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  • java中DelayQueue的一个使用陷阱分析




     1     public E take() throws InterruptedException {
     2         final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
     3         lock.lockInterruptibly();
     4         try {
     5             for (;;) {
     6                 E first = q.peek();
     7                 if (first == null)
     8                     available.await();
     9                 else {
    10                     long delay = first.getDelay(NANOSECONDS);    // 1
    11                     if (delay <= 0)
    12                         return q.poll();
    13                     first = null; // don't retain ref while waiting
    14                     if (leader != null)
    15                         available.await();
    16                     else {
    17                         Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
    18                         leader = thisThread;
    19                         try {
    20                             available.awaitNanos(delay);    // 2
    21                         } finally {
    22                             if (leader == thisThread)
    23                                 leader = null;
    24                         }
    25                     }
    26                 }
    27             }
    28         } finally {
    29             if (leader == null && q.peek() != null)
    30                 available.signal();
    31             lock.unlock();
    32         }
    33     }



     1 public interface Delayed extends Comparable<Delayed> {
     3     /**
     4      * Returns the remaining delay associated with this object, in the
     5      * given time unit.
     6      *
     7      * @param unit the time unit
     8      * @return the remaining delay; zero or negative values indicate
     9      * that the delay has already elapsed
    10      */
    11     long getDelay(TimeUnit unit);
    12 }



    1     public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) {
    2         return unit.convert(this.expire - System.currentTimeMillis() , TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    3     }



     1     NANOSECONDS {
     2         public long toNanos(long d)   { return d; }
     3         public long toMicros(long d)  { return d/(C1/C0); }
     4         public long toMillis(long d)  { return d/(C2/C0); }
     5         public long toSeconds(long d) { return d/(C3/C0); }
     6         public long toMinutes(long d) { return d/(C4/C0); }
     7         public long toHours(long d)   { return d/(C5/C0); }
     8         public long toDays(long d)    { return d/(C6/C0); }
     9         public long convert(long d, TimeUnit u) { return u.toNanos(d); }
    10         int excessNanos(long d, long m) { return (int)(d - (m*C2)); }
    11     },



     1     MILLISECONDS {
     2         public long toNanos(long d)   { return x(d, C2/C0, MAX/(C2/C0)); }    //static final long C0 = 1L; static final long C1 = C0 * 1000L;static final long C2 = C1 * 1000L;
     3         public long toMicros(long d)  { return x(d, C2/C1, MAX/(C2/C1)); }
     4         public long toMillis(long d)  { return d; }
     5         public long toSeconds(long d) { return d/(C3/C2); }
     6         public long toMinutes(long d) { return d/(C4/C2); }
     7         public long toHours(long d)   { return d/(C5/C2); }
     8         public long toDays(long d)    { return d/(C6/C2); }
     9         public long convert(long d, TimeUnit u) { return u.toMillis(d); }
    10         int excessNanos(long d, long m) { return 0; }
    11     },

    回到我们的实际使用场景,take方法中long delay = first.getDelay(NANOSECONDS);  ->  NANOSECONDS.convert(long d, TimeUnit u)  ->  u.toNanos(d)。如果我们在getDelay方法实现中,convert方法第二个参数传入的是NANOSECONDS,那么就直接返回d;如果convert方法第二个参数传入的是MILLISECONDS,那么返回就是MILLISECONDS.toNanos(d),得到的结果就是1000*1000*d。

    可以发现,convert方法的第二个参数TimeUnit,实际上是跟着第一个参数d的时间单位走的。如果实现时候直接使用time - System.currentTimeMillis()作为第一个参数,实际上它的时间单位确实应该是MILLISECONDS,那么如果第二个参数传错了为NANOSECONDS,那就导致take方法中的awaitNanos方法等待时间缩短了1000*1000倍,这样带来的cpu空转压力是巨大的。


         * Converts the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
         * Conversions from finer to coarser granularities truncate, so
         * lose precision. For example, converting {@code 999} milliseconds
         * to seconds results in {@code 0}. Conversions from coarser to
         * finer granularities with arguments that would numerically
         * overflow saturate to {@code Long.MIN_VALUE} if negative or
         * {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} if positive.
         * <p>For example, to convert 10 minutes to milliseconds, use:
         * {@code TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(10L, TimeUnit.MINUTES)}
         * @param sourceDuration the time duration in the given {@code sourceUnit}
         * @param sourceUnit the unit of the {@code sourceDuration} argument
         * @return the converted duration in this unit,
         * or {@code Long.MIN_VALUE} if conversion would negatively
         * overflow, or {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} if it would positively overflow.
        public long convert(long sourceDuration, TimeUnit sourceUnit) {
            throw new AbstractMethodError();

    这里很明确的指出了,convert方法的第二个参数sourceUnit(@param sourceUnit the unit of the {@code sourceDuration} argument)应该是第一个参数sourceDuration的时间单位。会产生原链接中提到的那样的错误使用,应该就是理解错了这个convert方法参数的含义,以为第二个参数的时间单位是要转换到的时间单位。

    不过这个陷阱确实有点绕,在getDelay(TimeUnit unit)方法里面,调用unit.convert(long sourceDuration, TimeUnit sourceUnit)方法,一下出来了两个TimeUnit变量,不仔细一点的话真是容易被坑啊。当然,要是自身的getDelay方法实现不用unit.convert方法或许就避免了该问题了。

  • 相关阅读:
    http 301 和 302的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/noodleprince/p/8647582.html
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