- Multimedia:video, speech and music
- non-linear ⇒ linear
直接求解(较困难)⇒ iteration methods
An×nx=b :n 足够大时,x=A∖b 将会变得是分困难,此时可以使用子空间迭代的方式,Kxi+1=Kxi+b−Axi
其中的r0=b−Ax0 记为 remainer;
- 有正有负,进行统一处理(比如衡量误差)时,一般首先执行平方操作,以避免加和时的相互抵消;
- 方差;
- MSE;(均方误差)
1. 凸函数 & 非凸函数
- Convex functions are attractive because they can be more reliably minimized than non-convex functions.
- However, non-convex penalty functions can lead to enhanced sparsity of sparse signals.
2. dimensionality reduction
- Ideally, the reduced representation should have a dimensionality that corresponds to the intrinsic dimensionality of the data;
3. explanatory
- Real-world data, such as :
- speech signals,
- digital photographs,
- fMRI scans
4. 数据的来源(data acquisition )
- 传感器:RFID, robot & cameras