#!/usr/bin/env pytho #encoding:utf-8 #by i3ekr import requests from lxml import etree can = [] quchongfu = [] aizhan = "https://www.aizhan.com/cha/" with open('./url.txt') as f: with open("./ok.txt",'a') as ok: r_url = f.readlines() for i in r_url: url = i.strip(" ") if "https://" in url: url = url.replace("https://","") if "http://" in url: url = url.replace("http://","") spider_url = aizhan + url res_html = requests.get(spider_url).text selector = etree.HTML(res_html) content = selector.xpath('//*[@id="baidurank_ip"]/text()') print u"网站:%s 流量:%s"%(url,content) #输出日IP大于300的网站 content = "".join(content)#转换为字符串 LiuLiang = content.split('~')[0] if "," in LiuLiang: LiuLiang = LiuLiang.replace(",","") if LiuLiang >= 100: can.append(url) ok.write(url+" ") for i in can: print "[+] %s"%(i)