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  • C#专业开发人员必须熟悉的快捷键

    Ctrl + shift + R 
    SQLSERVER 2008
    print left('QF200', 0 )   可以打印和测试很多的关键字等。

    Visual Studio提供了一个方便得多的功能——“条件中断”。只有当程序满足了开发人员预设的条件后,条件断点才会被触发,调试器中断。这将避免频繁地手工检查/恢复程序运行,大量减少调试过程中的手工和烦琐工作。


    现在当我们运行程序时,会发现自定义追踪信息自动显示在Visual Studio的“输出“窗口里。这让我们很容易看到程序的递归调用过程:

    Use Alt+Up Arrow and Alt+Down Arrow to quickly navigate between methods in the editor.
    You can easily switch between a few recently viewed files with the Ctrl+E shortcut.
    To quickly view documentation for a certain class, method, or other symbol, position the caret on the symbol name and press Ctrl+Q.
    Ctrl + Shift + N show the folder finder window.
    Ctrl + N show the type finder page. also can show the mach result window.
    Use Alt+Ins (Generate) in the editor to easily generate a constructor, a property for any field of your class, implement interface members or generate other common code constructs.

    If you type some expression in your code and then realize that you want to put its value into a local variable, just press Ctrl+Alt+V (IntroduceVariable) to do that. 保存当前页面到为知。
    When the caret is between the parentheses of a method call, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P shortcut brings up a list of valid parameters. Use Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+P to select a signature and see its documentation summary.
    To uncomment code commented out with a block comment (/*...*/), position the caret anywhere within the comment and press Ctrl+Shift+/.

    When you use "Highlight Usages" action (Ctrl+Shift+F7), you may use Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow to navigate between highlighted occurences.

    Ctrl + Esc 调出开始
    Ctrl + Shift + Esc 调出任务管理器
    To quickly return to the last point where you made any changes in the code, press Ctrl+Shift+Bkspce. If you press it twice, you'll get to the previous editing point and so on.
    Ctrl + - 效果一样。
    To surround a block of code with an if-statement, a loop, try/catch or another construct, select it in the editor and press Ctrl+Alt+J (SurroundWith). Choose the desired construct and press the Enter key.
    With ReSharper, you can view the inheritance hierarchy of a certain type in a dedicated window. Position the caret at the type name and press Ctrl+Alt+H (TypeHierarchy.Browse).
    You may easily comment a block of code either with line comments ('//') or with a block comment ('/*...*/'). Select the code to comment in the editor and press Ctrl+/ for line comments or Ctrl+Shift+/ for a block comment.
    When used with no selection Ctrl+/ comments the current line and moves to the next line.
    Use the same commands to uncomment code.
    You can use Ctrl+D shortcut to duplicate current line or selected text.
    When using "Go to Type" (Ctrl+N), "Go to File" (Ctrl+Shift+N) and "Go to File Member" (Ctrl+F12) features, instead of typing the full name, you can type only the capitalized letters. For example, instead of 'AbstractTreeBuilder' simply type 'ATB'.
    To navigate to the method overriden or implemented by the current one, position the caret anywhere within its declaration and press Ctrl+U (GotoBase).


    Ctrl + F4 关闭当前标签页
    Ctrl +  down 不动光标而页面下拉
    CTRL + M, CTRL + O    折叠代码定义 
    CTRL + M, CTRL + L    展开代码定义 
    Ctrl+I: 渐进式搜索 
    Ctrl+Shift+I: 反向渐进式搜索 
    F3: 查找下一个 
    Shift+F3: 查找上一个 
    Ctrl+Shift+V: 剪贴板循环 
    Ctrl+M,L: 将所有过程设置为相同的隐藏或展开状态
    Shift+Alt+箭头键: 选择矩形文本 
    Alt+鼠标左按钮: 选择矩形文本 
    Ctrl+K,I: 快速信息 
    F12  :跳到定义处
    Use F12/Shift+F12 to jump between highlighted syntax errors/warnings in the editor. 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mqgh/p/3063177.html
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