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  • pku 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers


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      1 program tree_line(input,output);
    2 type
    3 node = record
    4 sum,mark : int64;
    5 left,right,x,y : longint;
    6 end;
    7 var
    8 tree : array[0..1000000] of node;
    9 n,m,tot : longint;
    10 the_x,the_y,h : longint;
    11 answer : int64;
    12 a : array[0..100001] of longint;
    13 function min(aa,bb: longint ):longint;
    14 begin
    15 if aa<bb then
    16 exit(aa);
    17 exit(bb);
    18 end; { min }
    19 function max(aa,bb :longint ):longint;
    20 begin
    21 if aa>bb then
    22 exit(aa);
    23 exit(bb);
    24 end; { max }
    25 procedure build(xx,yy: longint );
    26 var
    27 now,mid : longint;
    28 begin
    29 inc(tot);
    30 now:=tot;
    31 tree[now].x:=xx;
    32 tree[now].y:=yy;
    33 tree[now].mark:=0;
    34 tree[now].sum:=0;
    35 if xx=yy then
    36 begin
    37 tree[now].sum:=a[xx];
    38 exit;
    39 end;
    40 mid:=(xx+yy)>>1;
    41 tree[now].left:=tot+1;
    42 build(xx,mid);
    43 tree[now].right:=tot+1;
    44 build(mid+1,yy);
    45 tree[now].sum:=tree[tree[now].left].sum+tree[tree[now].right].sum;
    46 end; { build }
    47 procedure change(now :longint );
    48 var
    49 mid : longint;
    50 begin
    51 inc(tree[now].sum,h*(min(tree[now].y,the_y)-max(the_x,tree[now].x)+1));
    52 if (tree[now].x>=the_x)and(tree[now].y<=the_y) then
    53 begin
    54 inc(tree[now].mark,h);
    55 exit;
    56 end;
    57 mid:=(tree[now].x+tree[now].y)>>1;
    58 if the_x<=mid then
    59 change(tree[now].left);
    60 if mid<the_y then
    61 change(tree[now].right);
    62 end; { change }
    63 procedure find(now :longint );
    64 var
    65 mid : longint;
    66 begin
    67 if (tree[now].x>=the_x)and(the_y>=tree[now].y) then
    68 begin
    69 inc(answer,tree[now].sum);
    70 exit;
    71 end;
    72 inc(tree[tree[now].left].mark,tree[now].mark);
    73 inc(tree[tree[now].right].mark,tree[now].mark);
    74 inc(tree[tree[now].left].sum,tree[now].mark*(tree[tree[now].left].y-tree[tree[now].left].x+1));
    75 inc(tree[tree[now].right].sum,tree[now].mark*(tree[tree[now].right].y-tree[tree[now].right].x+1));
    76 tree[now].mark:=0;
    77 mid:=(tree[now].x+tree[now].y)>>1;
    78 if the_y>mid then
    79 find(tree[now].right);
    80 if the_x<=mid then
    81 find(tree[now].left);
    82 end; { find }
    83 procedure main;
    84 var
    85 i : longint;
    86 ch : char;
    87 begin
    88 readln(n,m);
    89 for i:=1 to n do
    90 read(a[i]);
    91 readln;
    92 build(1,n);
    93 for i:=1 to m do
    94 begin
    95 read(ch);
    96 if ch='C' then
    97 begin
    98 readln(the_x,the_y,h);
    99 change(1);
    100 end;
    101 if ch='Q' then
    102 begin
    103 readln(the_x,the_y);
    104 answer:=0;
    105 find(1);
    106 writeln(answer);
    107 end;
    108 end;
    109 end; { main }
    110 begin
    111 main;
    112 end.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/neverforget/p/2387870.html
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