1 import time 2 3 def timmer(func): 4 def warpper(*args,**kwargs): 5 start_time = time.time() 6 func() 7 stop_time = time.time() 8 print('the func run time is %s' % (stop_time - start_time)) 9 return warpper 10 @timmer 11 def test1(): 12 time.sleep(3) 13 print('in the test1') 14 15 test1()
1 #import time 2 # 3 #def bar(): 4 # time.sleep(3) 5 # print('in the bar') 6 # 7 #def test1(func): 8 # start_time = time.time() 9 # func() 10 # stop_time = time.time() 11 # print("the func run time is %s" % (stop_time - start_time)) 12 # 13 #test1(bar) 14 15 import time 16 17 def bar(): 18 time.sleep(3) 19 print('in the bar') 20 21 def test2(func): 22 print(func) 23 return func 24 25 bar = test2(bar) 26 bar()
1 def foo(): #嵌套函数 2 print('in the foo') 3 def bar(): 4 print('in the bar') 5 bar() 6 7 foo()
高阶函数+嵌套函数 =》 装饰器
1 import time 2 3 def timer(func): 4 def deco(): 5 start_time = time.time() 6 # return func() #return处函数直接结束了 7 func() 8 stop_time = time.time() 9 print('the func run time is %s' % (stop_time - start_time)) 10 return deco 11 12 #def timer(): 13 # def deco(): 14 # pass 15 16 @timer #test1 = timer(test1) 17 def test1(): 18 time.sleep(3) 19 print('in the test1') 20 21 @timer #test2 = timer(test2) 22 def test2(): 23 time.sleep(3) 24 print('in the test2') 25 26 test1() 27 test2() 28 29 #test1 = deco(test1) 30 #test1() 31 # 32 #test2 = deco(test2) 33 #test2() 34 35 #print(timer(test1)) 36 37 #test1 = timer(test1) 38 #test1()
1 import time 2 3 def consumer(name): 4 print("%s 准备吃包子啦!" % name) 5 while True: 6 baozi = yield 7 print("包子[%s]来了,被[%s]吃了!" % (baozi,name)) 8 9 # c = consumer("ChenRonghua") 10 # c.__next__() 11 # b1 = "韭菜馅" 12 # c.send(b1) 13 # c.__next__() 14 15 def producer(name): 16 c1 = consumer('A') 17 c2 = consumer('B') 18 c1.__next__() 19 c2.__next__() 20 print("老子开始准备做包子啦") 21 for i in range(10): 22 time.sleep(1) 23 print("做了两个包子!") 24 c1.send(i) 25 c2.send(i) 26 27 producer("MM")
a. 集合数据类型,list,tuple,dict,set,str都是iterable对象
b. generator,包括生成器和带yield的function generator
>>>from collections import Iterable
>>> form collections import Iterator
1 # print(all([1,-1,3])) #可迭代对象中所有元素为真,结果为真 2 # print(any([])) #可迭代对象中只要有元素为真,结果为真 3 # a = ascii([1,2,"梦梦"]) 4 # print(type(a),[a]) 5 # print(bin(8)) #表示成二进制的形式 6 7 # a = bytes("abcde",encoding="utf-8") #字节形不可修改 8 # b = bytearray("abcde",encoding="utf-8") #字节数组可以修改元素 9 # print(b[1]) 10 # b[1] = 50 11 # print(b) 12 # print(a.capitalize(),a) 13 14 # def sayhi():pass 15 # print(callable(sayhi)) #判断是否可以调用,带括号的都可以调用 16 17 # print(chr(100)) #输入数字得到相应的ascii的表 18 # print(ord('d')) #输入ascii字符得到相应的数值 19 20 # print(divmod(5,3)) #输入除数与被除数,返回商和余数 21 22 # (lambda n:print(n))(5) 23 # calc = lambda n:print(n) 24 # calc(5) 25 26 # res = filter(lambda n:n > 5,range(10)) #filter,过滤器 27 # res = map(lambda n:n**n,range(10)) #它接收一个函数 f 和一个 list,并通过把 28 #函数 f 依次作用在 list 的每个元素上, 29 # 得到一个新的 list 并返回 30 # for i in res: 31 # print(i) 32 33 # import functools 34 # res = functools.reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,range(10)) 35 # print(res) 36 #reduce()函数接收的参数和 map()类似,一个函数 f,一个list,但行为和 map()不同, 37 # reduce()传入的函数 f 必须接收两个参数,reduce()对list的每个元素反复调用函数f, 38 # 并返回最终结果值。 39 40 # b = frozenset([2,3,456,45,56,2]) #不可变集合 41 # print(globals() #返回这个文件中所有变量字典的形式