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  • oracle函数个人简单记录


    DML(data manipulation language)数据操纵语言:就是我们最经常用到的 SELECT、UPDATE、INSERT、DELETE。 主要用来对数据库的数据进行一些操作。

    DDL(data definition language)数据库定义语言:就是我们在创建表的时候用到的一些sql,比如说:CREATE、ALTER、DROP等。DDL主要是用在定义或改变表的结构,数据类型,表之间的链接和约束等初始化工作上



     truncate table zzznew --清空表数据  仍然无法回滚

    而delete from zzznew --清空表数据,是可以回滚的

    因为truncate 位于DDL,而delete位于DML


    select last_name,department_id,salary,e2.avg(salary)
    from employees e1,(select department_id,avg(salary) from employees e2 group by department_id) e2
    where e1.department_id=e2.department_id and e1.salary>e2.avg(salary)
    select last_name,department_id,salary,(select avg(salary) from employees group by department_id) avg_salary
    from employees e1
    where salary>(
      select avg(salary)
      from employees e2
      where e1.department_id=e2.department_id
      group by department_id
    update zzznew
    set col1=(select column1 from AAA where id=zzznew.key)
    where key in(
      select key from
          (select * from zzznew order by key)
      where rownum<5
    dept_costs as --每个部门的工资总额
    (select depatertment_name ,sum(salary) dept_total
    from employees e,departments d
    where e.department_id=d.department_id
    group by depatertment_name
    avg_cost as--公司按部门的平均工资
    (select sum(dept_total)/count(*) dept_avg
    from dept_costs
    select *
    from dept_costs
    where dept_total>(select dept_avg from avg_cost)
    order by depatertment_name


    对于分组函数中,若显示的不是组函数,而是单个列,那么列一定要在group by中!

    如下:因为查询的department_name与location_id并未包含组函数,因此必须放入group by中才可以显示出来

    select department_name,location_id,count(employee_id),avg(salary)
    from employees e join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id
    group department_name,location_id


    select count(*) "total",count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1995',1, null)) "1995",
                            count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1996',1, null)) "1996",
                            count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1997',1, null)) "1997",
                            count(case to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') when '1998' then 1 else null end) "1998"--两种方式,还是decode方便些
    from employees
    where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') in (1995,1996,1997,1998)
    --where hire_date between to_date(1995,'yyyy') and to_date(1999,'yyyy')


    --drop table ZZZWOCA
    desc ZZZNEW 
    select key "id",col1 column1 from ZZZNEW 
    select key||'的列值是'||col1 as "newCol" from ZZZNEW
    --查询名字中含有_  (escape规定转义字符,一般都规定为转义字符)
    select key,col1 from ZZZNEW where col1 like '%\_%' escape''
    --函数(lower upper initcap(首字母大写))
    select COL1 from ZZZNEW where upper(COL1)='CES1'
    select trim('h' from 'hhelhloh') from dual
    select replace('hehllo','h','H') from dual
    select last_day(sysdate)-1 from dual --查询倒数第二天
    select * from ZZZNEW  WHERE CREATEDATE=LAST_DAY(CREATEDATE)-1 --查询创建时间为创建时那月的倒数第二天创建的
    select ROUND(col1,0) FROM ZZZNEW where key='1'
    --7代表接下来的星期六 因为oracle索引从1开始,1为星期天
    select sysdate,next_day(sysdate,7) from dual    
    --date char之间转换 (有特殊符号需要使用双引号)
    select createdate from ZZZNEW where to_char(createdate,'yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日"')='2018年10月31日'
    select createdate from ZZZNEW where to_date('2018年10月31日','yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日"')=createdate
    --char number之间转换(使用9数字)(用0设置的长度数字不够则使用0补充)(L人民币(local),$ 美元)
    --9:数字;0:零;L:人民币符号;$:美元符号;,:千分符;.:小数点  (就这些)
    select to_char(123456.78,'L999,999,999.99') from dual
    select to_char(123456.78,'$000,000,000.000') from dual
    select to_number('123,456.78','999,999,999.99') from dual
    select to_number('$132.2','$999.9') from dual
    select to_number('¥123,456.2','L999,999,999.99') from dual
    --nvl(exp1,exp)  若exp1为空则使用exp2代替,否则就是本身
    select 1+nvl(null,0) from dual  --1
    select 1+nvl(1,0) from dual     --2
    select key,nvl(col2,'没有时间**') from ZZZNEW  --当col2为null的时候显示没有时间**,否则显示自己
    select key,nvl(to_char(createdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'没时间') from ZZZNEW
    --nvl2(exp1,exp2,exp3) exp1不为空返回exp2 否则返回exp3
    select 1+nvl2(null,0,100) from dual  --101
    select 1+nvl2(5,0,1) from dual  --1
    --nullif(exp1,exp2) 若二者相同,返回null 否则返回exp1  (二者类型必须相同)
    select nullif(5,5) from dual  --相同,返回null
    select nullif(5,1) from dual --不等,返回5
    --1.case (filed) when (exp1) then (exp2) [when (exp1) then (exp2)] else (exp3) end
    select department_id,last_name case  department_id when 10 salary*1.1
                                                       when 20 salary*1.2 
                                                       else salary*1.3  end as new_salary_col
    from employees
    where department_id in (10,20,30)
    select department_id,last_name decode(department_id,10,salary*1.1
                                                        ,salary) as new_salary_col
    from employees
    select z1.key,z1.col1,z2.col2 from ZZZNEW z1 join ZZZNEW z2 on z1.col1=z2.col2
    --avg() max() min() count() sum() stadev()标准差
    select avg(CC) from(SELECT nvl(C,0) as CC from ZZZNEW)
    select sum(c)/count(*) as "cc" from zzznew
    select count(distinct(c)) from zzznew
    select avg(nvl(c,0)) from zzznew
    --使用group by这样的函数 列出的除了组函数,其余的列必须被分组,即经过group by
    select department_id,avg(salary)
    from employees
    where department_id in (40,60,80,100)
    group by department_id
    select department_id,job_id,avg(salary)
    from employees
    group by department_id,job_id
    select department_id,avg(salary)
    from employees
    having avg(salary)>6000
    group by department_id
    select avg(nvl(c,0))
    from zzznew
    where nvl(c,0)!=-1
    having avg(nvl(c,0))>=0
    group by key
    order by key
    select max(avg(salary))
    from employees
    group by department_id
    --单行子查询使用= < > >= <= <>
    --多行子查询使用 in any all
    select min(salary),department_id 
    from employees
    where min(salary)>(
            select salary
            from employees
            where department_id=50
    group by department_id
    select employee_id,last_name,job_id,salary
    from employees
    where job_id<>'IT_PROG' and salary< any(
      select salary from employees where job_id='IT_PROG'
    select employee_id
    from employee e1
    where salary>(
      select avg(salary)
      from employee e2
      where e1.department_id=e2.department_id
      group by department_id


    create table  AAA2(
    id varchar2(100) default(sys_guid()) constraint AAA1_ID_NN  not null ,
    name varchar2(20) CONSTRAINT AAA1_NAME_NN not null ,
    CONSTRAINT AAA1_ID_NAME_UNIQUE unique(ID,name)--这样写是同时针对两列,这两个都相同才不行
    CONSTRAINT AAA1_NAME_UNIQUE unique(name)  --这样写是针对name一列

    create table  AAA2(
    id varchar2(100)   ,
    name varchar2(20)  ,
    department_id varchar2(100),
    CONSTRAINT AAA2_ID_NAME_PK primary key(id),
    --AAA是父 AAA2是子
    constraint AAA2_department_fk foreign key(department_id) references AAA(id)


    若父有多个主键,则外键也必须结合多个主键才能设置成功 如:constraint foreign_name foreign AAA2(courseid,studentid) references AAA(courseid,studentid)--这里假设courseid与studentid都为AAA的主键

     on delete cascade或者on delete set null在声明完外键后面写,就是

    constraint AAA2_department_fk foreign key(department_id) references AAA(id) on delete cascade 这样




    not null只能加在行级



    create table AAA3(
    id varchar2(200) default sys_guid(),
    email varchar2(20),
    name varchar2(20) constraint AAA3_name_nn not null,
    department_id varchar2(10) constraint AAA3_department_id_nn not null,
    salary number(10,2) constraint AAA3_salary_check check(salary>1500 and salary<30000), --check 它和unique一样写了就检查,否则就为空
    constraint AAA3_email_unique unique(email),--空值之间不判别唯一性,换言之,写了就判别唯一性,不写就是null 
    constraint AAA3_PK primary key(id),  --primary key
    constraint AAA3_DEPARTMENT_FK foreign key(department_id) references AAA(id) --on delete cascade/set null


    create view view1
    as select * from zzznew
    select * from view1
    update view1 set col1='wdddd' where key='3333'
    create view view2
    as select * from zzznew with read only
    update view2 set col1='wdddd' where key='3333'

    rownum伪列只能进行<或<= 若进行=和>或>=返回的结果将为空,那么我们如何操作取40~50之间的数据呢?我们在查询的时候使用伪列,将这个结果作为新表,同时将查询时的伪列作为具体列,那么他就可以使用>号了。

    select rn,key from(--此时使用rn,就是内部的伪列,现在他就是我要查询新表的具体列了,若使用rownum,系统判别它是该表的伪列,因此在内部命名为rn
      select rownum rn,key from(select key from zzznew order by key)
    where  rr>40 and rr<50


    select row_version.nextval from dual
    select row_version.currval from dual




    如 create table AAA(id number default mysequence1.nextval)--这样完成默认的主键递增 




    索引不是随便创建的,若随意创建 可能不仅不提高效率反而拖慢速度,那么何时创建索引才能提高效率呢?



    select id from aaa union select id from aaa2 order by 1 desc  --1代表查询出来的第一列 
    select AAA.id from AAA  join (select id from AAA2) a2 on AAA.id=a2.id
    select id from AAA INTERSECT select id from AAA2 --找共同的
    select id from AAA MINUS select id from AAA2 --去除AAA中,AAA2中包含的
    select id,column1,to_date(null) zzznew_createdate from aaa union select key id,to_char(null),createdate from zzznew
    select * from zzznew where (key,col1)=(select key,col1 from zzznew where rownum<2)
    select * from zzznew where (key,col1) in (select key,col1 from zzznew where rownum<2)
    --返回比本部门平均工资高的员工的last_name,department_id,salary以及平均工资 --方法一(在from语句中使用子查询) select last_name,department_id,salary,e2.avg(salary) from employees e1,(select department_id,avg(salary) from employees e2 group by department_id) e2 where e1.department_id=e2.department_id and e1.salary>e2.avg(salary) --方法二(相关子查询) select last_name,department_id,salary,(select avg(salary) from employees group by department_id) avg_salary from employees e1 where salary>( select avg(salary) from employees e2 where e1.department_id=e2.department_id group by department_id ) --查询公司管理者的信息(exists) select * from employees e1 where exists ( select 'A' from employees e2 where e1.employee_id=e2.manage_id ) --相关更新 update zzznew set col1=( select key from AAA where id=zzznew.key ) select * from zzznew rollback --相关删除 delete zzznew where col1=( select key from AAA where id=zzznew.key ) delete zzznew where key in(select id from aaa)


    dept_costs as --每个部门的工资总额
    (select depatertment_name ,sum(salary) dept_total
    from employees e,departments d
    where e.department_id=d.department_id
    group by depatertment_name
    avg_cost as--公司按部门的平均工资
    (select sum(dept_total)/count(*) dept_avg
    from dept_costs
    select *
    from dept_costs
    where dept_total>(select dept_avg from avg_cost)
    order by depatertment_name
    select id from aaa union select id from aaa2 order by 1 desc  --1代表查询出来的第一列 
    select AAA.id from AAA  join (select id from AAA2) a2 on AAA.id=a2.id
    select id from AAA INTERSECT select id from AAA2 --找共同的
    select id from AAA MINUS select id from AAA2 --去除AAA中,AAA2中包含的
    select id,column1,to_date(null) zzznew_createdate from aaa union select key id,to_char(null),createdate from zzznew
    select * from zzznew where (key,col1)=(select key,col1 from zzznew where rownum<2)
    select last_name,department_id,salary,e2.avg(salary)
    from employees e1,(select department_id,avg(salary) from employees e2 group by department_id) e2
    where e1.department_id=e2.department_id and e1.salary>e2.avg(salary)
    select last_name,department_id,salary,(select avg(salary) from employees group by department_id) avg_salary
    from employees e1
    where salary>(
      select avg(salary)
      from employees e2
      where e1.department_id=e2.department_id
      group by department_id
    select * 
    from employees e1
    where exists (
      select 'A' 
      from employees e2
      where e1.employee_id=e2.manage_id
    update zzznew
    set col1=(
      select key from AAA where id=zzznew.key
    select * from zzznew
    delete zzznew 
    where col1=(
      select key from AAA where id=zzznew.key
    delete zzznew where key in(select id from aaa)
    --with(with my_name as ()... select... 是一体的,不是单独写,这个很有用啊)
    with cxjj as (select min(key) from zzznew ) select * from zzznew where key=(select key from cxjj)
    dept_costs as --每个部门的工资总额
    (select depatertment_name ,sum(salary) dept_total
    from employees e,departments d
    where e.department_id=d.department_id
    group by depatertment_name
    avg_cost as--公司按部门的平均工资
    (select sum(dept_total)/count(*) dept_avg
    from dept_costs
    select *
    from dept_costs
    where dept_total>(select dept_avg from avg_cost)
    order by depatertment_name
    a as
    (select * from zzznew)
    b as (select * from zzznew)
    select count(*) from (select * from a union select * from b)
    select * from zzznew minus select * from zzznew
    create table zzznew1 as select * from zzznew where 1=2
    insert into zzznew1 select * from zzznew where key=1
    select * from zzznew1
    update zzznew1 set c=2 where key='001'
    select * from zzznew minus select * from zzznew1--由此可见minus去的是我查的列全部相同,若为*则代表全部列都相同会被去掉,否则保留
    --我发现,到现在为止用到组函数都是,查询出来表的列才可以用,如果我直接sum(select ..)这样是不行的
    --但是里面可以嵌套组函数如count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1995',1, null)) "1995"
    --count(case to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') when '1998' then 1 else null end) "1998"
    --count(distinct(col1)) --嵌套函数
    select sysdate,next_day(sysdate,7) from dual --7代表接下来的星期六 因为oracle索引从1开始,1为星期天
    select rn,key from
      (select rownum rn,key from
        (select * from zzznew order by key)) where rn<10 and rn>5
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ningxinjie/p/12749922.html
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