1、Why user "var me=this" in Extjs4?
Say you have a method in your object A which itself makes an ajax request which has a callback. In this callback you want to use a property "blob" of your original object A. You can not use "this.blob" in this callback because "this" does not refer to your object A anymore (Your scope is in the ajax request). For this reason you save "this" to a variable "me" before you call the function and then refer to "me.blob" to reference the porperty A.blob.
归根结底就是作用域的原因,就是如果你在当前对象中的某一个函数用this的时候this可能不是指代当前的对象了,你要用var me=this;这句话把当前对象的指针保存下来就可以用了。
// a grid, for example initComponent: function() { var me = this; ... me.toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({ items: [ { text: 'refresh', handler: function() { me.store.reload(); } } ] });
inside the handler, me references the grid, while "this" references the button.
Surely a source of confusion for many a programmer at some point.
如果在函数里面写了var me=this;这句话,this指代的是直接调用这个函数的对象,所以在handler函数中用this的话是指代的button而不是grid。因为handler是数据button的。
Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'ajax_demo/sample.json', success: function(response, opts) { var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText); console.dir(obj); }, failure: function(response, opts) { console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status); } });
4、 constructor: function (config) {
Ext.apply(this, config);