声明:本系列涉及的开源程序代码学习和研究,严禁用于商业目的。 如有任何问题,欢迎和我交流。(企鹅号:408797506)
github工程代码路径: https://github.com/eryunyong/DataModel
一. 环境
1.GNU/Linux Centos6.5操作系统(x86)
二. 下载代码
git clone https://github.com/eryunyong/DataModel.git
三. 依赖包的安装
1. expat-2.1.0
cd dependence_pkt/expat-2.1.0/
mkdir tmp
3) 配置安装路径到tmp
./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp(如果是本地linux系统,只需要./configure)
4) 安装
make;make install
(比如我的环境:cp tmp/include/expat* /usr/local/include/ -rf; cp tmp/lib/libexpat.so.1.6.0 /usr/local/lib/ -rf;ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libexpat.so.1.6.0 /usr/local/lib/libexpat.so)
2. curl-7.21.4
这里介绍源码包安装的方式,也可以使用apt-get install 或者yum install命令在线安装。
tar -xvf openssl-1.0.2.tar.gz
3) 进入目录
cd openssl-1.0.2;mkdir tmp;mkdir tmp/openssl
4) 配置安装路径和配置文件路径
./config shared --prefix=$PWD/tmp --openssldir=$PWD/tmp/openssl(如果是本地linux系统,只需要./config shared)
make;make install
6) 拷贝tmp目录下相应的文件到需要的位置(参考前面)
cd dependence_pkt/curl-7.21.4/
mkdir tmp
3) 配置安装路径到tmp
./configure --without-ssl --prefix=$PWD/tmp(如果是本地linux系统,只需要./configure)
4) 安装
make;make install
(比如我的环境:cp tmp/include/curl /usr/local/include/ -rf; cp tmp/lib/libcurl.so.4.2.0 /usr/local/lib/;ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4.2.0 /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so)
四. 编译并安装
阅读Makefile,从中可以看出分步安装的步骤所执行的make命令:1. make uci 2. make uci_install 3. make device 4. make device_install 5. make cwmp_install(只提供x86的执行程序)
1 ~/git_DataModel# cat Makefile 2 include Makefile.inc 3 4 #CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE 5 CFLAGS += -I $(shell pwd)/include 6 7 LDFLAGS += -luci -lcurl 8 9 export CFLAGS LDFLAGS 10 11 TARGET := device.so 12 13 obj-y += src/ 14 15 uci : 16 #############1. make uci.so ##################### 17 make -C $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/ 18 19 uci_install : 20 #############2. install uci library and include and bin files ##################### 21 cp $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/libuci.so.0.1 /usr/lib/libuci.so.0.1 22 ln -sf /usr/lib/libuci.so.0.1 /usr/lib/libuci.so 23 cp $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/uci.h $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/uci_config.h $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/uci_internal.h /usr/include/ 24 cp $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/uci /usr/bin/ 25 device : 26 #############3. make device.so ##################### 27 make -C $(shell pwd)/ -f $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.build 28 $(CC) -o $(TARGET) -shared -fPIC built-in.o $(LDFLAGS) 29 30 device_install: 31 #######4. install device library and config for tr069 running test ################## 32 cp etc_config/* /etc/config/ -rf 33 cp device.so /usr/lib/ 34 cwmp_install: 35 #######5. install cwmp core ################## 36 cp cwmp_x86/cwmp /usr/bin/ -rf 37 cp tr069.sh /sbin/tr069 -rf 38 39 .PHONY: clean 40 clean: 41 rm -f $(shell find -name "*.o") 42 rm -f $(shell find -name "*.d") 43 rm -f $(TARGET) 44 make clean -C $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/ 45 46 .PHONY: distclean 47 distclean: 48 ##########1. clear device and uci make ################# 49 rm -f $(shell find -name "*.o") 50 rm -f $(shell find -name "*.d") 51 rm -f $(TARGET) 52 make clean -C $(shell pwd)/uci-0.1/ 53 ##########2. remove uci install ################# 54 rm -rf /usr/lib/libuci.so.0.1 /usr/lib/libuci.so 55 rm -rf /usr/include/uci_internal.h /usr/include/uci_config.h /usr/include/uci.h 56 rm -rf /usr/bin/uci 57 ##########3. remove device install ################# 58 rm -rf /etc/config/* 59 rm -rf /usr/lib/device.so 60 ##########4. remove cwmp core install ################# 61 rm -rf /usr/bin/cwmp
1 ~/git_DataModel# cat build_debug.sh 2 #!/bin/sh 3 make uci 4 make uci_install 5 make device 6 make device_install 7 make cwmp_install 8 #cp tr069.sh /sbin/tr069 -rf 9 10 #make clean 11 #make distclean
五. 卸载
执行make distclean清除所有编译和安装程序
六. 测试
程序启动命令:cwmp -F /etc/config/cwmpd.conf &
或者使用脚本 tr069 start命令开启测试程序。
查看log的方法:tail -f /tmp/cwmp.log
1 2017-03-20 17:30:44.121 [DBUG] [Device] [device.c:get_param_by_name()] [0755] name=InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANIPConnection.1.ExternalIPAddress 2 2017-03-20 17:30:44.122 [ERRO] [EB-MIG] [WANIPConnection.c:CpeGetWANIPConnection_ExternalIPAddress()] [0494] TODO.............support yourself WAN interface ip addr 3 2017-03-20 17:30:44.122 [DBUG] [Event] [event.c:event_loop()] [1221] WAN IP= 4 2017-03-20 17:30:47.142 [DBUG] [Event] [event.c:event_loop()] [1287] resp=200 5 2017-03-20 17:30:47.143 [INFO] [Event] [event.c:event_loop()] [1318] recv=<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:cwmp="urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0"><SOAP-ENV:Header><cwmp:ID SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">-36640</cwmp:ID></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"><cwmp:GetParameterValues><ParameterNames SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[1]"><string xsi:type="xsd:string">InternetGatewayDevice.ObjTest.5.TestEnabled</string></ParameterNames></cwmp:GetParameterValues></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
从log看到错误的一行:[ERRO] [EB-MIG] [WANIPConnection.c:CpeGetWANIPConnection_ExternalIPAddress()] [0494] TODO.............support yourself WAN interface ip addr
七. 根据实际网卡地址修改CPE地址
修改配置文件option cpe_ipaddr ''
1 git_DataModel/etc_config# vi /etc/config/cpeagent 2 3 config cpeagent tr069 4 option acsurl '' 5 option cpeport '25100' 6 option cpe_ipaddr '' 7 option auth '0' 8 option cpeauth_user 'test' 9 option cpeauth_pass 'test' 10 option acsauth_user 'test' 11 option acsauth_pass 'test' 12 option enable '1' 13 option acs_status '0' 14 option inform_status '0' 15 option bs_status '0' 16 option cwmp_status '0' 17 18 config cpeagent managementserver 19 option PeriodicInformEnable '1' 20 option PeriodicInformInterval '43200' 21 option PeriodicInformTime '1323903137' 22 23 config cpeagent inform 24 option bootstarp '1'
八. 交叉编译
如需交叉编译或者其他平台的移植,请提供交叉编译工具链,我会把编译后的cwmp 协议栈的程序发给你。