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  • Gradle学习之基础篇


    1. Gradle是一个基于Apache Ant和Apache Maven概念的项目自动化构建工具。Gradle抛弃了基于各种繁琐的XML,使用一种基于Groovy的特定领域语言(DSL)来声明项目设置。类似于Maven,gradle定义了一个对项目生命周期中各个阶段的行为操作
    2. gradle的特点:
      1. 声明式和合约构建:兼容于Maven的目录结构,规定了源代码,静态文件存放的位置
      2. 基于依赖的编程语言:摒弃了繁琐的xml,采用编码灵活构建
      3. 灵活的扩展:丰富的插件库
      4. 多项目构建: 和maven一样支持多项目构建
    3. gradle需要运行在一个Java环境里,因此安装gradle之前需要配置Java的运行环境,比如:环境变量等
    4. 当安装完毕时,我们可以在命令窗口运行gradle -v来查看版本信息等
    5. 运行 gralde init 初始化gradle工程,或者 gradle init --type pom (将maven项目转成gradle项目)
    6. gradle下载地址


    1. gradle最核心的接口是Project,在一个Project里我们可以通过编程访问所有的Gradle功能。
    2. 生命周期:一个Project和build.gradle 文件之间有一对一的关系。在构建初始化期间,Gradle Project为每个要参与构建的项目组装一个对象
    3. 任务:一个项目本质上是一个Task对象的集合。每个任务都执行一些基本的工作,比如编译类,运行单元测试,或者压缩WAR文件。
    4. 依赖:一个项目通常需要一些依赖来完成工作。而且,一个项目通常会产生一些其他项目可以使用的工件。这些依赖关系被分组在配置中,并且可以从存储库中检索和上传。
    5. 多项目构建:项目被安排到项目层次结构中。一个项目有一个名称和一个在层次结构中唯一标识它的全限定路径。
    6. 插件:插件可以用来模块化和重用项目配置
    7. 属性:Gradle根据Project实例执行项目的构建文件来配置项目。你的脚本使用的任何属性或方法都被委托给关联的Project对象
    8. 额外的属性:所有额外的属性必须通过“ext”命名空间来定义。一旦定义了一个额外的属性,它就可以直接在拥有的对象上(在下面的例子中是项目,任务和子项目)直接可用,并且可以被读取和更新。只有最初的声明需要通过命名空间完成。


    1. 每一个构建由一个或多个projects构成,一个project代表着我们想让gradle做的事情,每一个Project是由一个或多个task组成
    2. 创建task的语法结构:task 任务名 << {}
    3. 运行gradle任务语法: gradle -q 任务名
    4. 任务依赖:task 任务名(dependsOn:任务名) << {}
    5.  定义任务自定义属性: task 任务名 << { ext.属性名=值}
    6. 默认任务:defaultTaks '任务名1','任务名2' .....
    7. 短标记法:在字符串中我们可以通过 $任务名 来获取task对象

      build.gradle 代码示例

    task basic << {
        ext.name = "basic Task"
    task taskDependsOn(dependsOn: basic) << {
    4.times { i ->
        task "task$i" << {
            println "task1"
    task shortTask <<{
        println "basic任务的name属性值:$basic.name"
    // 默认任务
    defaultTasks 'shortTask','task1'
    View Code


    1. build.gradle实际上就代表了Project对象,我们在这里可以写java或者groovy代码来执行构建
    2. 我们在build.gradle里写的代码就相当于实现Project里的方法,我们可以把build.gradle看成完成Project接口的定义的闭包
    3. 在此我贴出Project的接口定义供大家参考:
       1 /*
       2  * Copyright 2010 the original author or authors.
       3  *
       4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
       7  *
       8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
       9  *
      10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      14  * limitations under the License.
      15  */
      17 package org.gradle.api;
      19 import groovy.lang.Closure;
      20 import groovy.lang.DelegatesTo;
      21 import groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException;
      22 import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams;
      23 import groovy.transform.stc.SimpleType;
      24 import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ConfigurationContainer;
      25 import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ArtifactHandler;
      26 import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler;
      27 import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler;
      28 import org.gradle.api.component.SoftwareComponentContainer;
      29 import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileCollection;
      30 import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileTree;
      31 import org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec;
      32 import org.gradle.api.file.DeleteSpec;
      33 import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree;
      34 import org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl.ScriptHandler;
      35 import org.gradle.api.internal.ReturnType;
      36 import org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle;
      37 import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger;
      38 import org.gradle.api.logging.LoggingManager;
      39 import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory;
      40 import org.gradle.api.plugins.Convention;
      41 import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware;
      42 import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer;
      43 import org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginAware;
      44 import org.gradle.api.provider.PropertyState;
      45 import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider;
      46 import org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory;
      47 import org.gradle.api.resources.ResourceHandler;
      48 import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskContainer;
      49 import org.gradle.api.tasks.WorkResult;
      50 import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol;
      51 import org.gradle.normalization.InputNormalizationHandler;
      52 import org.gradle.process.ExecResult;
      53 import org.gradle.process.ExecSpec;
      54 import org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec;
      56 import java.io.File;
      57 import java.net.URI;
      58 import java.util.List;
      59 import java.util.Map;
      60 import java.util.Set;
      61 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
      63 /**
      64  * <p>This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle from your build file. From a <code>Project</code>,
      65  * you have programmatic access to all of Gradle's features.</p>
      66  *
      67  * <h3>Lifecycle</h3>
      68  *
      69  * <p>There is a one-to-one relationship between a <code>Project</code> and a <code>{@value #DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE}</code>
      70  * file. During build initialisation, Gradle assembles a <code>Project</code> object for each project which is to
      71  * participate in the build, as follows:</p>
      72  *
      73  * <ul>
      74  *
      75  * <li>Create a {@link org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings} instance for the build.</li>
      76  *
      77  * <li>Evaluate the <code>{@value org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings#DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE}</code> script, if
      78  * present, against the {@link org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings} object to configure it.</li>
      79  *
      80  * <li>Use the configured {@link org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings} object to create the hierarchy of
      81  * <code>Project</code> instances.</li>
      82  *
      83  * <li>Finally, evaluate each <code>Project</code> by executing its <code>{@value #DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE}</code> file, if
      84  * present, against the project. The projects are evaluated in breadth-wise order, such that a project is evaluated
      85  * before its child projects. This order can be overridden by calling <code>{@link #evaluationDependsOnChildren()}</code> or by adding an
      86  * explicit evaluation dependency using <code>{@link #evaluationDependsOn(String)}</code>.</li>
      87  *
      88  * </ul>
      89  *
      90  * <h3>Tasks</h3>
      91  *
      92  * <p>A project is essentially a collection of {@link Task} objects. Each task performs some basic piece of work, such
      93  * as compiling classes, or running unit tests, or zipping up a WAR file. You add tasks to a project using one of the
      94  * {@code create()} methods on {@link TaskContainer}, such as {@link TaskContainer#create(String)}.  You can locate existing
      95  * tasks using one of the lookup methods on {@link TaskContainer}, such as {@link org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskCollection#getByName(String)}.</p>
      96  *
      97  * <h3>Dependencies</h3>
      98  *
      99  * <p>A project generally has a number of dependencies it needs in order to do its work.  Also, a project generally
     100  * produces a number of artifacts, which other projects can use. Those dependencies are grouped in configurations, and
     101  * can be retrieved and uploaded from repositories. You use the {@link org.gradle.api.artifacts.ConfigurationContainer}
     102  * returned by {@link #getConfigurations()} method to manage the configurations. The {@link
     103  * org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler} returned by {@link #getDependencies()} method to manage the
     104  * dependencies. The {@link org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ArtifactHandler} returned by {@link #getArtifacts()} method to
     105  * manage the artifacts. The {@link org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler} returned by {@link
     106  * #getRepositories()} method to manage the repositories.</p>
     107  *
     108  * <h3>Multi-project Builds</h3>
     109  *
     110  * <p>Projects are arranged into a hierarchy of projects. A project has a name, and a fully qualified path which
     111  * uniquely identifies it in the hierarchy.</p>
     112  *
     113  * <h3>Plugins</h3>
     114  *
     115  * <p>
     116  * Plugins can be used to modularise and reuse project configuration.
     117  * Plugins can be applied using the {@link PluginAware#apply(java.util.Map)} method, or by using the {@link org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependenciesSpec plugins script block}.
     118  * </p>
     119  *
     120  * <a name="properties"/> <h3>Properties</h3>
     121  *
     122  * <p>Gradle executes the project's build file against the <code>Project</code> instance to configure the project. Any
     123  * property or method which your script uses is delegated through to the associated <code>Project</code> object.  This
     124  * means, that you can use any of the methods and properties on the <code>Project</code> interface directly in your script.
     125  * </p><p>For example:
     126  * <pre>
     127  * defaultTasks('some-task')  // Delegates to Project.defaultTasks()
     128  * reportsDir = file('reports') // Delegates to Project.file() and the Java Plugin
     129  * </pre>
     130  * <p>You can also access the <code>Project</code> instance using the <code>project</code> property. This can make the
     131  * script clearer in some cases. For example, you could use <code>project.name</code> rather than <code>name</code> to
     132  * access the project's name.</p>
     133  *
     134  * <p>A project has 5 property 'scopes', which it searches for properties. You can access these properties by name in
     135  * your build file, or by calling the project's {@link #property(String)} method. The scopes are:</p>
     136  *
     137  * <ul>
     138  *
     139  * <li>The <code>Project</code> object itself. This scope includes any property getters and setters declared by the
     140  * <code>Project</code> implementation class.  For example, {@link #getRootProject()} is accessible as the
     141  * <code>rootProject</code> property.  The properties of this scope are readable or writable depending on the presence
     142  * of the corresponding getter or setter method.</li>
     143  *
     144  * <li>The <em>extra</em> properties of the project.  Each project maintains a map of extra properties, which
     145  * can contain any arbitrary name -> value pair.  Once defined, the properties of this scope are readable and writable.
     146  * See <a href="#extraproperties">extra properties</a> for more details.</li>
     147  *
     148  * <li>The <em>extensions</em> added to the project by the plugins. Each extension is available as a read-only property with the same name as the extension.</li>
     149  *
     150  * <li>The <em>convention</em> properties added to the project by the plugins. A plugin can add properties and methods
     151  * to a project through the project's {@link Convention} object.  The properties of this scope may be readable or writable, depending on the convention objects.</li>
     152  *
     153  * <li>The tasks of the project.  A task is accessible by using its name as a property name.  The properties of this
     154  * scope are read-only. For example, a task called <code>compile</code> is accessible as the <code>compile</code>
     155  * property.</li>
     156  *
     157  * <li>The extra properties and convention properties inherited from the project's parent, recursively up to the root
     158  * project. The properties of this scope are read-only.</li>
     159  *
     160  * </ul>
     161  *
     162  * <p>When reading a property, the project searches the above scopes in order, and returns the value from the first
     163  * scope it finds the property in. If not found, an exception is thrown. See {@link #property(String)} for more details.</p>
     164  *
     165  * <p>When writing a property, the project searches the above scopes in order, and sets the property in the first scope
     166  * it finds the property in. If not found, an exception is thrown. See {@link #setProperty(String, Object)} for more details.</p>
     167  *
     168  * <a name="extraproperties"/> <h4>Extra Properties</h4>
     169  *
     170  * All extra properties must be defined through the &quot;ext&quot; namespace. Once an extra property has been defined,
     171  * it is available directly on the owning object (in the below case the Project, Task, and sub-projects respectively) and can
     172  * be read and updated. Only the initial declaration that needs to be done via the namespace.
     173  *
     174  * <pre>
     175  * project.ext.prop1 = "foo"
     176  * task doStuff {
     177  *     ext.prop2 = "bar"
     178  * }
     179  * subprojects { ext.${prop3} = false }
     180  * </pre>
     181  *
     182  * Reading extra properties is done through the &quot;ext&quot; or through the owning object.
     183  *
     184  * <pre>
     185  * ext.isSnapshot = version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")
     186  * if (isSnapshot) {
     187  *     // do snapshot stuff
     188  * }
     189  * </pre>
     190  *
     191  * <h4>Dynamic Methods</h4>
     192  *
     193  * <p>A project has 5 method 'scopes', which it searches for methods:</p>
     194  *
     195  * <ul>
     196  *
     197  * <li>The <code>Project</code> object itself.</li>
     198  *
     199  * <li>The build file. The project searches for a matching method declared in the build file.</li>
     200  *
     201  * <li>The <em>extensions</em> added to the project by the plugins. Each extension is available as a method which takes
     202  * a closure or {@link org.gradle.api.Action} as a parameter.</li>
     203  *
     204  * <li>The <em>convention</em> methods added to the project by the plugins. A plugin can add properties and method to
     205  * a project through the project's {@link Convention} object.</li>
     206  *
     207  * <li>The tasks of the project. A method is added for each task, using the name of the task as the method name and
     208  * taking a single closure or {@link org.gradle.api.Action} parameter. The method calls the {@link Task#configure(groovy.lang.Closure)} method for the
     209  * associated task with the provided closure. For example, if the project has a task called <code>compile</code>, then a
     210  * method is added with the following signature: <code>void compile(Closure configureClosure)</code>.</li>
     211  *
     212  * <li>The methods of the parent project, recursively up to the root project.</li>
     213  *
     214  * <li>A property of the project whose value is a closure. The closure is treated as a method and called with the provided parameters.
     215  * The property is located as described above.</li>
     216  *
     217  * </ul>
     218  */
     219 @HasInternalProtocol
     220 public interface Project extends Comparable<Project>, ExtensionAware, PluginAware {
     221     /**
     222      * The default project build file name.
     223      */
     224     String DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE = "build.gradle";
     226     /**
     227      * The hierarchy separator for project and task path names.
     228      */
     229     String PATH_SEPARATOR = ":";
     231     /**
     232      * The default build directory name.
     233      */
     234     String DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR_NAME = "build";
     236     String GRADLE_PROPERTIES = "gradle.properties";
     238     String SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX = "systemProp";
     240     String DEFAULT_VERSION = "unspecified";
     242     String DEFAULT_STATUS = "release";
     244     /**
     245      * <p>Returns the root project for the hierarchy that this project belongs to.  In the case of a single-project
     246      * build, this method returns this project.</p>
     247      *
     248      * @return The root project. Never returns null.
     249      */
     250     Project getRootProject();
     252     /**
     253      * <p>Returns the root directory of this project. The root directory is the project directory of the root
     254      * project.</p>
     255      *
     256      * @return The root directory. Never returns null.
     257      */
     258     File getRootDir();
     260     /**
     261      * <p>Returns the build directory of this project.  The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are
     262      * generated into.  The default value for the build directory is <code><i>projectDir</i>/build</code></p>
     263      *
     264      * @return The build directory. Never returns null.
     265      */
     266     File getBuildDir();
     268     /**
     269      * <p>Sets the build directory of this project. The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are
     270      * generated into.</p>
     271      *
     272      * @param path The build directory
     273      * @since 4.0
     274      */
     275     void setBuildDir(File path);
     277     /**
     278      * <p>Sets the build directory of this project. The build directory is the directory which all artifacts are
     279      * generated into. The path parameter is evaluated as described for {@link #file(Object)}. This mean you can use,
     280      * amongst other things, a relative or absolute path or File object to specify the build directory.</p>
     281      *
     282      * @param path The build directory. This is evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}
     283      */
     284     void setBuildDir(Object path);
     286     /**
     287      * <p>Returns the build file Gradle will evaluate against this project object. The default is <code> {@value
     288      * #DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE}</code>. If an embedded script is provided the build file will be null. </p>
     289      *
     290      * @return Current build file. May return null.
     291      */
     292     File getBuildFile();
     294     /**
     295      * <p>Returns the parent project of this project, if any.</p>
     296      *
     297      * @return The parent project, or null if this is the root project.
     298      */
     299     Project getParent();
     301     /**
     302      * <p>Returns the name of this project. The project's name is not necessarily unique within a project hierarchy. You
     303      * should use the {@link #getPath()} method for a unique identifier for the project.</p>
     304      *
     305      * @return The name of this project. Never return null.
     306      */
     307     String getName();
     309     /**
     310      * Returns a human-consumable display name for this project.
     311      */
     312     String getDisplayName();
     314     /**
     315      * Returns the description of this project, if any.
     316      *
     317      * @return the description. May return null.
     318      */
     319     String getDescription();
     321     /**
     322      * Sets a description for this project.
     323      *
     324      * @param description The description of the project. Might be null.
     325      */
     326     void setDescription(String description);
     328     /**
     329      * <p>Returns the group of this project. Gradle always uses the {@code toString()} value of the group. The group
     330      * defaults to the path with dots as separators.</p>
     331      *
     332      * @return The group of this project. Never returns null.
     333      */
     334     Object getGroup();
     336     /**
     337      * <p>Sets the group of this project.</p>
     338      *
     339      * @param group The group of this project. Must not be null.
     340      */
     341     void setGroup(Object group);
     343     /**
     344      * <p>Returns the version of this project. Gradle always uses the {@code toString()} value of the version. The
     345      * version defaults to {@value #DEFAULT_VERSION}.</p>
     346      *
     347      * @return The version of this project. Never returns null.
     348      */
     349     Object getVersion();
     351     /**
     352      * <p>Sets the version of this project.</p>
     353      *
     354      * @param version The version of this project. Must not be null.
     355      */
     356     void setVersion(Object version);
     358     /**
     359      * <p>Returns the status of this project. Gradle always uses the {@code toString()} value of the status. The status
     360      * defaults to {@value #DEFAULT_STATUS}.</p>
     361      *
     362      * <p>The status of the project is only relevant, if you upload libraries together with a module descriptor. The
     363      * status specified here, will be part of this module descriptor.</p>
     364      *
     365      * @return The status of this project. Never returns null.
     366      */
     367     Object getStatus();
     369     /**
     370      * Sets the status of this project.
     371      *
     372      * @param status The status. Must not be null.
     373      */
     374     void setStatus(Object status);
     376     /**
     377      * <p>Returns the direct children of this project.</p>
     378      *
     379      * @return A map from child project name to child project. Returns an empty map if this project does not have
     380      *         any children.
     381      */
     382     Map<String, Project> getChildProjects();
     384     /**
     385      * <p>Sets a property of this project.  This method searches for a property with the given name in the following
     386      * locations, and sets the property on the first location where it finds the property.</p>
     387      *
     388      * <ol>
     389      *
     390      * <li>The project object itself.  For example, the <code>rootDir</code> project property.</li>
     391      *
     392      * <li>The project's {@link Convention} object.  For example, the <code>srcRootName</code> java plugin
     393      * property.</li>
     394      *
     395      * <li>The project's extra properties.</li>
     396      *
     397      * </ol>
     398      *
     399      * If the property is not found, a {@link groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException} is thrown.
     400      *
     401      * @param name The name of the property
     402      * @param value The value of the property
     403      */
     404     void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws MissingPropertyException;
     406     /**
     407      * <p>Returns this project. This method is useful in build files to explicitly access project properties and
     408      * methods. For example, using <code>project.name</code> can express your intent better than using
     409      * <code>name</code>. This method also allows you to access project properties from a scope where the property may
     410      * be hidden, such as, for example, from a method or closure. </p>
     411      *
     412      * @return This project. Never returns null.
     413      */
     414     Project getProject();
     416     /**
     417      * <p>Returns the set containing this project and its subprojects.</p>
     418      *
     419      * @return The set of projects.
     420      */
     421     Set<Project> getAllprojects();
     423     /**
     424      * <p>Returns the set containing the subprojects of this project.</p>
     425      *
     426      * @return The set of projects.  Returns an empty set if this project has no subprojects.
     427      */
     428     Set<Project> getSubprojects();
     430     /**
     431      * <p>Creates a {@link Task} with the given name and adds it to this project. Calling this method is equivalent to
     432      * calling {@link #task(java.util.Map, String)} with an empty options map.</p>
     433      *
     434      * <p>After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can
     435      * reference the task by name in your build file.  See <a href="#properties">here</a> for more details</p>
     436      *
     437      * <p>If a task with the given name already exists in this project, an exception is thrown.</p>
     438      *
     439      * @param name The name of the task to be created
     440      * @return The newly created task object
     441      * @throws InvalidUserDataException If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
     442      */
     443     Task task(String name) throws InvalidUserDataException;
     445     /**
     446      * <p>Creates a {@link Task} with the given name and adds it to this project. A map of creation options can be
     447      * passed to this method to control how the task is created. The following options are available:</p>
     448      *
     449      * <table>
     450      *
     451      * <tr><th>Option</th><th>Description</th><th>Default Value</th></tr>
     452      *
     453      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_TYPE}</code></td><td>The class of the task to
     454      * create.</td><td>{@link org.gradle.api.DefaultTask}</td></tr>
     455      *
     456      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_OVERWRITE}</code></td><td>Replace an existing
     457      * task?</td><td><code>false</code></td></tr>
     458      *
     459      *
     460      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_DEPENDS_ON}</code></td><td>A task name or set of task names which
     461      * this task depends on</td><td><code>[]</code></td></tr>
     462      *
     463      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_ACTION}</code></td><td>A closure or {@link Action} to add to the
     464      * task.</td><td><code>null</code></td></tr>
     465      *
     466      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_DESCRIPTION}</code></td><td>A description of the task.
     467      * </td><td><code>null</code></td></tr>
     468      *
     469      * <tr><td><code>{@value org.gradle.api.Task#TASK_GROUP}</code></td><td>A task group which this task belongs to.
     470      * </td><td><code>null</code></td></tr>
     471      *
     472      * </table>
     473      *
     474      * <p>After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can
     475      * reference the task by name in your build file.  See <a href="#properties">here</a> for more details</p>
     476      *
     477      * <p>If a task with the given name already exists in this project and the <code>override</code> option is not set
     478      * to true, an exception is thrown.</p>
     479      *
     480      * @param args The task creation options.
     481      * @param name The name of the task to be created
     482      * @return The newly created task object
     483      * @throws InvalidUserDataException If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
     484      */
     485     Task task(Map<String, ?> args, String name) throws InvalidUserDataException;
     487     /**
     488      * <p>Creates a {@link Task} with the given name and adds it to this project. Before the task is returned, the given
     489      * closure is executed to configure the task. A map of creation options can be passed to this method to control how
     490      * the task is created. See {@link #task(java.util.Map, String)} for the available options.</p>
     491      *
     492      * <p>After the task is added to the project, it is made available as a property of the project, so that you can
     493      * reference the task by name in your build file.  See <a href="#properties">here</a> for more details</p>
     494      *
     495      * <p>If a task with the given name already exists in this project and the <code>override</code> option is not set
     496      * to true, an exception is thrown.</p>
     497      *
     498      * @param args The task creation options.
     499      * @param name The name of the task to be created
     500      * @param configureClosure The closure to use to configure the created task.
     501      * @return The newly created task object
     502      * @throws InvalidUserDataException If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
     503      */
     504     Task task(Map<String, ?> args, String name, @DelegatesTo(value = Task.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
     506     /**
     507      * <p>Creates a {@link Task} with the given name and adds it to this project. Before the task is returned, the given
     508      * closure is executed to configure the task.</p> <p/> <p>After the task is added to the project, it is made
     509      * available as a property of the project, so that you can reference the task by name in your build file.  See <a
     510      * href="#properties">here</a> for more details</p>
     511      *
     512      * @param name The name of the task to be created
     513      * @param configureClosure The closure to use to configure the created task.
     514      * @return The newly created task object
     515      * @throws InvalidUserDataException If a task with the given name already exists in this project.
     516      */
     517     Task task(String name, @DelegatesTo(value = Task.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
     519     /**
     520      * <p>Returns the path of this project.  The path is the fully qualified name of the project.</p>
     521      *
     522      * @return The path. Never returns null.
     523      */
     524     String getPath();
     526     /**
     527      * <p>Returns the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when
     528      * starting the build.</p>
     529      *
     530      * @return The default task names. Returns an empty list if this project has no default tasks.
     531      */
     532     List<String> getDefaultTasks();
     534     /**
     535      * <p>Sets the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when
     536      * starting the build.</p>
     537      *
     538      * @param defaultTasks The default task names.
     539      */
     540     void setDefaultTasks(List<String> defaultTasks);
     542     /**
     543      * <p>Sets the names of the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when
     544      * starting the build.</p>
     545      *
     546      * @param defaultTasks The default task names.
     547      */
     548     void defaultTasks(String... defaultTasks);
     550     /**
     551      * <p>Declares that this project has an evaluation dependency on the project with the given path.</p>
     552      *
     553      * @param path The path of the project which this project depends on.
     554      * @return The project which this project depends on.
     555      * @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
     556      */
     557     Project evaluationDependsOn(String path) throws UnknownProjectException;
     559     /**
     560      * <p>Declares that this project has an evaluation dependency on each of its child projects.</p>
     561      *
     562      */
     563     void evaluationDependsOnChildren();
     565     /**
     566      * <p>Locates a project by path. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project.</p>
     567      *
     568      * @param path The path.
     569      * @return The project with the given path. Returns null if no such project exists.
     570      */
     571     Project findProject(String path);
     573     /**
     574      * <p>Locates a project by path. If the path is relative, it is interpreted relative to this project.</p>
     575      *
     576      * @param path The path.
     577      * @return The project with the given path. Never returns null.
     578      * @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
     579      */
     580     Project project(String path) throws UnknownProjectException;
     582     /**
     583      * <p>Locates a project by path and configures it using the given closure. If the path is relative, it is
     584      * interpreted relative to this project. The target project is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.</p>
     585      *
     586      * @param path The path.
     587      * @param configureClosure The closure to use to configure the project.
     588      * @return The project with the given path. Never returns null.
     589      * @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
     590      */
     591     Project project(String path, @DelegatesTo(value = Project.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
     593     /**
     594      * <p>Locates a project by path and configures it using the given action. If the path is relative, it is
     595      * interpreted relative to this project.</p>
     596      *
     597      * @param path The path.
     598      * @param configureAction The action to use to configure the project.
     599      * @return The project with the given path. Never returns null.
     600      * @throws UnknownProjectException If no project with the given path exists.
     601      *
     602      * @since 3.4
     603      */
     604     Project project(String path, Action<? super Project> configureAction);
     606     /**
     607      * <p>Returns a map of the tasks contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects.</p>
     608      *
     609      * @param recursive If true, returns the tasks of this project and its subprojects.  If false, returns the tasks of
     610      * just this project.
     611      * @return A map from project to a set of tasks.
     612      */
     613     Map<Project, Set<Task>> getAllTasks(boolean recursive);
     615     /**
     616      * <p>Returns the set of tasks with the given name contained in this project, and optionally its subprojects.</p>
     617      *
     618      * @param name The name of the task to locate.
     619      * @param recursive If true, returns the tasks of this project and its subprojects. If false, returns the tasks of
     620      * just this project.
     621      * @return The set of tasks. Returns an empty set if no such tasks exist in this project.
     622      */
     623     Set<Task> getTasksByName(String name, boolean recursive);
     625     /**
     626      * <p>The directory containing the project build file.</p>
     627      *
     628      * @return The project directory. Never returns null.
     629      */
     630     File getProjectDir();
     632     /**
     633      * <p>Resolves a file path relative to the project directory of this project. This method converts the supplied path
     634      * based on its type:</p>
     635      *
     636      * <ul>
     637      *
     638      * <li>A {@link CharSequence}, including {@link String} or {@link groovy.lang.GString}. Interpreted relative to the project directory. A string
     639      * that starts with {@code file:} is treated as a file URL.</li>
     640      *
     641      * <li>A {@link File}. If the file is an absolute file, it is returned as is. Otherwise, the file's path is
     642      * interpreted relative to the project directory.</li>
     643      *
     644      * <li>A {@link java.nio.file.Path}. The path must be associated with the default provider and is treated the
     645      * same way as an instance of {@code File}.</li>
     646      *
     647      * <li>A {@link java.net.URI} or {@link java.net.URL}. The URL's path is interpreted as the file path. Currently, only
     648      * {@code file:} URLs are supported.</li>
     649      *
     650      * <li>A {@link Closure}. The closure's return value is resolved recursively.</li>
     651      *
     652      * <li>A {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable}. The callable's return value is resolved recursively.</li>
     653      *
     654      * </ul>
     655      *
     656      * @param path The object to resolve as a File.
     657      * @return The resolved file. Never returns null.
     658      */
     659     File file(Object path);
     661     /**
     662      * <p>Resolves a file path relative to the project directory of this project and validates it using the given
     663      * scheme. See {@link PathValidation} for the list of possible validations.</p>
     664      *
     665      * @param path An object which toString method value is interpreted as a relative path to the project directory.
     666      * @param validation The validation to perform on the file.
     667      * @return The resolved file. Never returns null.
     668      * @throws InvalidUserDataException When the file does not meet the given validation constraint.
     669      */
     670     File file(Object path, PathValidation validation) throws InvalidUserDataException;
     672     /**
     673      * <p>Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the project directory of this project. Evaluates the provided path
     674      * object as described for {@link #file(Object)}, with the exception that any URI scheme is supported, not just
     675      * 'file:' URIs.</p>
     676      *
     677      * @param path The object to resolve as a URI.
     678      * @return The resolved URI. Never returns null.
     679      */
     680     URI uri(Object path);
     682     /**
     683      * <p>Returns the relative path from the project directory to the given path. The given path object is (logically)
     684      * resolved as described for {@link #file(Object)}, from which a relative path is calculated.</p>
     685      *
     686      * @param path The path to convert to a relative path.
     687      * @return The relative path. Never returns null.
     688      */
     689     String relativePath(Object path);
     691     /**
     692      * <p>Returns a {@link ConfigurableFileCollection} containing the given files. You can pass any of the following
     693      * types to this method:</p>
     694      *
     695      * <ul> <li>A {@link CharSequence}, including {@link String} or {@link groovy.lang.GString}. Interpreted relative to the project directory, as per {@link #file(Object)}. A string
     696      * that starts with {@code file:} is treated as a file URL.</li>
     697      *
     698      * <li>A {@link File}. Interpreted relative to the project directory, as per {@link #file(Object)}.</li>
     699      *
     700      * <li>A {@link java.nio.file.Path} as defined by {@link #file(Object)}.</li>
     701      *
     702      * <li>A {@link java.net.URI} or {@link java.net.URL}. The URL's path is interpreted as a file path. Currently, only
     703      * {@code file:} URLs are supported.</li>
     704      *
     705      * <li>A {@link java.util.Collection}, {@link Iterable}, or an array. May contain any of the types listed here. The elements of the collection
     706      * are recursively converted to files.</li>
     707      *
     708      * <li>A {@link org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection}. The contents of the collection are included in the returned
     709      * collection.</li>
     710      *
     711      * <li>A {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable}. The {@code call()} method may return any of the types listed here.
     712      * The return value of the {@code call()} method is recursively converted to files. A {@code null} return value is
     713      * treated as an empty collection.</li>
     714      *
     715      * <li>A Closure. May return any of the types listed here. The return value of the closure is recursively converted
     716      * to files. A {@code null} return value is treated as an empty collection.</li>
     717      *
     718      * <li>A {@link Task}. Converted to the task's output files.</li>
     719      *
     720      * <li>A {@link org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskOutputs}. Converted to the output files the related task.</li>
     721      *
     722      * <li>Anything else is treated as a failure.</li>
     723      *
     724      * </ul>
     725      *
     726      * <p>The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file
     727      * collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents
     728      * of the collection is queried.</p>
     729      *
     730      * <p>The returned file collection maintains the iteration order of the supplied paths.</p>
     731      *
     732      * @param paths The paths to the files. May be empty.
     733      * @return The file collection. Never returns null.
     734      */
     735     ConfigurableFileCollection files(Object... paths);
     737     /**
     738      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileCollection} using the given paths. The paths are evaluated as per {@link
     739      * #files(Object...)}. The file collection is configured using the given closure. The file collection is passed to
     740      * the closure as its delegate. Example:</p>
     741      * <pre>
     742      * files "$buildDir/classes" {
     743      *     builtBy 'compile'
     744      * }
     745      * </pre>
     746      * <p>The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file
     747      * collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents
     748      * of the collection is queried.</p>
     749      *
     750      * @param paths The contents of the file collection. Evaluated as per {@link #files(Object...)}.
     751      * @param configureClosure The closure to use to configure the file collection.
     752      * @return the configured file tree. Never returns null.
     753      */
     754     ConfigurableFileCollection files(Object paths, @DelegatesTo(value = ConfigurableFileCollection.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
     756     /**
     757      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileCollection} using the given paths. The paths are evaluated as per {@link
     758      * #files(Object...)}. The file collection is configured using the given action. Example:</p>
     759      * <pre>
     760      * files "$buildDir/classes" {
     761      *     builtBy 'compile'
     762      * }
     763      * </pre>
     764      * <p>The returned file collection is lazy, so that the paths are evaluated only when the contents of the file
     765      * collection are queried. The file collection is also live, so that it evaluates the above each time the contents
     766      * of the collection is queried.</p>
     767      *
     768      * @param paths The contents of the file collection. Evaluated as per {@link #files(Object...)}.
     769      * @param configureAction The action to use to configure the file collection.
     770      * @return the configured file tree. Never returns null.
     771      * @since 3.5
     772      */
     773     ConfigurableFileCollection files(Object paths, Action<? super ConfigurableFileCollection> configureAction);
     775     /**
     776      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileTree} using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated
     777      * as per {@link #file(Object)}.</p>
     778      *
     779      * <p>The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     780      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     781      * queried.</p>
     782      *
     783      * <pre autoTested=''>
     784      * def myTree = fileTree("src")
     785      * myTree.include "**&#47;*.java"
     786      * myTree.builtBy "someTask"
     787      *
     788      * task copy(type: Copy) {
     789      *    from myTree
     790      * }
     791      * </pre>
     792      *
     793      * @param baseDir The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}.
     794      * @return the file tree. Never returns null.
     795      */
     796     ConfigurableFileTree fileTree(Object baseDir);
     798     /**
     799      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileTree} using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated
     800      * as per {@link #file(Object)}. The closure will be used to configure the new file tree.
     801      * The file tree is passed to the closure as its delegate.  Example:</p>
     802      *
     803      * <pre autoTested=''>
     804      * def myTree = fileTree('src') {
     805      *    exclude '**&#47;.data/**'
     806      *    builtBy 'someTask'
     807      * }
     808      *
     809      * task copy(type: Copy) {
     810      *    from myTree
     811      * }
     812      * </pre>
     813      *
     814      * <p>The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     815      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     816      * queried.</p>
     817      *
     818      * @param baseDir The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}.
     819      * @param configureClosure Closure to configure the {@code ConfigurableFileTree} object.
     820      * @return the configured file tree. Never returns null.
     821      */
     822     ConfigurableFileTree fileTree(Object baseDir, @DelegatesTo(value = ConfigurableFileTree.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
     824     /**
     825      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileTree} using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated
     826      * as per {@link #file(Object)}. The action will be used to configure the new file tree. Example:</p>
     827      *
     828      * <pre autoTested=''>
     829      * def myTree = fileTree('src') {
     830      *    exclude '**&#47;.data/**'
     831      *    builtBy 'someTask'
     832      * }
     833      *
     834      * task copy(type: Copy) {
     835      *    from myTree
     836      * }
     837      * </pre>
     838      *
     839      * <p>The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     840      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     841      * queried.</p>
     842      *
     843      * @param baseDir The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}.
     844      * @param configureAction Action to configure the {@code ConfigurableFileTree} object.
     845      * @return the configured file tree. Never returns null.
     846      * @since 3.5
     847      */
     848     ConfigurableFileTree fileTree(Object baseDir, Action<? super ConfigurableFileTree> configureAction);
     850     /**
     851      * <p>Creates a new {@code ConfigurableFileTree} using the provided map of arguments.  The map will be applied as
     852      * properties on the new file tree.  Example:</p>
     853      *
     854      * <pre autoTested=''>
     855      * def myTree = fileTree(dir:'src', excludes:['**&#47;ignore/**', '**&#47;.data/**'])
     856      *
     857      * task copy(type: Copy) {
     858      *     from myTree
     859      * }
     860      * </pre>
     861      *
     862      * <p>The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     863      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     864      * queried.</p>
     865      *
     866      * @param args map of property assignments to {@code ConfigurableFileTree} object
     867      * @return the configured file tree. Never returns null.
     868      */
     869     ConfigurableFileTree fileTree(Map<String, ?> args);
     871     /**
     872      * <p>Creates a new {@code FileTree} which contains the contents of the given ZIP file. The given zipPath path is
     873      * evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}. You can combine this method with the {@link #copy(groovy.lang.Closure)}
     874      * method to unzip a ZIP file.</p>
     875      *
     876      * <p>The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     877      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     878      * queried.</p>
     879      *
     880      * @param zipPath The ZIP file. Evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}.
     881      * @return the file tree. Never returns null.
     882      */
     883     FileTree zipTree(Object zipPath);
     885     /**
     886      * Creates a new {@code FileTree} which contains the contents of the given TAR file. The given tarPath path can be:
     887      * <ul>
     888      *   <li>an instance of {@link org.gradle.api.resources.Resource}</li>
     889      *   <li>any other object is evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}</li>
     890      * </ul>
     891      *
     892      * The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are
     893      * queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are
     894      * queried.
     895      * <p>
     896      * Unless custom implementation of resources is passed, the tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension.
     897      * <p>
     898      * You can combine this method with the {@link #copy(groovy.lang.Closure)}
     899      * method to untar a TAR file:
     900      *
     901      * <pre autoTested=''>
     902      * task untar(type: Copy) {
     903      *   from tarTree('someCompressedTar.gzip')
     904      *
     905      *   //tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension
     906      *   //however if you must specify the compression explicitly you can:
     907      *   from tarTree(resources.gzip('someTar.ext'))
     908      *
     909      *   //in case you work with unconventionally compressed tars
     910      *   //you can provide your own implementation of a ReadableResource:
     911      *   //from tarTree(yourOwnResource as ReadableResource)
     912      *
     913      *   into 'dest'
     914      * }
     915      * </pre>
     916      *
     917      * @param tarPath The TAR file or an instance of {@link org.gradle.api.resources.Resource}.
     918      * @return the file tree. Never returns null.
     919      */
     920     FileTree tarTree(Object tarPath);
     922     /**
     923      * Creates a {@code Provider} implementation based on the provided value.
     924      *
     925      * @param value The {@code java.util.concurrent.Callable} use to calculate the value.
     926      * @return The provider. Never returns null.
     927      * @throws org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException If the provided value is null.
     928      * @see org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory#provider(Callable)
     929      * @since 4.0
     930      */
     931     @Incubating
     932     <T> Provider<T> provider(Callable<T> value);
     934     /**
     935      * Creates a {@code PropertyState} implementation based on the provided class.
     936      *
     937      * @param clazz The class to be used for property state.
     938      * @return The property state. Never returns null.
     939      * @throws org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException If the provided class is null.
     940      * @see org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory#property(Class)
     941      * @since 4.0
     942      */
     943     @Incubating
     944     <T> PropertyState<T> property(Class<T> clazz);
     946     /**
     947      * Provides access to methods to create various kinds of {@link Provider} instances.
     948      *
     949      * @since 4.0
     950      */
     951     @Incubating
     952     ProviderFactory getProviders();
     954     /**
     955      * Provides access to methods to create various kinds of model objects.
     956      *
     957      * @since 4.0
     958      */
     959     @Incubating
     960     ObjectFactory getObjects();
     962     /**
     963      * Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
     964      *
     965      * @param path The path for the directory to be created. Evaluated as per {@link #file(Object)}.
     966      * @return the created directory
     967      * @throws org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException If the path points to an existing file.
     968      */
     969     File mkdir(Object path);
     971     /**
     972      * Deletes files and directories.
     973      * <p>
     974      * This will not follow symlinks. If you need to follow symlinks too use {@link #delete(Action)}.
     975      *
     976      * @param paths Any type of object accepted by {@link org.gradle.api.Project#files(Object...)}
     977      * @return true if anything got deleted, false otherwise
     978      */
     979     boolean delete(Object... paths);
     981     /**
     982      * Deletes the specified files.  The given action is used to configure a {@link DeleteSpec}, which is then used to
     983      * delete the files.
     984      * <p>Example:
     985      * <pre>
     986      * project.delete {
     987      *     delete 'somefile'
     988      *     followSymlinks = true
     989      * }
     990      * </pre>
     991      *
     992      * @param action Action to configure the DeleteSpec
     993      * @return {@link WorkResult} that can be used to check if delete did any work.
     994      */
     995     WorkResult delete(Action<? super DeleteSpec> action);
     997     /**
     998      * Executes a Java main class. The closure configures a {@link org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec}.
     999      *
    1000      * @param closure The closure for configuring the execution.
    1001      * @return the result of the execution
    1002      */
    1003     ExecResult javaexec(@DelegatesTo(value = JavaExecSpec.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec"}) Closure closure);
    1005     /**
    1006      * Executes an external Java process.
    1007      * <p>
    1008      * The given action configures a {@link org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec}, which is used to launch the process.
    1009      * This method blocks until the process terminates, with its result being returned.
    1010      *
    1011      * @param action The action for configuring the execution.
    1012      * @return the result of the execution
    1013      */
    1014     ExecResult javaexec(Action<? super JavaExecSpec> action);
    1016     /**
    1017      * Executes an external command. The closure configures a {@link org.gradle.process.ExecSpec}.
    1018      *
    1019      * @param closure The closure for configuring the execution.
    1020      * @return the result of the execution
    1021      */
    1022     ExecResult exec(@DelegatesTo(value = ExecSpec.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.process.ExecSpec"}) Closure closure);
    1024     /**
    1025      * Executes an external command.
    1026      * <p>
    1027      * The given action configures a {@link org.gradle.process.ExecSpec}, which is used to launch the process.
    1028      * This method blocks until the process terminates, with its result being returned.
    1029      *
    1030      * @param action The action for configuring the execution.
    1031      * @return the result of the execution
    1032      */
    1033     ExecResult exec(Action<? super ExecSpec> action);
    1035     /**
    1036      * <p>Converts a name to an absolute project path, resolving names relative to this project.</p>
    1037      *
    1038      * @param path The path to convert.
    1039      * @return The absolute path.
    1040      */
    1041     String absoluteProjectPath(String path);
    1043     /**
    1044      * <p>Converts a name to a project path relative to this project.</p>
    1045      *
    1046      * @param path The path to convert.
    1047      * @return The relative path.
    1048      */
    1049     String relativeProjectPath(String path);
    1051     /**
    1052      * <p>Returns the <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute ant
    1053      * tasks. See example below.</p>
    1054      * <pre autoTested=''>
    1055      * task printChecksum {
    1056      *   doLast {
    1057      *     ant {
    1058      *       //using ant checksum task to store the file checksum in the checksumOut ant property
    1059      *       checksum(property: 'checksumOut', file: 'someFile.txt')
    1060      *
    1061      *       //we can refer to the ant property created by checksum task:
    1062      *       println "The checksum is: " + checksumOut
    1063      *     }
    1064      *
    1065      *     //we can refer to the ant property later as well:
    1066      *     println "I just love to print checksums: " + ant.checksumOut
    1067      *   }
    1068      * }
    1069      * </pre>
    1070      *
    1071      * Consider following example of ant target:
    1072      * <pre>
    1073      * &lt;target name='printChecksum'&gt;
    1074      *   &lt;checksum property='checksumOut'&gt;
    1075      *     &lt;fileset dir='.'&gt;
    1076      *       &lt;include name='agile.txt'/&gt;
    1077      *     &lt;/fileset&gt;
    1078      *   &lt;/checksum&gt;
    1079      *   &lt;echo&gt;The checksum is: ${checksumOut}&lt;/echo&gt;
    1080      * &lt;/target&gt;
    1081      * </pre>
    1082      *
    1083      * Here's how it would look like in gradle. Observe how the ant XML is represented in groovy by the ant builder
    1084      * <pre autoTested=''>
    1085      * task printChecksum {
    1086      *   doLast {
    1087      *     ant {
    1088      *       checksum(property: 'checksumOut') {
    1089      *         fileset(dir: '.') {
    1090      *           include name: 'agile1.txt'
    1091      *         }
    1092      *       }
    1093      *     }
    1094      *     logger.lifecycle("The checksum is $ant.checksumOut")
    1095      *   }
    1096      * }
    1097      * </pre>
    1098      *
    1099      * @return The <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. Never returns null.
    1100      */
    1101     AntBuilder getAnt();
    1103     /**
    1104      * <p>Creates an additional <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. You can use this in your build file to execute
    1105      * ant tasks.</p>
    1106      *
    1107      * @return Creates an <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. Never returns null.
    1108      * @see #getAnt()
    1109      */
    1110     AntBuilder createAntBuilder();
    1112     /**
    1113      * <p>Executes the given closure against the <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. You can use this in your
    1114      * build file to execute ant tasks. The <code>AntBuilder</code> is passed to the closure as the closure's
    1115      * delegate. See example in javadoc for {@link #getAnt()}</p>
    1116      *
    1117      * @param configureClosure The closure to execute against the <code>AntBuilder</code>.
    1118      * @return The <code>AntBuilder</code>. Never returns null.
    1119      */
    1120     AntBuilder ant(@DelegatesTo(value = AntBuilder.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(ReturnType.class) Closure configureClosure);
    1122     /**
    1123      * <p>Executes the given action against the <code>AntBuilder</code> for this project. You can use this in your
    1124      * build file to execute ant tasks. See example in javadoc for {@link #getAnt()}</p>
    1125      *
    1126      * @param configureAction The action to execute against the <code>AntBuilder</code>.
    1127      * @return The <code>AntBuilder</code>. Never returns null.
    1128      * @since 3.5
    1129      */
    1130     AntBuilder ant(Action<? super AntBuilder> configureAction);
    1132     /**
    1133      * Returns the configurations of this project.
    1134      *
    1135      * <h3>Examples:</h3> See docs for {@link ConfigurationContainer}
    1136      *
    1137      * @return The configuration of this project.
    1138      */
    1139     ConfigurationContainer getConfigurations();
    1141     /**
    1142      * <p>Configures the dependency configurations for this project.
    1143      *
    1144      * <p>This method executes the given closure against the {@link ConfigurationContainer}
    1145      * for this project. The {@link ConfigurationContainer} is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.
    1146      *
    1147      * <h3>Examples:</h3> See docs for {@link ConfigurationContainer}
    1148      *
    1149      * @param configureClosure the closure to use to configure the dependency configurations.
    1150      */
    1151     void configurations(@DelegatesTo(value = ConfigurationContainer.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.artifacts.ConfigurationContainer"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1153     /**
    1154      * Returns a handler for assigning artifacts produced by the project to configurations.
    1155      * <h3>Examples:</h3>See docs for {@link ArtifactHandler}
    1156      */
    1157     ArtifactHandler getArtifacts();
    1159     /**
    1160      * <p>Configures the published artifacts for this project.
    1161      *
    1162      * <p>This method executes the given closure against the {@link ArtifactHandler} for this project. The {@link
    1163      * ArtifactHandler} is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.
    1164      *
    1165      * <p>Example:
    1166      * <pre autoTested=''>
    1167      * configurations {
    1168      *   //declaring new configuration that will be used to associate with artifacts
    1169      *   schema
    1170      * }
    1171      *
    1172      * task schemaJar(type: Jar) {
    1173      *   //some imaginary task that creates a jar artifact with the schema
    1174      * }
    1175      *
    1176      * //associating the task that produces the artifact with the configuration
    1177      * artifacts {
    1178      *   //configuration name and the task:
    1179      *   schema schemaJar
    1180      * }
    1181      * </pre>
    1182      *
    1183      * @param configureClosure the closure to use to configure the published artifacts.
    1184      */
    1185     void artifacts(@DelegatesTo(value = ArtifactHandler.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ArtifactHandler"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1187     /**
    1188      * <p>Configures the published artifacts for this project.
    1189      *
    1190      * <p>This method executes the given action against the {@link ArtifactHandler} for this project.
    1191      *
    1192      * <p>Example:
    1193      * <pre autoTested=''>
    1194      * configurations {
    1195      *   //declaring new configuration that will be used to associate with artifacts
    1196      *   schema
    1197      * }
    1198      *
    1199      * task schemaJar(type: Jar) {
    1200      *   //some imaginary task that creates a jar artifact with the schema
    1201      * }
    1202      *
    1203      * //associating the task that produces the artifact with the configuration
    1204      * artifacts {
    1205      *   //configuration name and the task:
    1206      *   schema schemaJar
    1207      * }
    1208      * </pre>
    1209      *
    1210      * @param configureAction the action to use to configure the published artifacts.
    1211      * @since 3.5
    1212      */
    1213     void artifacts(Action<? super ArtifactHandler> configureAction);
    1215     /**
    1216      * <p>Returns the {@link Convention} for this project.</p> <p/> <p>You can access this property in your build file
    1217      * using <code>convention</code>. You can also can also access the properties and methods of the convention object
    1218      * as if they were properties and methods of this project. See <a href="#properties">here</a> for more details</p>
    1219      *
    1220      * @return The <code>Convention</code>. Never returns null.
    1221      */
    1222     Convention getConvention();
    1224     /**
    1225      * <p>Compares the nesting level of this project with another project of the multi-project hierarchy.</p>
    1226      *
    1227      * @param otherProject The project to compare the nesting level with.
    1228      * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this project has a nesting level less than, equal to,
    1229      *         or greater than the specified object.
    1230      * @see #getDepth()
    1231      */
    1232     int depthCompare(Project otherProject);
    1234     /**
    1235      * <p>Returns the nesting level of a project in a multi-project hierarchy. For single project builds this is always
    1236      * 0. In a multi-project hierarchy 0 is returned for the root project.</p>
    1237      */
    1238     int getDepth();
    1240     /**
    1241      * <p>Returns the tasks of this project.</p>
    1242      *
    1243      * @return the tasks of this project.
    1244      */
    1245     TaskContainer getTasks();
    1247     /**
    1248      * <p>Configures the sub-projects of this project</p>
    1249      *
    1250      * <p>This method executes the given {@link Action} against the sub-projects of this project.</p>
    1251      *
    1252      * @param action The action to execute.
    1253      */
    1254     void subprojects(Action<? super Project> action);
    1256     /**
    1257      * <p>Configures the sub-projects of this project.</p>
    1258      *
    1259      * <p>This method executes the given closure against each of the sub-projects of this project. The target {@link
    1260      * Project} is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.</p>
    1261      *
    1262      * @param configureClosure The closure to execute.
    1263      */
    1264     void subprojects(@DelegatesTo(value = Project.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.Project"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1266     /**
    1267      * <p>Configures this project and each of its sub-projects.</p>
    1268      *
    1269      * <p>This method executes the given {@link Action} against this project and each of its sub-projects.</p>
    1270      *
    1271      * @param action The action to execute.
    1272      */
    1273     void allprojects(Action<? super Project> action);
    1275     /**
    1276      * <p>Configures this project and each of its sub-projects.</p>
    1277      *
    1278      * <p>This method executes the given closure against this project and its sub-projects. The target {@link Project}
    1279      * is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.</p>
    1280      *
    1281      * @param configureClosure The closure to execute.
    1282      */
    1283     void allprojects(@DelegatesTo(value = Project.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.Project"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1285     /**
    1286      * Adds an action to execute immediately before this project is evaluated.
    1287      *
    1288      * @param action the action to execute.
    1289      */
    1290     void beforeEvaluate(Action<? super Project> action);
    1292     /**
    1293      * Adds an action to execute immediately after this project is evaluated.
    1294      *
    1295      * @param action the action to execute.
    1296      */
    1297     void afterEvaluate(Action<? super Project> action);
    1299     /**
    1300      * <p>Adds a closure to be called immediately before this project is evaluated. The project is passed to the closure
    1301      * as a parameter.</p>
    1302      *
    1303      * @param closure The closure to call.
    1304      */
    1305     void beforeEvaluate(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.Project"}) Closure closure);
    1307     /**
    1308      * <p>Adds a closure to be called immediately after this project has been evaluated. The project is passed to the
    1309      * closure as a parameter. Such a listener gets notified when the build file belonging to this project has been
    1310      * executed. A parent project may for example add such a listener to its child project. Such a listener can further
    1311      * configure those child projects based on the state of the child projects after their build files have been
    1312      * run.</p>
    1313      *
    1314      * @param closure The closure to call.
    1315      */
    1316     void afterEvaluate(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.Project"}) Closure closure);
    1318     /**
    1319      * <p>Determines if this project has the given property. See <a href="#properties">here</a> for details of the
    1320      * properties which are available for a project.</p>
    1321      *
    1322      * @param propertyName The name of the property to locate.
    1323      * @return True if this project has the given property, false otherwise.
    1324      */
    1325     boolean hasProperty(String propertyName);
    1327     /**
    1328      * <p>Returns the properties of this project. See <a href="#properties">here</a> for details of the properties which
    1329      * are available for a project.</p>
    1330      *
    1331      * @return A map from property name to value.
    1332      */
    1333     Map<String, ?> getProperties();
    1335     /**
    1336      * <p>Returns the value of the given property.  This method locates a property as follows:</p>
    1337      *
    1338      * <ol>
    1339      *
    1340      * <li>If this project object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.</li>
    1341      *
    1342      * <li>If this project has an extension with the given name, return the extension.</li>
    1343      *
    1344      * <li>If this project's convention object has a property with the given name, return the value of the
    1345      * property.</li>
    1346      *
    1347      * <li>If this project has an extra property with the given name, return the value of the property.</li>
    1348      *
    1349      * <li>If this project has a task with the given name, return the task.</li>
    1350      *
    1351      * <li>Search up through this project's ancestor projects for a convention property or extra property with the
    1352      * given name.</li>
    1353      *
    1354      * <li>If not found, a {@link MissingPropertyException} is thrown.</li>
    1355      *
    1356      * </ol>
    1357      *
    1358      * @param propertyName The name of the property.
    1359      * @return The value of the property, possibly null.
    1360      * @throws MissingPropertyException When the given property is unknown.
    1361      * @see Project#findProperty(String)
    1362      */
    1363     Object property(String propertyName) throws MissingPropertyException;
    1365     /**
    1366      * <p>Returns the value of the given property or null if not found.
    1367      * This method locates a property as follows:</p>
    1368      *
    1369      * <ol>
    1370      *
    1371      * <li>If this project object has a property with the given name, return the value of the property.</li>
    1372      *
    1373      * <li>If this project has an extension with the given name, return the extension.</li>
    1374      *
    1375      * <li>If this project's convention object has a property with the given name, return the value of the
    1376      * property.</li>
    1377      *
    1378      * <li>If this project has an extra property with the given name, return the value of the property.</li>
    1379      *
    1380      * <li>If this project has a task with the given name, return the task.</li>
    1381      *
    1382      * <li>Search up through this project's ancestor projects for a convention property or extra property with the
    1383      * given name.</li>
    1384      *
    1385      * <li>If not found, null value is returned.</li>
    1386      *
    1387      * </ol>
    1388      *
    1389      * @param propertyName The name of the property.
    1390      * @return The value of the property, possibly null or null if not found.
    1391      * @see Project#property(String)
    1392      */
    1393     @Incubating @Nullable
    1394     Object findProperty(String propertyName);
    1396     /**
    1397      * <p>Returns the logger for this project. You can use this in your build file to write log messages.</p>
    1398      *
    1399      * @return The logger. Never returns null.
    1400      */
    1401     Logger getLogger();
    1403     /**
    1404      * <p>Returns the {@link org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle} invocation which this project belongs to.</p>
    1405      *
    1406      * @return The Gradle object. Never returns null.
    1407      */
    1408     Gradle getGradle();
    1410     /**
    1411      * Returns the {@link org.gradle.api.logging.LoggingManager} which can be used to receive logging and to control the
    1412      * standard output/error capture for this project's build script. By default, System.out is redirected to the Gradle
    1413      * logging system at the QUIET log level, and System.err is redirected at the ERROR log level.
    1414      *
    1415      * @return the LoggingManager. Never returns null.
    1416      */
    1417     LoggingManager getLogging();
    1419     /**
    1420      * <p>Configures an object via a closure, with the closure's delegate set to the supplied object. This way you don't
    1421      * have to specify the context of a configuration statement multiple times. <p/> Instead of:</p>
    1422      * <pre>
    1423      * MyType myType = new MyType()
    1424      * myType.doThis()
    1425      * myType.doThat()
    1426      * </pre>
    1427      * <p/> you can do:
    1428      * <pre>
    1429      * MyType myType = configure(new MyType()) {
    1430      *     doThis()
    1431      *     doThat()
    1432      * }
    1433      * </pre>
    1434      *
    1435      * <p>The object being configured is also passed to the closure as a parameter, so you can access it explicitly if
    1436      * required:</p>
    1437      * <pre>
    1438      * configure(someObj) { obj -> obj.doThis() }
    1439      * </pre>
    1440      *
    1441      * @param object The object to configure
    1442      * @param configureClosure The closure with configure statements
    1443      * @return The configured object
    1444      */
    1445     Object configure(Object object, Closure configureClosure);
    1447     /**
    1448      * Configures a collection of objects via a closure. This is equivalent to calling {@link #configure(Object,
    1449      * groovy.lang.Closure)} for each of the given objects.
    1450      *
    1451      * @param objects The objects to configure
    1452      * @param configureClosure The closure with configure statements
    1453      * @return The configured objects.
    1454      */
    1455     Iterable<?> configure(Iterable<?> objects, Closure configureClosure);
    1457     /**
    1458      * Configures a collection of objects via an action.
    1459      *
    1460      * @param objects The objects to configure
    1461      * @param configureAction The action to apply to each object
    1462      * @return The configured objects.
    1463      */
    1464     <T> Iterable<T> configure(Iterable<T> objects, Action<? super T> configureAction);
    1466     /**
    1467      * Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies and uploading artifacts
    1468      * produced by the project.
    1469      *
    1470      * @return the repository handler. Never returns null.
    1471      */
    1472     RepositoryHandler getRepositories();
    1474     /**
    1475      * <p>Configures the repositories for this project.
    1476      *
    1477      * <p>This method executes the given closure against the {@link RepositoryHandler} for this project. The {@link
    1478      * RepositoryHandler} is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.
    1479      *
    1480      * @param configureClosure the closure to use to configure the repositories.
    1481      */
    1482     void repositories(@DelegatesTo(value = RepositoryHandler.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1484     /**
    1485      * Returns the dependency handler of this project. The returned dependency handler instance can be used for adding
    1486      * new dependencies. For accessing already declared dependencies, the configurations can be used.
    1487      *
    1488      * <h3>Examples:</h3>
    1489      * See docs for {@link DependencyHandler}
    1490      *
    1491      * @return the dependency handler. Never returns null.
    1492      * @see #getConfigurations()
    1493      */
    1494     DependencyHandler getDependencies();
    1496     /**
    1497      * <p>Configures the dependencies for this project.
    1498      *
    1499      * <p>This method executes the given closure against the {@link DependencyHandler} for this project. The {@link
    1500      * DependencyHandler} is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.
    1501      *
    1502      * <h3>Examples:</h3>
    1503      * See docs for {@link DependencyHandler}
    1504      *
    1505      * @param configureClosure the closure to use to configure the dependencies.
    1506      */
    1507     void dependencies(@DelegatesTo(value = DependencyHandler.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1509     /**
    1510      * Returns the build script handler for this project. You can use this handler to query details about the build
    1511      * script for this project, and manage the classpath used to compile and execute the project's build script.
    1512      *
    1513      * @return the classpath handler. Never returns null.
    1514      */
    1515     ScriptHandler getBuildscript();
    1517     /**
    1518      * <p>Configures the build script classpath for this project.
    1519      *
    1520      * <p>The given closure is executed against this project's {@link ScriptHandler}. The {@link ScriptHandler} is
    1521      * passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.
    1522      *
    1523      * @param configureClosure the closure to use to configure the build script classpath.
    1524      */
    1525     void buildscript(@DelegatesTo(value = ScriptHandler.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl.ScriptHandler"}) Closure configureClosure);
    1527     /**
    1528      * Copies the specified files.  The given closure is used to configure a {@link CopySpec}, which is then used to
    1529      * copy the files. Example:
    1530      * <pre>
    1531      * copy {
    1532      *    from configurations.runtime
    1533      *    into 'build/deploy/lib'
    1534      * }
    1535      * </pre>
    1536      * Note that CopySpecs can be nested:
    1537      * <pre>
    1538      * copy {
    1539      *    into 'build/webroot'
    1540      *    exclude '**&#47;.svn/**'
    1541      *    from('src/main/webapp') {
    1542      *       include '**&#47;*.jsp'
    1543      *       filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens:[copyright:'2009', version:'2.3.1'])
    1544      *    }
    1545      *    from('src/main/js') {
    1546      *       include '**&#47;*.js'
    1547      *    }
    1548      * }
    1549      * </pre>
    1550      *
    1551      * @param closure Closure to configure the CopySpec
    1552      * @return {@link WorkResult} that can be used to check if the copy did any work.
    1553      */
    1554     WorkResult copy(@DelegatesTo(value = CopySpec.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec"}) Closure closure);
    1556     /**
    1557      * Copies the specified files.  The given action is used to configure a {@link CopySpec}, which is then used to
    1558      * copy the files.
    1559      * @see #copy(Closure)
    1560      * @param action Action to configure the CopySpec
    1561      * @return {@link WorkResult} that can be used to check if the copy did any work.
    1562      */
    1563     WorkResult copy(Action<? super CopySpec> action);
    1565     /**
    1566      * Creates a {@link CopySpec} which can later be used to copy files or create an archive. The given closure is used
    1567      * to configure the {@link CopySpec} before it is returned by this method.
    1568      *
    1569      * <pre autoTested=''>
    1570      * def baseSpec = copySpec {
    1571      *    from "source"
    1572      *    include "**&#47;*.java"
    1573      * }
    1574      *
    1575      * task copy(type: Copy) {
    1576      *    into "target"
    1577      *    with baseSpec
    1578      * }
    1579      * </pre>
    1580      *
    1581      * @param closure Closure to configure the CopySpec
    1582      * @return The CopySpec
    1583      */
    1584     CopySpec copySpec(@DelegatesTo(value = CopySpec.class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec"}) Closure closure);
    1586     /**
    1587      * Creates a {@link CopySpec} which can later be used to copy files or create an archive. The given action is used
    1588      * to configure the {@link CopySpec} before it is returned by this method.
    1589      *
    1590      * @see #copySpec(Closure)
    1591      * @param action Action to configure the CopySpec
    1592      * @return The CopySpec
    1593      */
    1594     CopySpec copySpec(Action<? super CopySpec> action);
    1596     /**
    1597      * Creates a {@link CopySpec} which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
    1598      *
    1599      * @return a newly created copy spec
    1600      */
    1601     CopySpec copySpec();
    1603     /**
    1604      * Synchronizes the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files.
    1605      * The given action is used to configure a {@link CopySpec}, which is then used to synchronize the files.
    1606      *
    1607      * <p>
    1608      * This method is like the {@link #copy(Action)} task, except the destination directory will only contain the files copied.
    1609      * All files that exist in the destination directory will be deleted before copying files, unless a preserve option is specified.
    1610      *
    1611      * <p>
    1612      * Example:
    1613      *
    1614      * <pre>
    1615      * project.sync {
    1616      *    from 'my/shared/dependencyDir'
    1617      *    into 'build/deps/compile'
    1618      * }
    1619      * </pre>
    1620      * Note that you can preserve output that already exists in the destination directory:
    1621      * <pre>
    1622      * project.sync {
    1623      *     from 'source'
    1624      *     into 'dest'
    1625      *     preserve {
    1626      *         include 'extraDir/**'
    1627      *         include 'dir1/**'
    1628      *         exclude 'dir1/extra.txt'
    1629      *     }
    1630      * }
    1631      * </pre>
    1632      *
    1633      * @param action Action to configure the CopySpec.
    1634      * @since 4.0
    1635      * @return {@link WorkResult} that can be used to check if the sync did any work.
    1636      */
    1637     WorkResult sync(Action<? super CopySpec> action);
    1639     /**
    1640      * Returns the evaluation state of this project. You can use this to access information about the evaluation of this
    1641      * project, such as whether it has failed.
    1642      *
    1643      * @return the project state. Never returns null.
    1644      */
    1645     ProjectState getState();
    1647     /**
    1648      * <p>Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The specified type must have a public constructor which takes the name as a String parameter.<p>
    1649      *
    1650      * <p>All objects <b>MUST</b> expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.</p>
    1651      *
    1652      * @param type The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1653      * @param <T> The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1654      * @return The container.
    1655      */
    1656     <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container(Class<T> type);
    1658     /**
    1659      * <p>Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The given factory is used to create object instances.</p>
    1660      *
    1661      * <p>All objects <b>MUST</b> expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.</p>
    1662      *
    1663      * @param type The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1664      * @param factory The factory to use to create object instances.
    1665      * @param <T> The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1666      * @return The container.
    1667      */
    1668     <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container(Class<T> type, NamedDomainObjectFactory<T> factory);
    1670     /**
    1671      * <p>Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type. The given closure is used to create object instances. The name of the instance to be created is passed as a parameter to
    1672      * the closure.</p>
    1673      *
    1674      * <p>All objects <b>MUST</b> expose their name as a bean property named "name". The name must be constant for the life of the object.</p>
    1675      *
    1676      * @param type The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1677      * @param factoryClosure The closure to use to create object instances.
    1678      * @param <T> The type of objects for the container to contain.
    1679      * @return The container.
    1680      */
    1681     <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> container(Class<T> type, @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = {"java.lang.String"}) Closure factoryClosure);
    1683     /**
    1684      * Allows adding DSL extensions to the project. Useful for plugin authors.
    1685      *
    1686      * @return Returned instance allows adding DSL extensions to the project
    1687      */
    1688     ExtensionContainer getExtensions();
    1690     /**
    1691      * Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
    1692      *
    1693      * @return Returned instance contains various resource-specific utility methods.
    1694      */
    1695     ResourceHandler getResources();
    1697     /**
    1698      * Returns the software components produced by this project.
    1699      *
    1700      * @return The components for this project.
    1701      */
    1702     @Incubating
    1703     SoftwareComponentContainer getComponents();
    1705     /**
    1706      * Provides access to configuring input normalization.
    1707      *
    1708      * @since 4.0
    1709      */
    1710     @Incubating
    1711     InputNormalizationHandler getNormalization();
    1713     /**
    1714      * Configures input normalization.
    1715      *
    1716      * @since 4.0
    1717      */
    1718     @Incubating
    1719     void normalization(Action<? super InputNormalizationHandler> configuration);
    1720 }
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    jmeter test Fragment
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/niechen/p/8244731.html
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