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  • 代码创建的ribbon在切换工作空间后消失的解决方法



    RibbonTab in all Workspaces

    链接  https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/net/ribbontab-in-all-workspaces/td-p/2853958


    When you change workspace your ribbon wilI be unloaded. Listen to the SystemVariableChanged event and watch the WSCURRENT setting. This system variable will be changed when a new workspace become current. If this is changed you can run your code to add your ribbon tab.

    Here is an example

    public void Initialize()
    if (Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.Ribbon == null)
    //load the custom Ribbon on startup, but at this point
    //the Ribbon control is not available, so register for
    //an event and wait
    Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.ItemInitialized +=
    new EventHandler(ComponentManager_ItemInitialized);
    //not in published sample
    Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SystemVariableChanged += new Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.SystemVariableChangedEventHandler(Application_SystemVariableChanged);

    //the assembly was loaded using NETLOAD, so the ribbon
    //is available and we just create the ribbon

    Your command for creating your ribbon 'createRibbon();'

    Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SystemVariableChanged +=
    new Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.SystemVariableChangedEventHandler(Application_SystemVariableChanged);


    void Application_SystemVariableChanged(object sender,
    Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.SystemVariableChangedEventArgs e)
    //Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
    //ed.WriteMessage(" -Sys Var Changed: " + e.Name);

    if (e.Name.ToLower() == "wscurrent")

    Sorry about te bad code format but i think this will help.



    // (C) Copyright 2019 by  
    using System;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
    using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
    using Autodesk.Windows;
    using System.Drawing;
    // This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performances
    [assembly: ExtensionApplication(typeof(RibbonTest.MyPlugin))]
    namespace RibbonTest
        // This class is instantiated by AutoCAD once and kept alive for the 
        // duration of the session. If you don't do any one time initialization 
        // then you should remove this class.
        public class MyPlugin : IExtensionApplication
            void IExtensionApplication.Initialize()
                // Add one time initialization here
                // One common scenario is to setup a callback function here that 
                // unmanaged code can call. 
                // To do this:
                // 1. Export a function from unmanaged code that takes a function
                //    pointer and stores the passed in value in a global variable.
                // 2. Call this exported function in this function passing delegate.
                // 3. When unmanaged code needs the services of this managed module
                //    you simply call acrxLoadApp() and by the time acrxLoadApp 
                //    returns  global function pointer is initialized to point to
                //    the C# delegate.
                // For more info see: 
                // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-US/library/5zwkzwf4(VS.80).aspx
                // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/44ey4b32(VS.80).aspx
                // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-US/library/7esfatk4.aspx
                // as well as some of the existing AutoCAD managed apps.
                // Initialize your plug-in application here
                Application.Idle += LoadMyRibbon;
                Application.SystemVariableChanged += Application_SystemVariableChanged;
            static void Application_SystemVariableChanged(object sender, Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.SystemVariableChangedEventArgs e)
                //Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
    -Sys Var Changed: " + e.Name);
                if (e.Name.ToLower() == "wscurrent")
            static private void LoadMyRibbon(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Application.Idle -= LoadMyRibbon;
            private static void CreateRibbon()
                RibbonControl rc = ComponentManager.Ribbon;
                var sth = rc.Tabs;
                RibbonTab rt = null;
                foreach (RibbonTab tab in rc.Tabs)
                    if (tab.AutomationName == "Test")
                        rt = tab;
                if (rt == null)
                    rt = new RibbonTab();
                    rt.Title = "Test";
                    rt.Id = "Test_ID";
                    rc.Tabs.Insert(0, rt);
                RibbonPanelSource rps = new RibbonPanelSource();
                rps.Title = "第一个";
                RibbonPanel rp = new RibbonPanel();
                rp.Source = rps;
                rt.Panels.Insert(0, rp);
                RibbonButton rb = new RibbonButton();
                rb.Text = "第一个按钮";
                rb.ShowText = true;
                rb.ShowImage = true;
            void IExtensionApplication.Terminate()
                // Do plug-in application clean up here
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