)


     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: compatibility
     * version of {@link #START_STICKY} that does not guarantee that
     * {@link #onStartCommand} will be called again after being killed.
    public static final int START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY = 0;





    1. intent:


    2. flags:





     * This flag is set in {@link #onStartCommand} if the Intent is a
     * re-delivery of a previously delivered intent, because the service
     * had previously returned {@link #START_REDELIVER_INTENT} but had been
     * killed before calling {@link #stopSelf(int)} for that Intent.
    public static final int START_FLAG_REDELIVERY = 0x0001;

    根据以上注释,也就是说如果onStartCommand返回的是START_REDELIVER_INTENT,并且Service被系统清理掉了,那么重新创建Service,调用onStartCommand的时候,传入的intent不为null,而传入的flags就是START_FLAG_REDELIVERY 。


     * This flag is set in {@link #onStartCommand} if the Intent is a
     * retry because the original attempt never got to or returned from
     * {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}.
    public static final int START_FLAG_RETRY = 0x0002;

    根据以上注释,也就是说如果Service创建过程中,onStartCommand方法未被调用或者没有正常返回的异常情况下, 再次尝试创建,传入的flags就为START_FLAG_RETRY 。

    3. startId:

     * @param startId A unique integer representing this specific request to 
     * start.  Use with {@link #stopSelfResult(int)}.

    就是说,传入的这个startId 用来代表这个唯一的启动请求。我们可以在stopSelfResult(int startId)中传入这个startId,用来终止Service。

    那么stopSelfResult(int startId)和通过stopService方法来终止Service有何不同呢?看源码stopSelfResult方法的注释:

    * Stop the service if the most recent time it was started was 
    * <var>startId</var>.  This is the same as calling {@link 
    * android.content.Context#stopService} for this particular service but allows you to 
    * safely avoid stopping if there is a start request from a client that you 
    * haven't yet seen in {@link #onStart}.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mjtabu/p/12108180.html
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