# CMake 最低版本号要求 cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) # 项目信息 project (hello_mongoc2) # 查找目录下的所有源文件 # 并将名称保存到 DIR_SRCS 变量 aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS) # Specify the minimum version you require. find_package (mongoc-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED) # The "hello_mongoc.c" sample program is shared among four tests. add_executable (hello_mongoc ${DIR_SRCS}) target_link_libraries (hello_mongoc PRIVATE mongo::mongoc_shared) ## 添加头文件目录INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ##它相当于g++选项中的-I参数的作用,也相当于环境变量中增加路径到CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH变量的作用。 include_directories(../include) ##添加需要链接的库文件目录LINK_DIRECTORIES ##它相当于g++命令的-L选项的作用,也相当于环境变量中增加LD_LIBRARY_PATH的路径的作用。 link_directories("/home/server/third/lib") ## Specify the minimum version you require. #find_package (mongoc-1.0 1.7 REQUIRED) # ## The "hello_mongoc.c" sample program is shared among four tests. #add_executable (hello_mongoc ${DIR_SRCS}) #target_link_libraries (hello_mongoc PRIVATE mongo::mongoc_static)
#include <iostream> #include <mongoc/mongoc.h> //vs2017 环境配置地址 //http://mongoc.org/libmongoc/current/visual-studio-guide.html int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const char* uri_string = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; mongoc_uri_t *uri; mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_database_t *database; mongoc_collection_t *collection; bson_t *command, reply, *insert; bson_error_t error; char *str; bool retval; /* * Required to initialize libmongoc's internals */ mongoc_init(); /* * Optionally get MonogDB URI from command line */ if (argc > 1) { uri_string = argv[1]; } /* * safely create a MongoDB URI object from the given string */ uri = mongoc_uri_new_with_error(uri_string, &error); if (!uri) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to parsse URI: %s " "error message: %s ", uri_string, error.message); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * create a new client instance */ client = mongoc_client_new_from_uri(uri); if (!client) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * Register the application name so we can track it in the profile logs * on the server. This can also be done from the URI(see other examples). */ mongoc_client_set_appname(client, "connect-example"); /* * Get a handle on the database "db_name" and collection "coll_name" */ database = mongoc_client_get_database(client, "db_name"); collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "db_name", "coll_name"); /* * Do work. This example pings the database, prints the result as JSON and * performs an insert */ command = BCON_NEW("ping", BCON_INT32(1)); retval = mongoc_client_command_simple( client, "admin", command, NULL, &reply, &error); if (!retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", error.message); return EXIT_FAILURE; } str = bson_as_json(&reply, NULL); printf("%s ", str); insert = BCON_NEW("Hello", BCON_UTF8("world")); if (!mongoc_collection_insert_one(collection, insert, NULL, NULL, &error)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", error.message); } bson_destroy(insert); bson_destroy(&reply); bson_destroy(command); bson_free(str); /* * Release our handles and clean up libmongoc */ mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); mongoc_database_destroy(database); mongoc_uri_destroy(uri); mongoc_client_destroy(client); mongoc_cleanup(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }