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  • Android-Async-Http

    I like it, 总结自:http://www.cnblogs.com/angeldevil/p/3729808.html和http://blog.csdn.net/redarmy_chen/article/details/26976463和http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/open1369637365753.html,,其实第一次看到还有来自http://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoweiz/p/3916790.html,感谢你们的文章,受益匪浅






     An asynchronous callback-based Http client for Android built on top of Apache’s HttpClient libraries. All requests are made outside of your app’s main UI thread, but any callback logic will be executed on the same thread as the callback was created using Android’s Handler message passing.

    基于异步回调的Http客户端为Android构建,是基于Apache HttpClient库的。所有的请求都是位于应用程序主线程 UI 之外,但任何回调逻辑将相同的线程上执行回调,使用Android的处理程序创建消息传递。


      • Make asynchronous HTTP requests, handle responses in anonymous callbacks
      • 进行异步HTTP请求,处理响应在匿名回调中完成
      • HTTP requests happen outside the UI thread
      • HTTP请求发生在UI线程之外
      • Requests use a threadpool to cap concurrent resource usage
      • 请求使用threadpool,限制并发资源使用情况
      • GET/POST params builder (RequestParams)
      • GET / POST参数构建使用(RequestParams)
      • Multipart file uploads with no additional third party libraries
      • Multipart 文件上传,没有额外的第三方库
      • Tiny size overhead to your application, only 25kb for everything
      • 在你的应用程序上利用很小的开销,仅仅25 kb就可以做一切
      • Automatic smart request retries optimized for spotty mobile connections
      • 自动智能请求重试,优化了质量不一的移动连接
      • Automatic gzip response decoding support for super-fast requests
      • 自动解码支持gzip反应速度超快的请求
      • Binary file (images etc) downloading with BinaryHttpResponseHandler
      • 二进制文件(图片等)的下载,使用BinaryHttpResponseHandler
      • Built-in response parsing into JSON with JsonHttpResponseHandler
      • 内置响应解析成JSON,使用JsonHttpResponseHandler
      • Persistent cookie store, saves cookies into your app’s SharedPreferences
      • 持久化cookie存储,保存cookie到你的应用程序的SharedPreferences


    • AsyncHttpRequest


    • AsyncHttpResponseHandler


    • TextHttpResponseHandler


    • JsonHttpResponseHandler


    • BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler


    • RequestParams


    • AsyncHttpClient


    • SyncHttpClient



    1. 调用AsyncHttpClient的get或post等方法发起网络请求
    2. 所有的请求都走了sendRequest,在sendRequest中把请求封装为了AsyncHttpRequest,并添加到线程池执行
    3. 当请求被执行时(即AsyncHttpRequest的run方法),执行AsyncHttpRequest的makeRequestWithRetries方法执行实际的请求,当请求失败时可以重试。并在请求开始,结束,成功或失败时向请求时传的ResponseHandlerInterface实例发送消息
    4. 基本上使用的都是AsyncHttpResponseHandler的子类,调用其onStart,onSuccess等方法返回请求结果。






     1 package com.http;
     2 import com.loopj.android.http.AsyncHttpClient;
     3 import com.loopj.android.http.AsyncHttpResponseHandler;
     4 import com.loopj.android.http.BinaryHttpResponseHandler;
     5 import com.loopj.android.http.JsonHttpResponseHandler;
     6 import com.loopj.android.http.RequestParams;
     8 public class HttpUtil {
    9 private static AsyncHttpClient client =new AsyncHttpClient(); //实例话对象 10 static 11 { 12 client.setTimeout(11000); //设置链接超时,如果不设置,默认为10s 13 } 14 public static void get(String urlString,AsyncHttpResponseHandler res) //用一个完整url获取一个string对象 15 { 16 client.get(urlString, res); 17 } 18 public static void get(String urlString,RequestParams params,AsyncHttpResponseHandler res) //url里面带参数 19 { 20 client.get(urlString, params,res); 21 } 22 public static void get(String urlString,JsonHttpResponseHandler res) //不带参数,获取json对象或者数组 23 { 24 client.get(urlString, res); 25 } 26 public static void get(String urlString,RequestParams params,JsonHttpResponseHandler res) //带参数,获取json对象或者数组 27 { 28 client.get(urlString, params,res); 29 } 30 public static void get(String uString, BinaryHttpResponseHandler bHandler) //下载数据使用,会返回byte数据 31 { 32 client.get(uString, bHandler); 33 } 34 public static AsyncHttpClient getClient() 35 { 36 return client; 37 } 38 }



      1 package com.http;
      3 import java.io.File;
      4 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
      6 import org.json.JSONArray;
      7 import org.json.JSONObject;
      9 import android.app.Activity;
     10 import android.app.ProgressDialog;
     11 import android.os.Bundle;
     12 import android.os.Environment;
     13 import android.util.Log;
     14 import android.view.View;
     15 import android.widget.TextView;
     16 import android.widget.Toast;
     18 import com.loopj.android.http.AsyncHttpResponseHandler;
     19 import com.loopj.android.http.BinaryHttpResponseHandler;
     20 import com.loopj.android.http.JsonHttpResponseHandler;
     21 import com.loopj.android.http.RequestParams;
     23 public class MainActivity extends Activity {
     24     private TextView textView; // 顶部textview
     25     private ProgressDialog pDialog;
     26     private TextView textView2; // 下面textview,显示获取的所有数据
     27     @Override
     28     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     29         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
     30         setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
     31         textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text);
     32         textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text2);
     33     }
     34     public void method1(View view) {
     35         pDialog = ProgressDialog.show(this, "请稍等", "数据加载中");
     36         String urlString = "http://client.azrj.cn/json/cook/cook_list.jsp?type=1&p=2&size=10"; // 一個獲取菜谱的url地址
     37         HttpUtil.get(urlString, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
     38             public void onSuccess(String arg0) { // 获取数据成功会调用这里
     39                 pDialog.dismiss();
     40                 textView.setText("获取json数据成功,看下面");
     41                 textView2.setText(arg0);
     42                 Log.i("hck", arg0);
     43             };
     44             public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { // 失败,调用
     45                 Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "onFailure",
     46                         Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
     47             };
     48             public void onFinish() { // 完成后调用,失败,成功,都要掉
     49             };
     50         });
     51     }
     52     public void method2(View view) {
     53         String urlString = "http://client.azrj.cn/json/cook/cook_list.jsp?";
     54         RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); // 绑定参数
     55         params.put("type", "1");
     56         params.put("p", "2");
     57         params.put("size", "10");
     58         HttpUtil.get(urlString, params, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {
     59             public void onSuccess(JSONArray arg0) { // 成功后返回一个JSONArray数据
     60                 Log.i("hck", arg0.length() + "");
     61                 try {
     62                     textView.setText("菜谱名字:"
     63                             + arg0.getJSONObject(2).getString("name")); //返回的是JSONArray, 获取JSONArray数据里面的第2个JSONObject对象,然后获取名字为name的数据值
     64                 } catch (Exception e) {
     65                     Log.e("hck", e.toString());
     66                 }
     67             };
     68             public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
     69                 Log.e("hck", " onFailure" + arg0.toString());
     70             };
     71             public void onFinish() {
     72                 Log.i("hck", "onFinish");
     73             };
     74             public void onSuccess(JSONObject arg0) {   //返回的是JSONObject,会调用这里
     75                 Log.i("hck", "onSuccess ");
     76                 try {
     77                     textView.setText("菜谱名字:"
     78                             + arg0.getJSONArray("list").getJSONObject(0)
     79                                     .getString("name"));
     80                 } catch (Exception e) {
     81                     Log.e("hck", e.toString());
     82                 }
     83             };
     84         });
     85     }
     86     public void method3(View view) {
     87         String urlString = "http://client.azrj.cn/json/cook/cook_list.jsp?type=1&p=2&size=10";
     88         HttpUtil.get(urlString, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {
     89             public void onSuccess(JSONObject arg0) {
     90                 try {
     91                     textView.setText("菜谱名字:"
     92                             + arg0.getJSONArray("list").getJSONObject(1)
     93                                     .getString("name"));
     94                 } catch (Exception e) {
     95                     Log.e("hck", e.toString());
     96                 }
     97             };
     98         });
     99     }
    100     public void method4(View view) {
    101         String urlString = "http://client.azrj.cn/json/cook/cook_list.jsp?";
    102         final RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
    103         params.put("type", "1");
    104         params.put("p", "2");
    105         params.put("size", "10");
    106         HttpUtil.get(urlString, params, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
    107             public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
    108                 try {
    109                     JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(arg0);
    110                     textView.setText("菜谱名字:"
    111                             + jObject.getJSONArray("list").getJSONObject(2)
    112                                     .getString("name"));
    113                     Log.i("hck", params.getEntity().toString());
    114                 } catch (Exception e) {
    115                 }
    116             };
    117         });
    118     }
    119     public void method5(View view) {
    120         String url = "http://f.hiphotos.baidu.com/album/w%3D2048/sign=38c43ff7902397ddd6799f046dbab3b7/9c16fdfaaf51f3dee973bf7495eef01f3b2979d8.jpg";
    121         HttpUtil.get(url, new BinaryHttpResponseHandler() {
    122             @Override
    123             public void onSuccess(byte[] arg0) {
    124                 super.onSuccess(arg0);
    125                 File file = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
    126                 File file2 = new File(file, "cat");
    127                 file2.mkdir();
    128                 file2 = new File(file2, "cat.jpg");
    129                 try {
    130                     FileOutputStream oStream = new FileOutputStream(file2);
    131                     oStream.write(arg0);
    132                     oStream.flush();
    133                     oStream.close();
    134                     textView.setText("可爱的猫咪已经保存在sdcard里面");
    135                 } catch (Exception e) {
    136                     e.printStackTrace();
    137                     Log.i("hck", e.toString());
    138                 }
    139             }
    140         });
    141     }
    142 }


     1 <ScrollView
     2     xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
     3     xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
     4     android:layout_width="match_parent"
     5     android:layout_height="match_parent"
     6     android:orientation="vertical"
     7       android:gravity="center_horizontal"
     8     >
     9     <LinearLayout
    10     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    11     android:layout_height="fill_parent"
    12     android:orientation="vertical"
    13       android:gravity="center_horizontal">
    14     <TextView
    15         android:textColor="#FF0000"
    16         android:textSize="16sp"
    17        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"
    18      android:gravity="center_horizontal"
    19         android:id="@+id/text"
    20         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    21         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    22         android:text="获取数据完成后会显示在这里" />
    23 <Button
    24     android:layout_marginTop="50dp"
    25     android:id="@+id/bt1"
    26     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    27     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    28     android:text="第一种"
    29     android:onClick="method1"
    30     />
    31 <Button
    32     android:id="@+id/bt2"
    33     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    34     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    35     android:text="第2种"
    36     android:onClick="method2"
    37     />
    38 <Button
    39     android:id="@+id/bt3"
    40     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    41     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    42     android:text="第3种"
    43       android:onClick="method3"
    44     />
    45 <Button
    46     android:id="@+id/bt4"
    47     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    48     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    49     android:text="第4种"
    50       android:onClick="method4"
    51     />
    52 <Button
    53     android:id="@+id/bt5"
    54     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    55     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    56     android:text="第5种"
    57       android:onClick="method5"
    58     />
    59   <TextView
    60         android:textColor="#FF0000"
    61         android:textSize="16sp"
    62        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"
    63      android:gravity="center_horizontal"
    64         android:id="@+id/text2"
    65         android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    66         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    67          />
    68 </LinearLayout>
    69 </ScrollView>











     1 public AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
     2     boolean missingLooper = null == Looper.myLooper();
     3     // Try to create handler
     4     if (!missingLooper)
     5         handler = new ResponderHandler(this);
     6     else {
     7         // There is no Looper on this thread so synchronous mode should be used.
     8         handler = null;
     9         setUseSynchronousMode(true);
    10         Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Current thread has not called Looper.prepare(). Forcing synchronous mode.");
    11     }
    12     // Init Looper by calling postRunnable without an argument.
    13     postRunnable(null);
    14 }



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ning1121/p/3923664.html
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