#include "stdafx.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include "cxcore.h" #include "cvaux.h" #include <iostream> #include"Timer.h" using namespace std; int otsu2 (IplImage *image); CvBox2D findRectContours(const IplImage *gray); void main() { IplImage* img =cvLoadImage("mark1.jpg",0); // cvCopyImage(srcImgGrey,img0tsu); MyTimer mt; mt.Reset(); mt.Start(); //Sleep(1000); int thre2; thre2 = otsu2(img); //cout<<"The Threshold of this Image in Otsu is:"<<thre2<<endl;//输出显示阀值 cvThreshold(img,img,thre2,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY); // 二值化 // CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); // CvSeq * contour = 0; //cvFindContours(img,storage,&contour,sizeof(CvContour),1,2); CvBox2D box=findRectContours(img); mt.End(); cout<<box.center.x<<endl<<box.center.y<<endl<<box.size.height<<endl<<box.size.width<<endl<<mt.costTime<<endl; cvDrawCircle(img,cvPoint(box.center.x,box.center.y),1,cvScalar(255,255,255),2,8,0); cvNamedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvShowImage( "img", img);//显示图像 cvReleaseImage(&img); cvWaitKey(0); } CvBox2D findRectContours(const IplImage *gray) { CvBox2D box; CvSeq* firstContour = NULL; CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); IplImage* contourImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(gray), gray->depth, 1); cvCopy(gray, contourImg); cvFindContours(contourImg, storage, &firstContour, sizeof(CvContour), 1,2); CvSeq* maxContour = firstContour; CvSeq* Contour = firstContour; while(Contour) { if(maxContour->total < Contour->total) { maxContour = Contour; } Contour = Contour->h_next; } if(maxContour) { box = cvFitEllipse2(maxContour); // CvPoint2D32f cross; // float radius; //cvMinEnclosingCircle(maxContour,&cross,&radius); // cout<<cross.x<<endl<<cross.y<<endl; //box.center.x=cross.x;box.center.y=cross.y;box.size.width=radius; } //cvDrawContours(contourImg,maxContour,cvScalar(0,0,255),cvScalar(0,0,255),1,1,0,cvPoint(0,0)); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); return box; } /*======================================================================*/ /* OTSU global thresholding routine */ /*======================================================================*/ int otsu2 (IplImage *image) { int w = image->width; int h = image->height; unsigned char*np; // 图像指针 unsigned char pixel; int thresholdValue=1; // 阈值 int ihist[256]; // 图像直方图,256个点 int i, j, k; // various counters int n, n1, n2, gmin, gmax; double m1, m2, sum, csum, fmax, sb; // 对直方图置零... memset(ihist, 0, sizeof(ihist)); gmin=255; gmax=0; // 生成直方图 for (i =0; i < h; i++) { np = (unsigned char*)(image->imageData + image->widthStep*i); for (j =0; j < w; j++) { pixel = np[j]; ihist[ pixel]++; if(pixel > gmax) gmax= pixel; if(pixel < gmin) gmin= pixel; } } // set up everything sum = csum =0.0; n =0; for (k =0; k <=255; k++) { sum += k * ihist[k]; /* x*f(x) 质量矩*/ n += ihist[k]; /* f(x) 质量 */ } if (!n) { // if n has no value, there is problems... //fprintf (stderr, "NOT NORMAL thresholdValue = 160 "); thresholdValue =160; goto L; } // do the otsu global thresholding method fmax =-1.0; n1 =0; for (k =0; k <255; k++) { n1 += ihist[k]; if (!n1) { continue; } n2 = n - n1; if (n2 ==0) { break; } csum += k *ihist[k]; m1 = csum / n1; m2 = (sum - csum) / n2; sb = n1 * n2 *(m1 - m2) * (m1 - m2); /* bbg: note: can be optimized. */ if (sb > fmax) { fmax = sb; thresholdValue = k; } } L: for (i =0; i < h; i++) { np = (unsigned char*)(image->imageData + image->widthStep*i); for (j =0; j < w; j++) { if(np[j] >= thresholdValue) np[j] =255; else np[j] =0; } } //cout<<"The Threshold of this Image in Otsu is:"<<thresholdValue<<endl; return(thresholdValue); }