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  • [转]C#获取窗口进程ID与句柄还有读写内存类

    1. using System;
    2. using System.Text;

    3. using System.Diagnostics;
    4. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    5. namespace PlantsVsZombiesTool
    6. {
    8.     public abstract class Helper
    9.     {
    10.         [DllImportAttribute("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "ReadProcessMemory")]
    11.         public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory
    12.             (
    13.                 IntPtr hProcess,
    14.                 IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
    15.                 IntPtr lpBuffer,
    16.                 int nSize,
    17.                 IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead
    18.             );

    19.         [DllImportAttribute("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "OpenProcess")]
    20.         public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess
    21.             (
    22.                 int dwDesiredAccess,
    23.                 bool bInheritHandle,
    24.                 int dwProcessId
    25.             );

    26.         [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]
    27.         private static extern void CloseHandle
    28.             (
    29.                 IntPtr hObject
    30.             );

    31.         //写内存
    32.         [DllImportAttribute("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteProcessMemory")]
    33.         public static extern bool WriteProcessMemory
    34.             (
    35.                 IntPtr hProcess,
    36.                 IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
    37.                 int[] lpBuffer,
    38.                 int nSize,
    39.                 IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesWritten
    40.             );

    41.         //获取窗体的进程标识ID
    42.         public static int GetPid(string windowTitle)
    43.         {
    44.             int rs = 0;
    45.             Process[] arrayProcess = Process.GetProcesses();
    46.             foreach (Process p in arrayProcess)
    47.             {
    48.                 if (p.MainWindowTitle.IndexOf(windowTitle) != -1)
    49.                 {
    50.                     rs = p.Id;
    51.                     break;
    52.                 }
    53.             }

    54.             return rs;
    55.         }

    56.         //根据进程名获取PID
    57.         public static int GetPidByProcessName(string processName)
    58.         {
    59.             Process[] arrayProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);

    60.             foreach (Process p in arrayProcess)
    61.             {
    62.                 return p.Id;
    63.             }
    64.             return 0;
    65.         }

    66.         //根据窗体标题查找窗口句柄(支持模糊匹配)
    67.         public static IntPtr FindWindow(string title)
    68.         {
    69.             Process[] ps = Process.GetProcesses();
    70.             foreach (Process p in ps)
    71.             {
    72.                 if (p.MainWindowTitle.IndexOf(title) != -1)
    73.                 {
    74.                     return p.MainWindowHandle;
    75.                 }
    76.             }
    77.             return IntPtr.Zero;
    78.         }

    79.         //读取内存中的值
    80.         public static int ReadMemoryValue(int baseAddress,string processName)
    81.         {
    82.             try
    83.             {
    84.                 byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
    85.                 IntPtr byteAddress = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, 0); //获取缓冲区地址
    86.                 IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, false, GetPidByProcessName(processName));
    87.                 ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (IntPtr)baseAddress, byteAddress, 4, IntPtr.Zero); //将制定内存中的值读入缓冲区
    88.                 CloseHandle(hProcess);
    89.                 return Marshal.ReadInt32(byteAddress);
    90.             }
    91.             catch
    92.             {
    93.                 return 0;
    94.             }
    95.         }

    96.         //将值写入指定内存地址中
    97.         public static void WriteMemoryValue(int baseAddress, string processName, int value)
    98.         {
    99.             IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, false, GetPidByProcessName(processName)); //0x1F0FFF 最高权限
    100.             WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (IntPtr)baseAddress, new int[] { value }, 4, IntPtr.Zero);
    101.             CloseHandle(hProcess);
    102.         }
    103.     }
    104. }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/niuniu502/p/2359228.html
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