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  • 20170716xlVba销售明细转销售单据

    Sub CreateSaleList()
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Dim StartTime As Variant    '开始时间
        Dim UsedTime As Variant    '使用时间
        StartTime = VBA.Timer    '记录开始时间
        Dim Wb As Workbook
        Dim Sht As Worksheet
        Dim oSht As Worksheet
        Dim NewSht As Worksheet
        Dim iRow As Long
        Dim NewRow As Long
        Dim Dic As Object
        Dim Key As String
        Dim PageNo As Long
        Set Wb = Application.ThisWorkbook
        For Each oSht In Wb.Worksheets
            If oSht.Name <> "明细" And oSht.Name <> "模板" Then
                Debug.Print oSht.Name
            End If
        Next oSht
        Set Sht = Wb.Worksheets("明细")
        Set oSht = Wb.Worksheets("模板")
        Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        With Sht
            iRow = 3
            Do While .Cells(iRow, 1).Value <> ""
                Key = .Cells(iRow, 1).Value
                Dic(Key) = Dic(Key) + 1
                PageNo = Int((Dic(Key) - 1) / 5) + 1
                NewName = Key & "(" & PageNo & ")"
                If Dic(Key) Mod 5 = 1 Then
                    '  On Error Resume Next
                    '  Wb.Worksheets(NewName).Delete
                    '  On Error GoTo 0
                    oSht.Copy After:=Wb.Worksheets(Wb.Worksheets.Count)
                    Set NewSht = Wb.Worksheets(Wb.Worksheets.Count)
                    NewSht.Name = Key & "(" & PageNo & ")"
                    NewSht.Range("B3").Value = .Cells(iRow, "C").Value
                    NewSht.Range("E3").Value = .Cells(iRow, "B").Value
                    NewSht.Range("G2").Value = NewSht.Range("G2").Value & .Cells(iRow, "A").Value
                    NewSht.Range("G3").Value = NewSht.Range("G3").Value & .Cells(iRow, "L").Value
                End If
                NewRow = 4 + (Dic(Key) - 1) Mod 5 + 1
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 1).Value = .Cells(iRow, 6).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 2).Value = .Cells(iRow, 7).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 3).Value = .Cells(iRow, 8).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 4).Value = .Cells(iRow, 11).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 5).Value = .Cells(iRow, 10).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 6).Value = .Cells(iRow, 13).Value
                NewSht.Cells(NewRow, 7).Value = .Cells(iRow, 9).Value
                iRow = iRow + 1
                If iRow = 60 Then Exit Do  '防止死循环
        End With
        Set Wb = Nothing
        Set Sht = Nothing
        Set oSht = Nothing
        Set NewSht = Nothing
        AppSettings False
        UsedTime = VBA.Timer - StartTime
        MsgBox "本次运行耗时:" & Format(UsedTime, "#0.0000秒")
        AppSettings False
        Exit Sub
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MsgBox Err.Description & "!", vbCritical, "QQ 84857038"
            Debug.Print Err.Description
            Resume ErrorExit
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub AppSettings(Optional IsStart As Boolean = True)
        If IsStart Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            Application.StatusBar = ">>>>>>>>Macro Is Running>>>>>>>>"
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
            Application.StatusBar = False
        End If
    End Sub


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