# 从#开始到本行结束都是注释
print "hello world"
print "number is %d, string is %s" % ( 10, "demo")
# len(obj)返回对象长度
# int(obj)对象转换为整形
# str(obj)对象转换为字符串
# type(obj)对象的类型(返回type对象)
name = raw_input ( 'please enter name:')
print "you enter is ", name
name = raw_input ()
print "you enter is [%s]" % name
num = raw_input ( 'please num:' )
print "num * 2 is %d" % (int(num) * 2)
# + - * /(地板除) //(浮点除法) %(模/取余) **(乘方)
print ' 5 / 3 is %d' % (5/3)
print ' 5 mod 3 is %d' % (5%3)
# 逻辑操作 and or not
# 比较操作符 < <= > >= == != 值是 True False
# Python变量大小写敏感(怎么会这样-_-!...)
# 变量类型在赋值的那一刻确定
# 字符串
# python支持成对的单引号或双引号,三引号(三个连续的单/双引号,可以用来标识特殊字符)
# 使用索引操作符[]或切片操作符[:]来得到子串, 第一个字符的索引为0, 最后一个为-1
# + 用于连接字符串, * 用来重复字符串
str = 'Python'
print str[0] # 'P'
print str[2:4] # th
print str[:2] # Py
print str[1:] # ython
print str[-1] # n
print 'str1' + ' str2' # str1 str2
str1 = 'hhh'
str2 = 'mmm'
print str1 + str2 # hhhmmm
print 'm' * 3 # mmm
# 列表、元组(只读的列表)
list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print list # [1,2,3,4]
print list[1:3] # [2,3]
list[1] = 10;
print list # [1,10,3,4]
# 字典(hash)
dic = { "host" : "", "name":"kk"} #初始化
dic['port'] = '5432'#添加新值
print dic
print dic.keys()
print dic["host"]
for key in dic:
print key, dic[key]
# if 语句
num = raw_input('if num:')
if (int(num)) == 1 :
print 'balabala 1'
print 'balabala 2'
print 'balabala 3'
elif ( 2 == (int(num)) ) :
print 'balabala 4'
print 'balabala 5'
print 'balabala 6'
else :
print 'balabala 7'
print 'balabala 8'
print 'balabala 9'
# while 循环
count = 0
while count < 10 :
print 'count is %d' % count
count += 1;
# for 循环
for item in ['str1', 'str2', 'str3'] :
print item, # 加逗号就不会默认换行
for int in range (10) : # range( [start,]stop[,step])
print int
for ch in 'string' :
print ch,
print ' '
str = 'hello!'
for i in range (len(str)):
print str[i],
# 列表解析
list = [ x for x in range(8) if not x % 2]
print list
# 文件和内建函数 open() file
file = open ('log.log', 'w')
file.write ('hello')
# 异常
file = open ('log.log', 'r')
for line in file :
print line
except IOError, e:
print 'file open error"', e
# 函数
def func_0 ():
print 'fun is func_0'
def func_1 (x):
print 'fun is func_1'
x *= 2
return x
def func_2 (x, y):
print 'fun is func_2'
return x + y
m = func_1(10)
print m
m = func_2(10, 20)
print m
# 默认参数
def func_3 (x, string = 'hello') :
print string
return x;
func_3(10, 'mmhhdd')
# 类
# 可以提供一个可选的父类或基类,如果没有,就用object作为基类
class DemoCls(object):
version = 0.1
# 所有名字开始和结束有两个下划线的方法都是特殊方法
# 默认对象创建后第一个执行的函数
def __init__(self, nm='my name'):
self.my_name = nm #self相当于this
print 'created a class instance for:', nm
def showMeVer(self):
print self.version
def showMe(self):
print self.my_name
def add (self, x, y) :#self必须存在
return x + y
# 使用类的方法
cls = DemoCls('john')
print cls.add(100, 50)
# 导入模块
import module_me
# 可以通过.来访问模块的属性(函数和变量)
def func_mod() :
print 'called func of module_me!'