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  • 斯坦福大学sql练习(基础篇)

    You've started a new movie-rating website, and you've been collecting data on reviewers' ratings of various movies. There's not much data yet, but you can still try out some interesting queries. Here's the schema:

    Movie ( mID, title, year, director )
    English: There is a movie with ID number mID, a title, a release year, and a director.

    Reviewer ( rID, name )
    English: The reviewer with ID number rID has a certain name.

    Rating ( rID, mID, stars, ratingDate )
    English: The reviewer rID gave the movie mID a number of stars rating (1-5) on a certain ratingDate.
    101 Gone with the Wind 1939 Victor Fleming
    102 Star Wars 1977 George Lucas
    103 The Sound of Music 1965 Robert Wise
    104 E.T. 1982 Steven Spielberg
    105 Titanic 1997 James Cameron
    106 Snow White 1937 <null>
    107 Avatar 2009 James Cameron
    108 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 Steven Spielberg

    201 Sarah Martinez
    202 Daniel Lewis
    203 Brittany Harris
    204 Mike Anderson
    205 Chris Jackson
    206 Elizabeth Thomas
    207 James Cameron
    208 Ashley White

    201 101 2 2011-01-22
    201 101 4 2011-01-27
    202 106 4 <null>
    203 103 2 2011-01-20
    203 108 4 2011-01-12
    203 108 2 2011-01-30
    204 101 3 2011-01-09
    205 103 3 2011-01-27
    205 104 2 2011-01-22
    205 108 4 <null>
    206 107 3 2011-01-15
    206 106 5 2011-01-19
    207 107 5 2011-01-20
    208 104 3 2011-01-02
    Question 1:Find the titles of all movies directed by Steven Spielberg.
    1 select title from Movie
    2 where director='Steven Spielberg
    Question 2:Find all years that have a movie that received a rating of 4 or 5, and sort them in increasing order.
    1 select distinct Movie.year from Movie
    2 join Rating
    3 on Movie.mID=Rating.mID and (Rating.stars=4 or Rating.stars=5)
    4 order by Movie.year
    Question 3:Find the titles of all movies that have no ratings.
    1 select distinct Movie.title from Movie
    2 left join Rating
    3 on Movie.mID=Rating.mID
    4 where Rating.mID is null
    Question 4:Some reviewers didn't provide a date with their rating. Find the names of all reviewers who have ratings with a NULL value for the date.
    1 select Reviewer.name from Reviewer
    2 join Rating
    3 on Reviewer.rID=Rating.rID
    4 where Rating.ratingDate is null
    Question 5:Write a query to return the ratings data in a more readable format: reviewer name, movie title, stars, and ratingDate. Also, sort the data, first by reviewer name, then by movie title, and lastly by number of stars.
    1 select Reviewer.name,Movie.title,Rating.stars,Rating.ratingDate from 
    2 (Reviewer join Rating) join Movie
    3 on Reviewer.rID=Rating.rID and Rating.mID=Movie.mID
    4 order by Reviewer.name,Movie.title,Rating.stars

    Question 6:For all cases where the same reviewer rated the same movie twice and gave it a higher rating the second time, return the reviewer's name and the title of the movie.

    1 select  Reviewer.name,Movie.title from Movie join
    2 (select Rating.mID,Rating.rID,Rating.stars,Rating.ratingDate from Rating,
    3 (select Rating.mID,Rating.rID,max(Rating.stars) as maxStars,max(Rating.ratingDate) as maxDate from Rating
    4 group by mID,rID
    5 having count(rId)=2 and count(mID)=2) as nan
    6 where Rating.mID=nan.mID and Rating.rID=nan.rID and Rating.stars=nan.maxStars and Rating.ratingDate=maxDate) as nannan
    7 on Movie.mID=nannan.mID join Reviewer on Reviewer.rID=nannan.rID
    select Movie.title,Reviewer.name from Movie join
    (select Rating.rID,Rating.mID from Rating,
    (select Rating.rID,Rating.mID,max(Rating.stars) as maxStar,max(Rating.ratingDate) as maxDate from Rating
    group by Rating.rID,Rating.mID
    having count(rID)=2) as nan
    where nan.maxStar=Rating.Stars and nan.maxDate=Rating.ratingDate) as nannan
    on Movie.mID=nannan.mID
    join Reviewer on Reviewer.rID=nannan.rID
    Question 9:For each movie that has at least one rating, find the highest number of stars that movie received. Return the movie title and number of stars. Sort by movie title.
    1 select Movie.title,nan.maxStars from Movie join
    2 (select Rating.mID,max(Rating.stars) as maxStars from Rating
    3 group by mID) as nan
    4 on Movie.mID=nan.mID
    5 ORDER BY Movie.title
    Question 8:List movie titles and average ratings, from highest-rated to lowest-rated. If two or more movies have the same average rating, list them in alphabetical order.
    1 select Movie.title,nan.avgStars from Movie join
    2 (select Rating.mID,avg(Rating.stars) as avgStars from Rating
    3 group by Rating.mID
    4 ) as nan
    5 on Movie.mID=nan.mID
    6 order by nan.avgStars desc,Movie.title

    Question 9:Find the names of all reviewers who have contributed three or more ratings. (As an extra challenge, try writing the query without HAVING or without COUNT.)

    1 select Reviewer.name from Reviewer join 
    2 (select Rating.rID,count(Rating.rID) as countRID from Rating
    3 group by rID
    4 having countRID>=3) as nan
    5 on nan.rID=Reviewer.rID


    Question 10:For each movie, return the title and the 'rating spread', that is, the difference between highest and lowest ratings given to that movie. Sort by rating spread from highest to lowest, then by movie title.

    1 select Movie.title,nan.spread from Movie join
    2 (select Rating.mID,(max(Rating.stars)-min(Rating.stars)) as spread from Rating
    3 group by Rating.mID)as nan
    4 on Movie.mID=nan.mID
    5 order by nan.spread desc,Movie.title


    SELECT tbl_info.name, tbl_info.num, tbl_info.phone, tbl_info.faculty, tbl_info.qq, tbl_grade.name, tbl_class.name
    FROM tbl_info
    JOIN tbl_grade
    JOIN tbl_class ON tbl_info.grade_id = tbl_grade.id
    AND tbl_info.class_id = tbl_class.id


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nannanITeye/p/3008627.html
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