Problem Description
Welcome to XTCPC! XTCPC start today, you are going to choose a slogan to celebrate it, many people give you some candidate string about the slogan, but the slogan itself must have something relavant to XTCPC, a string is considered relevant to XTCPC if it become XTCPC after deleting some characters in it. For example, XTCPC, XTCCPCC, OIUXKKJATSADCASPHHC is relevant, XX,FF,GG,CPCXT,XTCP is not. Now you have to write a program to judge whether a string is relevant to XTCPC.
First line an integer t(t≤100), the number of testcases. For each case, there is a string(length≤100, all are uppercase characters).
For each case, output case number first, then "Yes" if the string is relevant, "No" if the string is not relevant. Quote for clarify.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case 1: Yes Case 2: No Case 3: Yes
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> char s[101]; char c[6]={'X','T','C','P','C'}; int main() { int t,i,j,id; scanf("%d",&t); for(i=1;i<=t;i++) { id=0; scanf("%s",s); for(j=0;j<strlen(s);j++) { if(s[j]==c[id]) id++; } if(id==5) printf("Case %d: Yes ",i); else printf("Case %d: No ",i); } }