1)Install JAVA SDK
Downloadand install the Java SDK.
Createan environment variable called JAVA_HOME and point it to your Java SDKdirectory.
Thenmodify the PATH variable and add: ;%JAVA_HOME%/bin
Applythe changes.
2)Download Subversion
Windows: http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/29065/svn-1.3.0-setup.exe
Linux: http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html
3)Checkout the Source Code
UsingSVN Checkout, get the source code:
svn checkout https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/trunk
4)Download and install Maven
Windows: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0.4.exe
Linux: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0.4.zip
If youare using Linux, execute the following commands:
5) BuildSource Code
Go tothe command line and navigate to the root of the source tree that you justdownloaded.
Executethe command:
If itfails, just try again. It trys to download jars and some might not be availableat that time. So just keep trying.
If itsucceeds, run the next command:
6) Setup Eclipse
Start upEclipse.
Got to:Windows -> Preferences
In thewondow that pops up click on Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables
On theClasspath Variables panel, select New
Define anew variables called M2_REPO and set it to your local maven repository. (forwindows it would be C:/Documents and Settings/username/.m2/repository)
7) Getthe Code into Eclipse
Importexisting projects into the workspace, use the root of your geoserver sourcetree.
Selectall of the modules. Hit Finish.
Pastedfrom <http://hi.baidu.com/%B2%E8%B6%E0%B7%D3%BB%BC%D5%DF/blog/item/26e4475013661815377abeeb.html>