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  • 【CF52C】Circular RMQ(线段树区间加减,区间最值)

    给定一个循环数组a0, a1, a2, …, an-1,现在对他们有两个操作:

    Inc(le, ri, v)表示区间[le, ri]范围的数值增加v

    Rmq(le, ri)表示询问区间[le, ri]范围内的最小值

    注意,这个是循环数组,所以如果n=5, le=3, ri=1,那么询问的是a3, a4, a0, a1中的最小值。




    1<= n <=200000   0<=Q<=200000

    -10^6<= ai <=10^6   0<=le, ri<=n-1   -10^6<= v <=10^6






      1 const oo=1000000000000000000;
      2 var tree:array[1..1000000]of record
      3                               a,s:int64;
      4                              end;
      5     a:array[1..1000000]of int64;
      6     n,q,len,x,y,z,p:int64;
      7     ch,s:string;
      8     i,j,k:longint;
     12 procedure pushdown(p:int64);
     13 begin
     14  tree[p<<1].s:=tree[p<<1].s+tree[p].a;
     15  tree[p<<1].a:=tree[p<<1].a+tree[p].a;
     16  tree[p<<1+1].s:=tree[p<<1+1].s+tree[p].a;
     17  tree[p<<1+1].a:=tree[p<<1+1].a+tree[p].a;
     18  tree[p].a:=0;
     19 end;
     21 procedure pushup(p:int64);
     22 begin
     23  if tree[p<<1].s<tree[p<<1+1].s then tree[p].s:=tree[p<<1].s
     24   else tree[p].s:=tree[p<<1+1].s;
     25 // tree[p].s:=min(tree[p<<1].s,tree[p<<1+1].s);
     26 end;
     28 procedure build(l,r,p:int64);
     29 var mid:int64;
     30 begin
     31  if l=r then
     32  begin
     33   tree[p].s:=a[l];
     34   tree[p].a:=0;
     35   exit;
     36  end;
     37  mid:=(l+r)>>1;
     38  if l<=mid then build(l,mid,p<<1);
     39  if r>mid then build(mid+1,r,p<<1+1);
     40  pushup(p);
     41 end;
     43 function query(l,r,x,y,p:int64):int64;
     44 var mid:int64;t,ret:int64;
     45 begin
     46  if (x<=l)and(y>=r) then exit(tree[p].s);
     47  pushdown(p);
     48  mid:=(l+r)>>1;
     49  ret:=oo;
     50  //query:=oo;
     51  if x<=mid then ret:=query(l,mid,x,y,p<<1);
     52  if y>mid then
     53  begin
     54   t:=query(mid+1,r,x,y,p<<1+1);
     55   if t<ret then ret:=t; //query:=min(query,t);
     56  end;
     57  exit(ret);
     58 end;
     60 procedure update(l,r,x,y,v,p:int64);
     61 var mid:int64;
     62 begin
     63  if (x<=l)and(y>=r) then
     64  begin
     65   tree[p].s:=tree[p].s+v;
     66   tree[p].a:=tree[p].a+v;
     67   exit;
     68  end;
     69  pushdown(p);
     70  mid:=(l+r)>>1;
     71  if x<=mid then update(l,mid,x,y,v,p<<1);
     72  if y>mid then update(mid+1,r,x,y,v,p<<1+1);
     73  pushup(p);
     74 end;
     76 begin
     78  readln(n);
     79  for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);
     80  for i:=1 to n<<2 do tree[i].s:=oo;
     81  build(1,n,1);
     82  readln(q);
     83  for i:=1 to q do
     84  begin
     85   readln(ch); len:=length(ch);
     86   p:=0;
     87   for j:=1 to len do
     88    if ch[j]=' ' then inc(p);
     89   if p=1 then
     90   begin
     91    x:=0;
     92    j:=0;
     93    repeat
     94     inc(j);
     95     if ch[j]<>' ' then x:=x*10+ord(ch[j])-ord('0')
     96      else break;
     97    until j=len;
     98    y:=0;
     99    repeat
    100     inc(j);
    101     if ch[j]<>' ' then y:=y*10+ord(ch[j])-ord('0')
    102      else break;
    103    until j=len;
    104    inc(x); inc(y);
    105    if x<=y then writeln(query(1,n,x,y,1))
    106     else
    107      if query(1,n,x,n,1)<query(1,n,1,y,1) then writeln(query(1,n,x,n,1))
    108       else writeln(query(1,n,1,y,1));
    109   end
    110    else
    111    begin
    112     x:=0;
    113     j:=0;
    114     repeat
    115      inc(j);
    116      if ch[j]<>' ' then x:=x*10+ord(ch[j])-ord('0')
    117       else break;
    118     until j=len;
    119     y:=0;
    120     repeat
    121      inc(j);
    122      if ch[j]<>' ' then y:=y*10+ord(ch[j])-ord('0')
    123       else break;
    124     until j=len;
    125     s:='';
    126     for k:=j+1 to len do s:=s+ch[k];
    127     val(s,z);
    128     inc(x); inc(y);
    129     if x<=y then update(1,n,x,y,z,1)
    130      else
    131      begin
    132       update(1,n,x,n,z,1);
    133       update(1,n,1,y,z,1);
    134      end;
    135    end;
    136  end;
    138 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myx12345/p/5521343.html
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