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    一、钉钉文件小助手,2020 年 6 月 3 日 16:23

    build_main_part() 用于构建出静态图 (Variable及Operation), 并在训练过程中不变;
    session.run() 一次每个batch跑一个step,run 里面的参数才会参与计算与更新,一般只需要填 train_op 与 loss;
    需要在 tf.summary.scalar 中画图的一定要作为 run 的参数;
    optimizer.apply_gradients() 与 minimize() 内部 global step都会自增1;

    二、钉钉文件小助手,2020 年 5 月 19 日 10:50

    定积分 → 黎曼可积 → 任意分割区间任意取值 → 上下限互换 →(or Newton-Leibniz formula)→ 定积分值相反。

    三、钉钉文件小助手,2020 年 3 月 5 日 16:47

    foobar2k for mac:无暗黑模式,功能过于单一甚至残废,竟然将我辛苦下的Jay的歌识别成日文版的,且无歌词。弃。

    网易云音乐 for mac:出乎意料的精炼小巧,皮肤倒是很容易换,但竟然“高尚”地无法导入本地音乐文件夹,单独打开一首歌可爱女人也识别成了日文版。虽有歌词,且能匹配iTunes。弃。留着听许嵩吧。



    四、钉钉文件小助手,2019年12月20日 11:23

    sublime text → pycharm → vscode
    sublime text 3弃坑原因:Jedi插件跳转定义失效(同时代码提示太卡),全局搜索鸡肋,git push需要命令行
    vscode 优点:能同时写LaTeX,装了Mariana Pro主题,file specific 2/4 spaces,obvious code changes,but no multi-row tabs,全局搜索稍微不太习惯

    后续 2019年12月23日 14:24 补充:

    sublime text3:安装插件需要翻墙;vscode:补全和跳转竟然也是依赖Jedi。

    五、KDD paper auxiliary loss:

     1 def loss_op(self):
     2         super(Base_Two_Tower_Hete_Graph_Text, self).loss_op()
     3         with tf.name_scope("{}_Loss_Op".format(self.name)):
     4             if self.training_config.use_neigh_hinge_loss:
     5                 margin = 0.2
     6                 alpha = 0.1
     7                 logging.info('calculate neighbor proximity hinge loss, margin = {}, alpha = {}'.format(margin, alpha))
     9                 for i in [self.query_self_and_neigh_emb, self.shop_self_and_neigh_emb]:
    10                     self.dis = tf.matmul(i[0], tf.transpose(i[1]))
    11                     self.positive_distance = tf.reshape(tf.diag_part(self.dis), [self.config.batch_size, 1])
    12                     self.term1 = term1 = tf.reduce_mean(
    13                         tf.maximum(0., - self.positive_distance + (self.dis + margin * tf.eye(self.config.batch_size)) + margin))
    14                     self.loss = self.loss + alpha * term1
    16             elif self.training_config.use_neigh_nce_loss:
    17                 alpha = 1
    18                 neighbor_cnt = self.training_config.igraph_neighbor_cnt
    19                 logging.info('calculate neighbor proximity NCE loss, alpha = {}'.format(alpha))
    21                 for self_and_neigh_emb in [self.query_self_and_neigh_emb, self.shop_self_and_neigh_emb]:
    22                     temp0 = tf.split(self_and_neigh_emb, neighbor_cnt * 2 + 1, axis=1)
    23                     self.term = 0.0
    24                     for i in range(neighbor_cnt):
    25                         self.dis = tf.matmul(temp0[0], tf.transpose(temp0[i+1]))
    26                         self.positive_distance = tf.reshape(tf.diag_part(self.dis), [self.config.batch_size, 1])
    27                         self.negtive_distance = self.dis - (self.positive_distance * tf.eye(self.config.batch_size))
    28                         term = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.log(tf.sigmoid(self.positive_distance)+1e-24) -
    29                                                     tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(1 - tf.sigmoid(self.negtive_distance)+1e-24), axis=1, keep_dims=True))
    30                         self.term += term
    31                     self.loss = self.loss + alpha * self.term / neighbor_cnt
    32             else:
    33                 self.loss = self.loss + 0.0
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    六、meta learning papers:

    七:some public materials:

    2019-Intelligent Feed Recommendation-TangJie.pptx
    Deep Semantic Matching in Amazon Product Search-YiweiSong.pdf
    Future of Personalized Recommendation Systems_xiexing.pdf
    Neural Architecture Search and Beyond_Barret Zoph_Google.pdf

    八、currently reading papers:

    九、currently reading repositories:

    十、VScode settings json

     1 {
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