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  • DLLImport

    namespace Wintellect.Interop.Sound
        using System; 
        using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
        using System.ComponentModel; 
        sealed class Sound
            public static void MessageBeep(BeepTypes type)
                if(!MessageBeep((UInt32) type))
                         Int32 err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                         throw new Win32Exception(err); 
            [DllImport("User32.dll", SetLastError=true)] 
            static extern Boolean MessageBeep(UInt32 beepType); 
            private Sound()
        enum BeepTypes{ 
             Simple = -1, 
             Ok = 0x00000000, 
             IconHand = 0x00000010, 
             IconQuestion = 0x00000020, 
             IconExclamation = 0x00000030,
             IconAsterisk = 0x00000040 

     C 和 Win32 的一些公共数据类型及其规范,以及一个具有匹配规范的公共语言运行库类型

    Win32 TypesSpecificationCLR Type
    char, INT8, SBYTE, CHAR† 8-bit signed integer System.SByte
    short, short int, INT16, SHORT 16-bit signed integer System.Int16
    int, long, long int, INT32, LONG32, BOOL†, INT 32-bit signed integer System.Int32
    __int64, INT64, LONGLONG 64-bit signed integer System.Int64
    unsigned char, UINT8, UCHAR†, BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer System.Byte
    unsigned short, UINT16, USHORT, WORD, ATOM, WCHAR†, __wchar_t 16-bit unsigned integer System.UInt16
    unsigned, unsigned int, UINT32, ULONG32, DWORD32, ULONG, DWORD, UINT 32-bit unsigned integer System.UInt32
    unsigned __int64, UINT64, DWORDLONG, ULONGLONG 64-bit unsigned integer System.UInt64
    float, FLOAT Single-precision floating point System.Single
    double, long double, DOUBLE Double-precision floating point System.Double
    †In Win32 this type is an integer with a specially assigned meaning; in contrast, the CLR provides a specific type devoted to this meaning.

    在 C# 中通过 P/Invoke 调用Win32 DLL

    Calling Win32 DLLs in C# with P/Invoke



    FileEncryptionStatus API 函数

    BOOL FileEncryptionStatus(
      LPCTSTR lpFileName,  // file name
      LPDWORD lpStatus     // encryption status

    工作方式是调用程序向该函数传递指向一个 DWORD 变量的指针,而该 API 函数用状态值填充指向的内存位置。

     调用非托管 FileEncryptionStatus 函数的可能外部方法定义:

    [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern Boolean FileEncryptionStatus(String filename, out UInt32 status);

    该定义使用 out 关键字来为 UInt32 状态值指示 by-ref 参数。这里我也可以选择 ref 关键字,实际上在运行时会产生相同的机器码。out 关键字只是一个 by-ref 参数的规范,它向 C# 编译器指示所传递的数据只在被调用的函数外部传递。相反,如果使用 ref 关键字,则编译器会假定数据可以在被调用的函数的内部和外部传递。

    (The definition uses the out keyword to indicate a by-ref parameter for the UInt32 status value. I could have selected the ref keyword here as well, and in fact both result in the same machine code at run time. The out keyword is simply a specialization of a by-ref parameter that indicates to the C# compiler that the data being passed is only being passed out of the called function. In contrast, with the ref keyword the compiler assumes that data may flow both in and out of the called function.)

    封送不透明 (Opaque) 指针:一种特殊情况

    当一个不透明指针返回给您的应用程序(或者您的应用程序期望得到一个不透明指针)时,您应该将参数或返回值封送为 CLR 中的一种特殊类型 — System.IntPtr。

    请记住,任何返回或接受句柄的 API 函数其实操作的就是不透明指针。您的代码应该将 Windows 中的句柄封送成 System.IntPtr 值。

    当使用 Windows API 函数时,因为指针应是不透明的,所以除了存储和传递给外部方法外,不能将它们另做它用。

    这种“只限存储和传递”规则的两个特例是当您需要向外部方法传递 null 指针值和需要比较 IntPtr 值与 null 值的情况。为了做到这一点,您不能将零强制转换为 System.IntPtr,而应该在 IntPtr 类型上使用 Int32.Zero 静态公共字段,以便获得用于比较或赋值的 null 值。


    • 是您的应用程序向 API 函数传递文本数据,还是 API 函数向您的应用程序返回字符串数据?或者二者兼有?

    • 您的外部方法应该使用什么托管类型

    • API 函数期望得到的是什么格式的非托管字符串

    UINT_PTR SHAppBarMessage(
      _In_     DWORD dwMessage,
      _Inout_  PAPPBARDATA pData
    typedef struct _AppBarData {
      DWORD  cbSize;
      HWND   hWnd;
      UINT   uCallbackMessage;
      UINT   uEdge;
      RECT   rc;
      LPARAM lParam;
    typedef struct _RECT {
      LONG left;
      LONG top;
      LONG right;
      LONG bottom;
    } RECT, *PRECT;
    struct AppBarData
            public UInt32 cbSize;
            public IntPtr hWnd;
            public UInt32 uCallbackMessage;
            public UInt32 uEdge;
            public AppBarRect rc;
            public IntPtr lParam;
        struct AppBarRect
            public Int32 left;
            public Int32 top;
            public Int32 right;
            public Int32 bottom;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/niaomingjian/p/3921181.html
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