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  • 第二周作业

    1. 注册
    2. 登陆
    3. 购物
    4. 支付
    5. 充值

    用户表格记录,用户名:密码:余额 user.txt




    1 def getname():
    2     '''
    3     得到用户输入的用户名,交由登录和注册使用
    4     :return: 返回整理后用户
    5     '''
    6     name = input('请输入用户名:').strip()
    7     return name
    def getpwd():
        :return: 整理过的密码
        pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip()
        return pwd
    def is_db_get_u(name):
        :return: 如果在,返回True,如果不在返回False
        with open(r'user.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as rf:
            for line in rf:
                u = line.strip('
                if name == u:
                    return True
            else:return False
     1 def is_pwd_corret(name,pwd):
     2     '''
     3     检测对应的用户名和密码是否正确
     4     :param name:
     5     :param pwd:
     6     :return: 正确的话返回True,否则返回False
     7     '''
     8     with open(r'user.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8')as rf:
     9         for line in rf:
    10             u,p,*_=line.strip('
    11             if name ==u and pwd ==p:
    12                 return True
    13         else:return False
     1 def register():
     2     '''
     3     注册,检测用户名是否存在,
     4     存在,打印用户名存在,不存在,将用户名:密码:0
     5     :return:
     6     '''
     7     name=getname()
     8     pwd = getpwd()
     9     if is_db_get_u(name):
    10         print('用户已存在')
    11     else:
    12         msg = "%s:%s:0
    13         with open(r'user.txt',mode='a',encoding='utf-8') as wf:
    14             wf.write(msg)
    15         print('注册完成')
     1 def login():
     2     '''
     3     登录
     4     :return:登录成功返回name,登陆失败返回None
     5     '''
     6     name = getname()
     7     pwd = getpwd()
     8     if is_pwd_corret(name,pwd):
     9         print('登陆成功')
    10         return name
    11     else:
    12         print('用户名或密码错误,请重新输入')
    13         return None
     1 def shopping(db_name):
     2     '''
     3     同展示内容,让用户输入自己想要的东西 和数量,并将数据添加到购物车shopping.txt当中
     4     :param db_name:用户名
     5     :return:None
     6     '''
     7     msg_dic = {
     8         'apple': 1000,
     9         'tesla': 100000,
    10         'mac': 3000,
    11         'lenovo': 30000,
    12         'chicken': 10,
    13     }
    14     while True:
    15         for key, price in msg_dic.items():
    16             print('商品名:%s  价格:%s' % (key, price))
    17         choice = input('请输入想要的商品名:').strip()
    18         if not choice or choice not in msg_dic:
    19             print('请重新输入商品名')
    20             continue
    21         while True:
    22             count = input('请输入购买的数量:').strip()
    23             if not count.isdigit():
    24                 continue
    25             else:
    26                 msg = '%s:%s:%s:%s
    ' % (db_name, choice, msg_dic[choice], count)
    27                 with open(r'shoppingcart.txt', mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    28                     f.write(msg)
    29                 break
    30         break
     1 def alter_money(db_name,money):
     2     """
     3     用于修改账户余额的功能,提供给充值和支付功能使用,根据用户找到相应的账户信息,并增加或减少相应的金额,并打印信息
     4     :param db_name: str 来自login 确定账户信息
     5     :param money: int 支付和充值信息,正负由支付功能和充值功能确定,还需要检测钱是不是整形
     6     :return:
     7     """
     8     with open(r'user.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8')as f,
     9             open(r'user.txt.swap',mode='w',encoding='utf-8')as wf:
    10         for line in f:
    11             n,p,m=line.strip('
    12             m=int(m)
    13             if db_name == n:
    14                 line='%s:%s:%s
    15             wf.write(line)
    16     os.remove('user.txt')
    17     os.rename('user.txt.swap','user.txt')
     1 def total_price(db_name):
     2     '''
     3     用于计算购物车,某位用户购买货物的总价值,用于支付函数payment使用
     4     :param db_name: 用户名
     5     :return: 总价 int 类型
     6     '''
     7     tprice = 0
     8     with open(r'shoppingcart.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
     9         for line in f:
    10             info = line.strip('
    11             if  info:
    12                if db_name == info[0]:
    13                    tprice += int(info[2])*int(info[3])
    14     return tprice
     1 def get_db_money(db_name):
     2     '''
     3     根据用户名获得账户的余额,交由支付payment使用
     4     :param db_name: 用户名
     5     :return: 余额   int类型
     6     '''
     7     with open(r'user.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
     8         for line in f:
     9             u = line.strip('
    10             if db_name == u:
    11                 return int(line.strip('
     1 def clear_cart(db_name):
     2     '''
     3     用户支付后,清空shoppingcart的购物信息,交支付函数payment函数使用,会清空购车对应用户名的每行信息
     4     :param db_name: 用户
     5     :return:
     6     '''
     7     with open(r'shoppingcart.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f,
     8             open(r'shoppingcart.txt.swap',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as wf:
     9         for line in f:
    10             u = line.strip('
    11             if db_name == u:
    12                 line =''
    13             wf.write(line)
    14     os.remove('shoppingcart.txt')
    15     os.rename('shoppingcart.txt.swap','shoppingcart.txt')
     1 def payment(db_name):
     2     """
     3     通过购物车文件内相同用户名的计算物品价格,在通过用户名检查user.txt下的第三个值为账户余额,
     4     判断余额是否大于等于购物车合计,如果大于等于提示支付,并修改账户内余额,否则提示余额不足请充值
     5     :param db_name:用户名,需要来自login
     6     :return:
     7     """
     8     if total_price(db_name)>get_db_money(db_name):
     9         print('账户余额不足,请充值')
    10     else:
    11         alter_money(db_name,-total_price(db_name))
    12         clear_cart(db_name)
    13         print('支付成功')
     1 def recharge(db_name):
     2     '''
     3     充值功能,获得金钱数额,输错重新再输,正确就调用alter_money方法填写进数据表格中
     4     :param db_name:
     5     :return:
     6     '''
     7     while True:
     8         money = input('请输入充值的金额:').strip()
     9         if money.isdigit() and int(money)>0:
    10             alter_money(db_name,money)
    11             break
    12         print('请重新输入金额')


     1 db_name = None
     2 while True:
     3     print("""
     4     0. 退出
     5     1. 登录
     6     2. 注册
     7     3. 购物
     8     4. 支付
     9     5. 充值
    10     """)
    11     choice = input('请输入你想要的操作:').strip()
    12     if choice =='0':#退出
    13         print('退出成功')
    14         break
    15     elif choice =='1':#d登录
    16         db_name = login()
    17     elif choice =='2':#注册
    18         register()
    19     elif choice =='3':#购物
    20         if db_name:
    21             shopping(db_name)
    22         else:
    23             print('请登录')
    24     elif choice =='4':#支付
    25         if db_name:
    26             payment(db_name)
    27         else:
    28             print('请登录')
    29     elif choice=='5':#充值
    30         if db_name:
    31             recharge(db_name)
    32         else:
    33             print('请登录')
    34     else:
    35         print('请重新输入想要的操作')


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/msj513/p/9692317.html
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