/* 选择第k个最小元 */ /* START: fig7_16.txt */ /* Places the kth smallest element in the kth position */ /* Because arrays start at 0, this will be index k-1 */ void Qselect(ElementType A[], int k, int Left, int Right) { int i, j; ElementType Pivot; if (Left + Cutoff <= Right) { Pivot = Median3(A, Left, Right); i = Left; j = Right - 1; for (;;) { while (A[++i] < Pivot){} while (A[--j] > Pivot){} if (i < j) Swap(&A[i], &A[j]); else break; } Swap(&A[i], &A[Right - 1]); /* Restore pivot */ if (k <= i) Qselect(A, k, Left, i - 1); else if (k > i + 1) Qselect(A, k, i + 1, Right); } else /* Do an insertion sort on the sub array */ InsertionSort(A + Left, Right - Left + 1); } /* END */ ElementType QuickSelect(ElementType A[], int k, int N) { Qselect(A, k, 0, N - 1); return A[k - 1]; }