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    -- 10046 event 可以定义 SQL TRACE 级别
    || 默认的10046级别跟 SQL TRACE 一样, 另外还有一些级别:
    || level 1: SQL Tracing
    || level 4: Tracing with bind variable values
    || level 8: Tracing with wait events
    || level 12 Tracing with bind variables and wait events (4+8=12)
    level 4, 12 可以看到绑定变量的值.
    alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 4';
    -- 关闭 10046, 只需要将 level 设置成 0
    -- If you wish to set the 10046 event in another user's session,
    -- you will need to use the DBMS_SYSTEM, The SET_EV procedure can set an event in any session
    -- You will need the SID and SERIAL# of that session from V$SESSION.
    -- example:
    exec dbms_system.set_ev(sid,serial#,10046,12,'');
    -- 另外要使用 TKPROF 来查看 trace file 生成的报告, 直接看 trace file 无法看懂
    10046 event
    -- Program data instantiated within a program is stored in PGA for each user, rather than in the SGA
    -- 执行pl/sql程度的相关数据, 存储在PGA中, 被编译好的PL/SQL程序本身是共享的.
    -- This means that each user has his own copy of program data. If a procedure declares a PL/SQL table
    -- and fills it full of 1000 strings, every user who executes that procedure has his own copy of that table and its 1000 
    -- strings. This characteristic does however provide you with a fair amount of flexibility 
    -- to finding the delicate resource balance between CPU and memory.
    -- 权限问题
    -- Stored code runs under the authority of that code’s owner, not that of the schema which is executing the code. 
    -- 也就是说, 存储过程执行时是创建存储过程那个用户的权限.
    -- Even though stored code runs under the authority of that code’s owner, the USER function still 
    -- returns the name of the schema currently connected to Oracle.
    -- 执行 procedure
    -- sqlplus 环境, execute calc_totals 或 exec calc_totals
    -- 如果是匿名的, 直接就执行了, 比如
    -- 执行 function, 因为 function 有返回值, 所以, 它不能直接执行, 要有个类似变量来接收函数返回值.
    -- 直接执行, 可以类似这种
    exec DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (total_sales (1997))
    -- 远程调用
    emp_name := full_name@new_york (:emp.employee_id);
    -- sql*plus 提供的session变量
    -- session variable , 可以使用的数据类型 varchar2, varchar2(N), char
    -- number, number(N)
    varibale X varchar2(10)
    EXECUTE :X := '123';
    session varibale
    -- Because stored objects are contained in tables in the data dictionary, you can use SQL itself to get information 
    -- about the currently available programs. The following views are the most useful to familiarize yourself with:
    USER_DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to and from objects you own
    USER_ERRORS - The current set of errors for all stored objects you own.
    USER_OBJECTS - The objects you own
    USER_OBJECT_SIZE - The size of the objects you own
    USER_SOURCE - The text source code for all objects you own
    USER_TRIGGER - The database triggers you own 
    -- Use the USER_DEPENDENCIES view to see which objects reference or depend on a particular object
    SELECT referenced_name, 
      FROM user_dependencies
     WHERE name = UPPER ('&1');
    -- Displaying Information About Stored Objects, 3列比较重要 OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, STATUS
    COLUMN object_type FORMAT A20
    COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30
    COLUMN status FORMAT A10
    BREAK ON object_type SKIP 1
    SPOOL psobj.lis
    SELECT object_type, object_name, status
      FROM user_objects
     ORDER BY object_type, status, object_name
    -- tell you about the size of your code
    COLUMN name FORMAT A30
    COLUMN type FORMAT A15
    COLUMN source_size FORMAT 999999
    COLUMN parsed_size FORMAT 999999
    COLUMN code_size FORMAT 999999
    TTITLE 'Size of PL/SQL Objects > 2000 Bytes'
    SPOOL pssize.lis
    SELECT name, type, source_size, parsed_size, code_size
      FROM user_object_size
     WHERE code_size > 2000
     ORDER BY code_size DESC
    -- You should always maintain the source code of your programs in text files (or a development tool specifically designed
    -- to store and manage PL/SQL code outside of the database).I
    SELECT text 
      FROM user_source 
     WHERE name = UPPER ('&1') 
     ORDER BY line;
    Check Object
    -- 1. 选择驱动表, 多表连接时
    -- When Oracle processes multiple tables, it must join the two tables. 
    --  There are four different join methods in the Oracle database, 
    -- the Nested Loop Join, the Sort-Merge Join, the Hash Join, and the Cartesian Join
    -- Cartesian Join : 笛卡尔积连接
    -- Sort-Merge Join: has a sort phase and a merge phase, it scans and sorts the first (driving) 
    --                   table (the one specified second in the FROM clause). Next, it scans the second
    --                    table (the one specified first in the FROM clause) and merges all of the rows
    --                    retrieved from the second table with those retrieved from the first table.
    -- Nested Loop Join: every row in the driving table and then finds matches in the second table.
    --                    If there is no index on the join column, a full table scan is performed on
    --                    the second table for every row in the driving table.
    --                    这种的话, 如果主驱动表100W列, 而另一个表只有10列的话, 肯定是将只有10列的表设置为
    --                    主驱动表比较好
    -- Hash Join:     uses a hashing algorithm (hence its name) to divide the driving table's rows into
    --                multiple buckets. The second table is hashed with the same algorithm.
    -- 注意: 主驱动表是  is the second table in the FROM clause of the SQL statement.
    -- 例如:
    Table TAB1  has 16,384   rows.
    Table TAB2  has 4        rows.
    SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TAB1, TAB2         -- 4.00 seconds elapsed
                         count     phys      cr        cur      rows
                         ------    -----    -----     -----    ------
            Parse          1         0      0         0
            Execute        1         384    386       10         0
            Fetch          1         0      0         0          1
    SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TAB2, TAB1 -- 37.32 seconds elapsed
                         count     phys      cr        cur      rows
                         ------    -----    -----     -----    ------
            Parse          1         0      0         0
            Execute        1         95     49247     32770      0
            Fetch          1         0      0         0          1
    -- 多表查询join 时, 选择几个表之间的交集的那个表作为驱动表.
    -- 多表时, 貌似 from 后的第一个表是驱动表, 或者通过交集? 看下边例子
    SELECT   . . .
    FROM     location L,
             category C,
             emp E
      WHERE  E.emp_no BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000
        AND  E.cat_no =  C.cat_no
        AND  E.locn   =  L.locn
    -- 更高效的做法
    SELECT     . . .
     FROM      emp E,
               location L,
               category C
        WHERE  E.cat_no =  C.cat_no
          AND  E.locn   =  L.locn
          AND  E.emp_no BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000
    -- 1. 高效的删除重复的行 #################################
          WHERE E.rowid > (SELECT MIN(X.rowid)
                                FROM emp X
                               WHERE X.emp_no = E.emp_no);
    -- 2. 一般情况下, 在列上有索引时, 选择使用 IN 或 UNION 比 OR 更好. #################################
    SELECT . . .                     SELECT . . .
       FROM   location                  FROM   location
       WHERE  loc_id = 10               WHERE  loc_id = 10
       OR     region = 'MELBOURNE'      OR     loc_id = 20
                                        OR     loc_id = 30
    -- 改进:
    SELECT . . .                     SELECT . . .
       FROM   location                  FROM   location
       WHERE  loc_id = 10               WHERE  loc_in IN (10,20,30)
       SELECT . . .
       FROM   location
       WHERE  region = 'MELBOURNE'
    -- 3. 最小化表扫描 minimize the number of table lookups (subquery blocks) in queries, 例如: ##########
    SELECT emp_name
    FROM   emp
    WHERE  emp_cat   = ( SELECT MAX(category)
                            FROM   emp_categories )
    AND    sal_range = ( SELECT MAX(sal_range)
                            FROM   emp_categories )
    AND    emp_dept  = 0020;
    -- 上例中, 两个子查询是分开的, 那么需要独立扫描两次, 改进如下:
    SELECT emp_name
    FROM   emp
    WHERE (emp_cat, sal_range)
                        = ( SELECT MAX(category), MAX(sal_range)
                            FROM   emp_categories )
    AND    emp_dept  = 0020;
    -- 修改的时候也一样, 参考下例:
    UPDATE emp
    SET    emp_cat   = ( SELECT MAX(category)
                         FROM   emp_categories ),
           sal_range = ( SELECT MAX(sal_range)
                         FROM   emp_categories )
    WHERE  emp_dept  = 0020;
    -- 改进
    UPDATE emp
    SET   (emp_cat, sal_range)
                     = ( SELECT MAX(category), MAX(sal_range)
                         FROM   emp_categories )
    WHERE  emp_dept  = 0020;
    -- 4. not exists 与 not in 的比较 not exists 好 ########################################
    SELECT . . .
    FROM   emp
    WHERE  dept_no NOT IN ( SELECT dept_no
                               FROM   dept
                               WHERE  dept_cat = 'A');
    -- 改进
    SELECT . . .
    FROM   emp E
                           FROM   dept
                           WHERE  dept_no  = E.dept_no
                           AND    dept_cat = 'A'   );
    -- 5. reduce database access
    -- 例如: 低效, 分别两次访问 database
    SELECT emp_name, salary, grade
    FROM    emp
    WHERE  emp_no = 0342;
    SELECT emp_name, salary, grade
    FROM    emp
    WHERE  emp_no = 0291;
    -- 改进, 一次访问数据库
    SELECT   emp_name, salary, grade,
    FROM     emp A
    WHERE    emp_no IN (0342,0291) ;
    -- 6. 使用 * 时, 最好给表起个别名, 然后使用, 这样高效, 例如 ####################################
    INSERT INTO emp_audit
    FROM   emp A
    WHERE  emp_no = :emp_no;
    -- 7. union 和 union all
    -- 一般如果不考虑去掉 重复的, 还有排序等内容的话, 使用 union all
    -- 8. decode 可以被活用, 例如:
    SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(salary)
    FROM   emp
    WHERE  dept_no  =  0020
    AND    emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%' ;
    SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(salary)
    FROM   emp
    WHERE  dept_no  =  0030
    AND    emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%' ;
    -- 改进
    SELECT COUNT(DECODE(dept_no, 0020, 'X',    NULL)) D0020_kount,
           COUNT(DECODE(dept_no, 0030, 'X',    NULL)) D0030_kount,
           SUM  (DECODE(dept_no, 0020, salary, NULL)) D0020_sal,
           SUM  (DECODE(dept_no, 0030, salary, NULL)) D0030_sal
     FROM  emp
    WHERE  emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moveofgod/p/3913353.html
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