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  • Ext JS 4.1 RC3发布


    Fixed bugs:
    Button (1)

    • EXTJSIV-5802 - setIconCls() does not update the icon from within a beforerender listener
    Charts (2)
    • EXTJSIV-5816 - Missing requires in Ext.chart.axis.Numeric
    • EXTJSIV-5852 - Stacked Bar Chart shadow/border ghosts on redraw
    Core (4)
    • EXTJSIV-5819 - syncRequire callback scope broken
    • EXTJSIV-5858 - Ext.LoadMask destroy() method not hiding the mask
    • EXTJSIV-5873 - frameSize property undefined when CSS3 framing is used.
    • EXTJSIV-5886 - htmlEncode returns apos which is incompatible with IE
    Data (2)
    • EXTJSIV-5798 - Reader should use current fields if metadata does not include a fields array
    • EXTJSIV-5823 - Remote sort from a buffered store fails on small data sets.
    Examples (3)
    • EXTJSIV-5788 - Simple tasks : Two "Dismiss" buttons are displaying in reminder popup.
    • EXTJSIV-5789 - Simple tasks : "OK" button is not working in the "Set Default Reminder Time" pop-up.
    • EXTJSIV-5791 - Simple Tasks : Not able to unhide the columns once all possible columns are hidden
    Forms (5)
    • EXTJSIV-5554 - Issue with date format in Spanish locale.
    • EXTJSIV-5774 - Bug in set focus on IE
    • EXTJSIV-5782 - htmleditor in tab panel breaks layout when tab is destroyed
    • EXTJSIV-5850 - Ext.Editor, startEdit event does not pass editor instance as first argument
    • EXTJSIV-5885 - Forms - Advanced Validation - Months in the month selection menu are not properly aligned
    Grid (5)
    • EXTJSIV-5761 - RowEditing plugin breaks Grid scrolling
    • EXTJSIV-5779 - Tabbing on the last cell in a cell editing grid recurses infinitely.
    • EXTJSIV-5780 - CellSelectionModel does not cope well with deletions of rows.
    • EXTJSIV-5814 - Not possible to specify a column component on a locked grid (only a config)
    • EXTJSIV-5841 - Key navigation in grid with no selection throws JS errors
    Layouts (2)
    • EXTJSIV-5793 - Chrome 18 - broken layouts due to V8 NaN bug
    • EXTJSIV-5812 - Specifying a placeholder for a region in a border layout fails if given as a config object
    Menu (2)
    • EXTJSIV-5828 - Ext.menu.Menu.show - missing return this
    • EXTJSIV-5870 - menuExpandDelay of Ext.menu.Item not working
    Misc (2)
    • EXTJSIV-5759 - Ext 4.1 - What happened to hideMode: 'asclass'?
    • EXTJSIV-5843 - Korean locale file is throwing an exception
    Tabs (1)
    • EXTJSIV-5231 - GroupTabPanel UX doesn't work as expected

    Known issues:

    • EXTJSIV-5487 - accordion animation doesn't always complete if you click frequently
    Charts (1)
    • EXTJSIV-5108 - can't create label for type area series
    Core (2)
    • EXTJSIV-3932 - dom.style.setExpression not implemented in IE8
    • EXTJSIV-4942 - Element#tgetWidth() returns an incorrect result for naturally widthed absolutely positioned elements in some cases.
    Data (4)
    • EXTJSIV-3316 - Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature cannot restore state
    • EXTJSIV-4319 - Use a parameter other than 'id' for server calls
    • EXTJSIV-4335 - Duplicate records when calling sync() on a autoSync store
    • EXTJSIV-4372 - Grid Filtering Example: Bug with database return packet
    Documentation (3)
    • EXTJSIV-4296 - Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch Docs examples fail on Chromebook, can't use Example viewer, ReferenceError: Ext is not defined
    • EXTJSIV-5148 - Ext.selection.Model documentation bug
    • EXTJSIV-5156 - Update documentation that fields (id,text,leaf) are expected
    Forms (4)
    • EXTJSIV-2081 - Issue with "Bullet list" in the form widget editor
    • EXTJSIV-2425 - HTMLEditor corrupted when changing background color of selection
    • EXTJSIV-4873 - Errors calling add method in a checkboxgroup
    • EXTJSIV-5484 - Ext.form.field.File buttons don't get the mouse over effect that buttons do
    Grid (5)
    • EXTJSIV-4091 - Grid filters: initial value can be set, but it is not applied
    • EXTJSIV-4954 - Store Grouping Not Cleared Properly
    • EXTJSIV-5125 - FiltersFeature - Updating column header class when using a column group
    • EXTJSIV-5595 - Last selected row maintains selection after unchecked on column sort
    • EXTJSIV-5607 - Grid: getEditorParent is ignored - nested cell editing is not possible
    Layouts (2)
    • EXTJSIV-3704 - Ext.layout.container.Box: wrong children margins if using CSS rules
    • EXTJSIV-4768 - Border Layout : regions overlap when size (or size constraint) won't allow all regions to fit container
    Misc (4)
    • EXTJSIV-4545 - Kitchen Sink - Basic Tabs : By default tab headers are not displaying in Basic tabs.
    • EXTJSIV-4937 - Combination Examples : Web Desktop : Notepad: Displaying errors in error console upon double clicking on empty space in the note pad.
    • EXTJSIV-5130 - Neptune theme missing resources
    • EXTJSIV-5254 - HTMLEditor.insertAtCursor issues in "Source Edit" mode
    Panel (3)
    • EXTJSIV-5488 - Panel collapse/expand behavior not as expected when called on hidden panel
    • EXTJSIV-5489 - preventHeader not honored when panel is programmatically collapsed.
    • EXTJSIV-5544 - Intermittent issue with collapseOnDblClick set to true on IE
    Tabs (2)
    • EXTJSIV-3625 - TabPanel: defaults: closable true not configurable
    • EXTJSIV-4421 - x-tab-top-over never inserted into any element
    Theme (2)
    • EXTJSIV-3712 - 4.0.5 tabpanel shows blue strip in header in IE
    • EXTJSIV-5764 - Theme slicer requires new build of SDK Tools
    Tree (2)
    • EXTJSIV-4243 - Synchronous loading fails if async loading of same class is on going
    • EXTJSIV-5075 - NodeInterface "deep" copy only copies a single level

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    freemarker 分页取值
    Android App 压力测试方法(Monkey)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/muyuge/p/6333774.html
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