- Windows 10 isn’t for all of us, but for each of us.:Windows 10 是所有人的大事,大快每一个人心的大好事。
- iPhone 6S: the only thing that’s changed is everything. :唯一的不同,是处处都不同
- 初代iPhone:Apple reinvents the phone:苹果重新定义了手机;
- iPhone 3G:The first phone to beat the iPhone
- iPhone 3GS:The fastest,most powerful iPhone yet :有千万个理由让你爱
- iPhone 4s:The mostamazing iPhone yet:出色的iPhone,如今更出色
1. 不当的翻译
- A gift mom will love opening. Again and Again.
- 让妈妈开心的礼物,开了又开;
- Bigger and Bigger.
- 比大还大;
- 比逼格更有逼格;
2. 品牌
- Johnson & Johnson:强生
- The Brink:政局边缘,brink:(峭壁的)边缘
- 轰趴:home party,家庭派对;
3. 语言
- Suomi:芬兰语