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  • python对比图片


    from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageChops def compare_images(path_one, path_two, diff_save_location): """ 比较图片,如果有不同则生成展示不同的图片 @参数一: path_one: 第一张图片的路径 @参数二: path_two: 第二张图片的路径 @参数三: diff_save_location: 不同图的保存路径 """ image_one = Image.open(path_one) image_two = Image.open(path_two) try: diff = ImageChops.difference(image_one, image_two) if diff.getbbox() is None: # 图片间没有任何不同则直接退出 print("【+】We are the same!") else: diff.save(diff_save_location) except ValueError as e: text = ("表示图片大小和box对应的宽度不一致,参考API说明:Pastes another image into this image." "The box argument is either a 2-tuple giving the upper left corner, a 4-tuple defining the left, upper, " "right, and lower pixel coordinate, or None (same as (0, 0)). If a 4-tuple is given, the size of the pasted " "image must match the size of the region.使用2纬的box避免上述问题") print("【{0}】{1}".format(e,text)) if __name__ == '__main__': compare_images('1.png', '2.png', '我们不一样.png')
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/niansi/p/8508206.html
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