1、在登录页同级目录下,新建滑块验证页面 JcRange.vue:
<template> <div ref="dragVerify" class="drag_verify" :style="dragVerifyStyle" @mousemove="dragMoving" @mouseup="dragFinish" @mouseleave="dragFinish" @touchmove="dragMoving" @touchend="dragFinish"> <div class="dv_progress_bar" :class="{goFirst2:isOk}" ref="progressBar" :style="progressBarStyle"></div> <div class="dv_text" :style="textStyle" ref="message"> <slot name="textBefore" v-if="$slots.textBefore" ></slot> {{message}} <slot name="textAfter" v-if="$slots.textAfter"></slot> </div> <div class="dv_handler dv_handler_bg" :class="{goFirst:isOk}" @mousedown="dragStart" @touchstart="dragStart" ref="handler" :style="handlerStyle"> <i :class="handlerIcon"></i> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "dragVerify", props: { isPassing: { type: Boolean, default: false }, { type: Number, default: 250 }, height: { type: Number, default: 40 }, text: { type: String, default: "swiping to the right side" }, successText: { type: String, default: "success" }, background: { type: String, default: "#eee" }, progressBarBg: { type: String, default: "#76c61d" }, completedBg: { type: String, default: "#76c61d" }, circle: { type: Boolean, default: false }, radius: { type: String, default: "4px" }, handlerIcon: { type: String }, successIcon: { type: String }, handlerBg: { type: String, default: "#e8e8e8" }, textSize: { type: String, default: "14px" }, textColor: { type: String, default: "#333" } }, mounted: function() { const dragEl = this.$refs.dragVerify; dragEl.style.setProperty("--textColor", this.textColor); dragEl.style.setProperty("--width", Math.floor(this.width / 2) + "px"); dragEl.style.setProperty("--pwidth", -Math.floor(this.width / 2) + "px"); // console.log(this.$slots); }, computed: { handlerStyle: function() { return { left: "0px", this.height + "px", height: this.height + "px", background: this.handlerBg }; }, message: function() { return this.isPassing ? this.successText : this.text; }, dragVerifyStyle: function() { return { this.width + "px", height: this.height + "px", lineHeight: this.height + "px", background: this.background, borderRadius: this.circle ? this.height / 2 + "px" : this.radius }; }, progressBarStyle: function() { return { background: this.progressBarBg, height: this.height + "px", borderRadius: this.circle ? this.height / 2 + "px 0 0 " + this.height / 2 + "px" : this.radius }; }, textStyle: function() { return { height: this.height + "px", this.width + "px", fontSize: this.textSize }; } }, data() { return { isMoving: false, x: 0, isOk: false }; }, methods: { dragStart: function(e) { if (!this.isPassing) { this.isMoving = true; var handler = this.$refs.handler; this.x = (e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX) - parseInt(handler.style.left.replace("px", ""), 10); } this.$emit("handlerMove"); }, dragMoving: function(e) { if (this.isMoving && !this.isPassing) { var _x = (e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX) - this.x; var handler = this.$refs.handler; if (_x > 0 && _x <= this.width - this.height) { handler.style.left = _x + "px"; this.$refs.progressBar.style.width = _x + this.height / 2 + "px"; } else if (_x > this.width - this.height) { handler.style.left = this.width - this.height + "px"; this.$refs.progressBar.style.width = this.width - this.height / 2 + "px"; this.passVerify(); } } }, dragFinish: function(e) { if (this.isMoving && !this.isPassing) { var _x = (e.pageX || e.changedTouches[0].pageX) - this.x; if (_x < this.width - this.height) { this.isOk = true; var that = this; setTimeout(function() { that.$refs.handler.style.left = "0"; that.$refs.progressBar.style.width = "0"; that.isOk = false; }, 500); } else { var handler = this.$refs.handler; handler.style.left = this.width - this.height + "px"; this.$refs.progressBar.style.width = this.width - this.height / 2 + "px"; this.passVerify(); } this.isMoving = false; } }, passVerify: function() { this.$emit("update:isPassing", true); this.isMoving = false; var handler = this.$refs.handler; handler.children[0].className = this.successIcon; this.$refs.progressBar.style.background = this.completedBg; this.$refs.message.style["-webkit-text-fill-color"] = "unset"; this.$refs.message.style.animation = "slidetounlock2 3s infinite"; this.$refs.message.style.color = "#fff"; this.$emit("passcallback"); }, reset: function() { const oriData = this.$options.data(); for (const key in oriData) { if (oriData.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.$set(this, key, oriData[key]); } } var handler = this.$refs.handler; var message = this.$refs.message; handler.style.left = "0"; this.$refs.progressBar.style.width = "0"; handler.children[0].className = this.handlerIcon; message.style["-webkit-text-fill-color"] = "transparent"; message.style.animation = "slidetounlock 3s infinite"; message.style.color = this.background; } } }; </script> <style scoped> .drag_verify { position: relative; background-color: #e8e8e8; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } .drag_verify .dv_handler { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; cursor: move; } .drag_verify .dv_handler i { color: #666; padding-left: 0; font-size: 16px; } .drag_verify .dv_handler .el-icon-circle-check { color: #6c6; margin-top: 9px; } .drag_verify .dv_progress_bar { position: absolute; height: 34px; 0px; } .drag_verify .dv_text { position: absolute; top: 0px; color: transparent; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; background: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0, var(--textColor)), color-stop(0.4, var(--textColor)), color-stop(0.5, #fff), color-stop(0.6, var(--textColor)), color-stop(1, var(--textColor)) ); background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; animation: slidetounlock 3s infinite; } .drag_verify .dv_text * { -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--textColor); } .goFirst { left: 0px !important; transition: left 0.5s; } .goFirst2 { 0px !important; transition: width 0.5s; } </style> <style> @keyframes slidetounlock { 0% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } 100% { background-position: var(--width) 0; } } @keyframes slidetounlock2 { 0% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } 100% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } } @-webkit-keyframes slidetounlock { 0% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } 100% { background-position: var(--width) 0; } } @-webkit-keyframes slidetounlock2 { 0% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } 100% { background-position: var(--pwidth) 0; } } </style>
3、页面调用:(验证滑块成功的,一个可以调用成功方法,另一个可以判断 this.isPassing 的值,重置滑块的时候,直接调用 this.reset() 即可)
<template> <el-row style="margin-top:10px;"> <drag-verify ref="dragVerify" :width="360" :height="40" progressBarBg="#FFA500" background="#F5F5F5" :isPassing.sync="isPassing" text="请按住滑块拖动" successText="验证通过" handlerIcon="el-icon-d-arrow-right" successIcon="el-icon-circle-check" @passcallback="passcallback2"> </drag-verify> </el-row> </template> import JcRange from './JcRange.vue' //引入滑块验证页面 export default { name: 'Login', data() { return { status: false, } }, methods: { passcallback2() { console.log("滑块验证成功的方法"); }, } }
reset() { console.log("重置滑块"); this.isPassing = false; if(this.$refs.dragVerify != undefined){ this.$refs.dragVerify.reset(); } }, passcallback2() { console.log("滑块验证成功走的方法"); },
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