The Arduino Star series of boards feature ST Microelectronics processors, and the first of the series is the Star Otto. The Otto combines the power of the STM32F469 processor and an Espressif ESP8266 for WiFi, with several on-board peripherals, such as a micro-SD slot, connectors for a camera and an LCD, USB Host, headphone and speaker output, and an on-board stereo microphone.
—-摘自 arduino-star-otto
Star名字取自ST和Arduino的缩写合并, Star Otto是ST和Arduino官方合作推出的Arduino Star系列的第一个板子, 板载了STM32F469 MCU, ESP8266 WiFi, micro-SD插槽, 摄像头和LCD接口, USB Host, 立体声麦克风( stereo microphone), 耳机和扬声器接口(headphone and speaker output). 供电电压5-15V, 引出54个I/O口, 12路PWM输出, PCB尺寸: 101.5x53.3mm, 重34g.
- Architecture: Cortex-M4
- Flash: 2MB
- SRAM: 384KB + 16MB ext SDRAM(在板子背面) + 128KB EEPROM
- Clock Speed: 180 MHz
- Analog I/O: 14xADC + 2xDAC
- Other features: DSI-IF for Display, Camera IF, Audio output, Stereo Mic(指的是扩展的接口吧)
NFC shield is an NFC shield based on the ST CR95HF chip that allows Arduino boards to read and write NFC tags. The connection between the shield and the main board can be through UART or SPI. It is also possible to connect the NFC reader using an USB cable.
The Arduino STAR LCD is a touch display developed in cooperation with ST and it is compatible with the Arduino STAR OTTO only.
- Arduino官方: Arduino Star Otto
- ST官方媒体报道(介绍了STAR名字的由来以及某些xx): STMicroelectronics and Arduino Launch Cooperation to Expand Maker-Community Access to STM32 MCUs and Sensors