[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 1.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 1.sh #! /bin/sh first=0 second=0 read -p "Input the first number: " first read -p "Input the second number: " second result=$[$first+$second] echo "result is : $result" exit 0 [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 1.sh Input the first number: 13 Input the second number: 23 result is : 36
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 2.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 2.sh #!/bin/sh i=0 sum=0 echo "你想求1-?的和: " read max while [ $i -le $max ]; do sum=$((sum+i)) i=$((i+1)) done echo "由1+2+3+...+$max的和是:$sum" [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 2.sh 你想求1-?的和: 100 由1+2+3+...+100的和是:5050
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 3.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 3.sh #! /bin/sh for i in *.*; do mv $i ${i%%.*}.bak done [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 3.sh
${varible##*string} 从左向右截取最后一个string后的字符串 ${varible#*string}从左向右截取第一个string后的字符串 ${varible%%string*}从右向左截取最后一个string后的字符串 ${varible%string*}从右向左截取第一个string后的字符串 “*”只是一个通配符有时可以不要 例如: [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# j= [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# echo ${j%%.*} 1 [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# echo ${j##*.} sh
$(basename $file .c)的含义:例如main.c的basename就是去掉.c后的main
gcc -o filename.c filename的含义:定制目标名称,缺省的时候,gcc 编译出来的文档是a.out;
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <unistd.h> 3 #include <stdlib.h> 4 5 void display_usage(void) 6 { 7 printf("please usage "); 8 printf("./a.out -f -t time -n num -ddate "); 9 } 10 11 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 12 { 13 char *optstring = "ft:n:d::?"; 14 int opt; 15 int flag = 0; 16 int num = 0; 17 int time = 0; 18 int date= 0; 19 20 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { 21 switch (opt) { 22 case 'f':flag = 1; break; 23 case 'n':num = atoi(optarg);break; 24 case 't':time = atoi(optarg);break; 25 case 'd':date = atoi(optarg);break; 26 case '?':display_usage();exit(0); 27 default:display_usage();exit(0); 28 } 29 } 30 31 printf("flag = %d num=%d time=%d date=%d ", flag, num, time, date); 32 33 return 0; 34 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <unistd.h> 3 #include <syslog.h> 4 5 6 int main(void) 7 { 8 openlog("xwptest", LOG_PID, LOG_USER); 9 syslog(LOG_INFO|LOG_LOCAL2, "xwp info log OK"); 10 syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_LOCAL2, "xwp notice log OK"); 11 syslog(LOG_DEBUG|LOG_LOCAL2, "xwp debug log OK"); 12 closelog(); 13 return 0; 14 }
[root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# ll total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 787 May 20 2015 getopt.c -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 315 May 20 2015 testlog.c [root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# vi 4.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# cat 4.sh #! /bin/bash for file in *.c; do echo $file ; gcc -o $(basename $file .c) $file ; sleep 2; done > compile 2>&1 [root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# ll total 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 Jul 20 14:58 4.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 787 May 20 2015 getopt.c -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 315 May 20 2015 testlog.c [root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# sh 4.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos 4]# ll total 40 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 Jul 20 14:58 4.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Jul 20 14:59 compile -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8800 Jul 20 14:58 getopt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 787 May 20 2015 getopt.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8624 Jul 20 14:59 testlog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 315 May 20 2015 testlog.c
5、打印root可执行文件数,处理结果: root's bins: 2306
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# ll -a total 28 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 20 15:06 . dr-xr-xr-x. 22 root root 4096 Jul 20 15:11 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 173 Jul 20 13:59 1.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 161 Jul 20 14:10 2.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54 Jul 20 14:24 3.sh drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 20 14:59 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 91 Jul 20 15:06 5.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 5.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 5.sh #! /bin/bash echo "root's bins: $(find ./ -user root -type f | xargs ls -l | sed '/-..x/p' | wc -l)" [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 5.sh root's bins: 12
6、打印当前sshd的端口和进程id,处理结果: sshd Port&&pid: 22 1176
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 6.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 6.sh #! /bin/bash netstat -apn | grep sshd | sed -n 's/.*:::([0-9]*) .* ([0-9]*)/sshd/1 2/p' [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 6.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# netstat -apn | grep sshd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1176/sshd tcp 0 52 ESTABLISHED 18016/sshd: root@pt unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 20254712 18016/sshd: root@pt unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 15365 1176/sshd [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# netstat -apn | grep sshd | sed -n 's/.*:([0-9]*) .* ([0-9]*)/sshd/1 2/p' 22 1176
real 0m3.367s
user 0m0.066s
sys 0m1.925s
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 7.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 7.sh #! /bin/bash time ( for i in {1..2000} ; do mkdir /tmp/nnn$i done ) [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 7.sh real 0m1.801s user 0m0.780s sys 0m0.852s [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# rm -rf /tmp/nnn*
8、打印本机的交换分区大小,处理结果: Swap:1021M
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 8.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 8.sh #! /bin/bash free -m | sed -n '/Swap/p' | awk '{ print $2}' [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# free -m | sed -n '/Swap/p' Swap: 1021 0 1021 [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 8.sh 1021
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# vi 9.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cat 9.sh #! /bin/sh echo "第一种方法:" cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{if ($7!="") print $7}' | sort | uniq -c echo "第二种方法:" cat /etc/passwd|awk -F: '{if ($7!="") print $7}'| sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}'
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# sh 9.sh 第一种方法: 2 /bin/bash 1 /bin/false 1 /bin/sync 1 /sbin/halt 22 /sbin/nologin 1 /sbin/shutdown 第二种方法: /bin/bash 2 /bin/false 1 /bin/sync 1 /sbin/halt 1 /sbin/nologin 22 /sbin/shutdown 1
employee.txt: 100 Jason Smith 200 John Doe 300 Sanjay Gupta 400 Ashok Sharma bonus文件中记录工号和工资 bonus.txt: 100 $5,000 200 $500 300 $3,000 400 $1,250 要求把两个文件合并并输出如下,处理结果: 400 ashok sharma $1,250 100 jason smith $5,000 200 john doe $500 300 sanjay gupta $3,000
[root@VM_0_5_centos test]# mkdir -p 10 [root@VM_0_5_centos test]# cd 10 [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# vi employee.txt [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# cat employee.txt 100 Jason Smith 200 John Doe 300 Sanjay Gupta 400 Ashok Sharma [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# vi bonus.txt [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# cat bonus.txt 100 $5,000 200 $500 300 $3,000 400 $1,250 [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# vi 10.sh [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# cat 10.sh #! /bin/bash join employee.txt bonus.txt | sort -k 2 [root@VM_0_5_centos 10]# sh 10.sh 400 Ashok Sharma $1,250 100 Jason Smith $5,000 200 John Doe $500 300 Sanjay Gupta $3,000