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  • poj3436+最大流


    As you know, all the computers used for ACM contests must be identical, so the participants compete on equal terms. That is why all these computers are historically produced at the same factory.

    Every ACM computer consists of P parts. When all these parts are present, the computer is ready and can be shipped to one of the numerous ACM contests.

    Computer manufacturing is fully automated by using N various machines. Each machine removes some parts from a half-finished computer and adds some new parts (removing of parts is sometimes necessary as the parts cannot be added to a computer in arbitrary order). Each machine is described by its performance (measured in computers per hour), input and output specification.

    Input specification describes which parts must be present in a half-finished computer for the machine to be able to operate on it. The specification is a set of P numbers 0, 1 or 2 (one number for each part), where 0 means that corresponding part must not be present, 1 — the part is required, 2 — presence of the part doesn't matter.

    Output specification describes the result of the operation, and is a set of P numbers 0 or 1, where 0 means that the part is absent, 1 — the part is present.

    The machines are connected by very fast production lines so that delivery time is negligibly small compared to production time.

    After many years of operation the overall performance of the ACM Computer Factory became insufficient for satisfying the growing contest needs. That is why ACM directorate decided to upgrade the factory.

    As different machines were installed in different time periods, they were often not optimally connected to the existing factory machines. It was noted that the easiest way to upgrade the factory is to rearrange production lines. ACM directorate decided to entrust you with solving this problem.


    Input file contains integers PN, then N descriptions of the machines. The description of ith machine is represented as by 2 P + 1 integers QiSi,1Si,2...Si,PDi,1Di,2...Di,P, where Qi specifies performance, Si,j — input specification for part j, Di,k — output specification for part k.


    1 ≤ P ≤ 10, 1 ≤ N ≤ 50, 1 ≤ Qi ≤ 10000


    Output the maximum possible overall performance, then M — number of connections that must be made, then M descriptions of the connections. Each connection between machines A and B must be described by three positive numbers ABW, where W is the number of computers delivered from A to B per hour.

    If several solutions exist, output any of them.

    Sample input 1
    3 4
    15  0 0 0  0 1 0
    10  0 0 0  0 1 1
    30  0 1 2  1 1 1
    3   0 2 1  1 1 1
    Sample input 2
    3 5
    5   0 0 0  0 1 0
    100 0 1 0  1 0 1
    3   0 1 0  1 1 0
    1   1 0 1  1 1 0
    300 1 1 2  1 1 1
    Sample input 3
    2 2
    100  0 0  1 0
    200  0 1  1 1

    Sample output 1
    25 2
    1 3 15
    2 3 10
    Sample output 2
    4 5
    1 3 3
    3 5 3
    1 2 1
    2 4 1
    4 5 1
    Sample output 3
    0 0






     1 int maxflow()//函数每次返回一个增广路上的最小容量,不断累加这个容量,直到返回值为0即可得到最大流
     2 {
     3     int i;
     4     bool judge=false;
     5     while(!q.empty()) q.pop();//q为普通的队列
     6     memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
     7     memset(pre,0,sizeof(pre));//记录前驱
     8     q.push(1);//源点入队
     9     vis[1]=1;
    10     pre[1]=0;
    11     while(!q.empty())
    12     {
    13         int z=q.front();
    14         q.pop();
    15         for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
    16         {
    17             if(g[z][i]>0&&!vis[i])
    18             {
    19                 pre[i]=z;
    20                 vis[i]=1;
    21                 if(i==n)//n为汇点,找到了1条源到汇的路径
    22                 {
    23                     judge=true;
    24                     break;
    25                 }
    26                 else q.push(i);
    27             }
    28         }
    29     }
    30     if(!judge) return 0;//找不到则返回0
    31     int ret=mmax;
    32     int v;
    33     v=n;
    34     while(pre[v])//找出路径上的最小容量
    35     {
    36         if(g[pre[v]][v]<ret)
    37             ret=g[pre[v]][v];
    38         v=pre[v];
    39     }
    40     v=n;
    41     while(pre[v])//更新路径上的容量,原来的容量要减去最小容量,并增加1条同最小容量的反向边
    42     {
    43         g[pre[v]][v]-=ret;
    44         g[v][pre[v]]+=ret;
    45         v=pre[v];
    46     }
    47     return ret;
    48 }




    利用 BFS对残余网络分层,分完层后,从源点开始,用DFS从前一层向后一层反复寻找增广路(即要求DFS的每一步都必须要走到下一层的节点)。


    1) DFS搜索树的树边(u,v)上的容量已经变成0。即刚刚找到的增广路径上所增加的流量,等于(u,v)本次增广前的容量。(DFS的过程中,是从u走到更下层的v的)
    2)u是满足条件 1)的最上层的节点


    算法复杂度O(n*n*m) ,n为点数,m为边数。


     1 bool countlayer()//分层函数
     2 {
     3     int i;
     4     memset(layer,-1,sizeof(layer));
     5     deque<int> q;//双端队列,此时表示的是队列
     6     layer[1]=0;
     7     q.push_back(1);
     8     while(!q.empty())
     9     {
    10         int z=q.front();
    11         q.pop_front();
    12         for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
    13         {
    14             if(g[z][i]>0&&layer[i]==-1)
    15             {
    16                 layer[i]=layer[z]+1;
    17                 if(i==n) return true;//汇点层数能求出,返回真值
    18                 else q.push_back(i);
    19             }
    20         }
    21     }
    22     return false;
    23 }
    24 int maxflow()
    25 {
    26     deque<int> q;//双端队列,此时表示的是栈
    27     int i,ans=0;//ans记录最大流
    28     while(countlayer())//只要能分层
    29     {
    30         q.push_back(1);
    31         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
    32         vis[1]=1;
    33         while(!q.empty())
    34         {
    35             int z=q.back();
    36             if(z==n)//栈顶元素为汇点
    37             {
    38                 int ret=mmax;//记录增广路上的最小流量边
    39                 int retu;//最小流量边的起点
    40                 for(i=1;i<q.size();i++)
    41                 {
    42                     if(g[q[i-1]][q[i]]>0&&g[q[i-1]][q[i]]<ret)
    43                     {
    44                         ret=g[q[i-1]][q[i]];
    45                         retu=q[i-1];
    46                     }
    47                 }
    48                 ans+=ret;//加入最大流
    49                 for(i=1;i<q.size();i++)//更新流量
    50                 {
    51                     g[q[i-1]][q[i]]-=ret;
    52                     g[q[i]][q[i-1]]+=ret;
    53                 }
    54                 while(!q.empty()&&q.back()!=retu)//回溯到最小流量边的起点
    55                 {
    56                     vis[q.back()]=0;
    57                     q.pop_back();
    58                 }
    59             }
    60             else
    61             {
    62                 for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
    63                 {
    64                     if(g[z][i]>0&&layer[i]==layer[z]+1&&!vis[i])//必须找下层结点
    65                     {
    66                         vis[i]=1;
    67                         q.push_back(i);
    68                         break;
    69                     }
    70                 }
    71                 if(i>n)  q.pop_back();//找不到了就回溯(这里的回溯不要更新vis,否则会错)
    72             }
    73         }
    74     }
    75     return ans;//返回的即为最大流
    76 }


    构图:我们可以增加一个源点,源点只能提供最初的原料"0000...",故源点连边到所有接收 "0000..." 或 "若干个0及若干个2" 的机器,容量为无穷大。





      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<deque>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 int m,n,g[220][220],p[110][20],w[110],vis[110],layer[110],gg[220][220];
      6 const int mmax=1<<30;
      7 struct node
      8 {
      9     int ii,jj,ww;
     10 }xie[110000];
     11 bool countlayer()
     12 {
     13     int i;
     14     memset(layer,-1,sizeof(layer));
     15     deque<int> q;
     16     layer[1]=0;
     17     q.push_back(1);
     18     while(!q.empty())
     19     {
     20         int z=q.front();
     21         q.pop_front();
     22         for(i=1;i<=2*n+2;i++)
     23         {
     24             if(g[z][i]>0&&layer[i]==-1)
     25             {
     26                 layer[i]=layer[z]+1;
     27                 if(i==2*n+2) return true;
     28                 else q.push_back(i);
     29             }
     30         }
     31     }
     32     return false;
     33 }
     34 int maxflow()
     35 {
     36     deque<int> q;
     37     int i,ans=0;
     38     while(countlayer())
     39     {
     40         q.push_back(1);
     41         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
     42         vis[1]=1;
     43         while(!q.empty())
     44         {
     45             int z=q.back();
     46             if(z==2*n+2)
     47             {
     48                 int ret=mmax;
     49                 int retu;
     50                 for(i=1;i<q.size();i++)
     51                 {
     52                     if(g[q[i-1]][q[i]]>0&&g[q[i-1]][q[i]]<ret)
     53                     {
     54                         ret=g[q[i-1]][q[i]];
     55                         retu=i-1;
     56                     }
     57                 }
     58                 ans+=ret;
     59                 for(i=1;i<q.size();i++)
     60                 {
     61                     g[q[i-1]][q[i]]-=ret;
     62                     g[q[i]][q[i-1]]+=ret;
     63                 }
     64                 while(!q.empty()&&q.back()!=retu)
     65                 {
     66                     vis[q.back()]=0;
     67                     q.pop_back();
     68                 }
     69             }
     70             else
     71             {
     72                 for(i=1;i<=2*n+2;i++)
     73                 {
     74                     if(g[z][i]>0&&layer[i]==layer[z]+1&&!vis[i])
     75                     {
     76                         vis[i]=1;
     77                         q.push_back(i);
     78                         break;
     79                     }
     80                 }
     81                 if(i>2*n+2) q.pop_back();
     82             }
     83         }
     84     }
     85     return ans;
     86 }
     87 int main()
     88 {
     89     int i,j,k;
     90     while(scanf("%d%d",&m,&n)!=EOF)
     91     {
     92         for(i=2;i<=n+1;i++)
     93         {
     94             scanf("%d",&w[i]);
     95             for(j=1;j<=m;j++)
     96                 scanf("%d",&p[i][j]);
     97             for(j=1;j<=m;j++)
     98                 scanf("%d",&p[i+n][j]);
     99         }
    100         memset(g,0,sizeof(g));
    101         for(i=2;i<=n+1;i++)
    102             g[i][i+n]=w[i];
    103         for(i=2;i<=n+1;i++)
    104         {
    105             for(j=1;j<=m;j++)
    106             {
    107                 if(p[i][j]==1)
    108                     break;
    109             }
    110             if(j>m) g[1][i]=mmax;
    111         }
    112         for(i=n+2;i<=2*n+1;i++)
    113         {
    114             for(k=1;k<=m;k++)
    115             {
    116                 if(p[i][k]!=1)
    117                     break;
    118             }
    119             if(k>m) g[i][2*n+2]=mmax;
    120             else
    121             {
    122                 for(j=2;j<=n+1;j++)
    123                 {
    124                     for(k=1;k<=m;k++)
    125                     {
    126                         if(p[j][k]+p[i][k]==1)
    127                           break;
    128                     }
    129                     if(k>m) g[i][j]=mmax;
    130                 }
    131             }
    132         }
    133         for(i=1;i<=2*n+2;i++)
    134         {
    135             for(j=1;j<=2*n+2;j++)
    136                 gg[i][j]=g[i][j];
    137         }
    138         int aans=maxflow();
    139        int xienum=0;
    140         for(i=n+2;i<=2*n+1;i++)
    141         {
    142             for(j=2;j<=n+1;j++)
    143             {
    144                 if(gg[i][j]-g[i][j]>0)
    145                 {
    146                     xie[xienum].ii=i-n-1;
    147                     xie[xienum].jj=j-1;
    148                     xie[xienum++].ww=gg[i][j]-g[i][j];
    149                 }
    150             }
    151         }
    152         printf("%d %d\n",aans,xienum);
    153         for(i=0;i<xienum;i++)
    154         {
    155             printf("%d %d %d\n",xie[i].ii,xie[i].jj,xie[i].ww);
    156         }
    157     }
    158     return 0;
    159 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mt522/p/5308688.html
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