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  • Extjs 图表控件,可修改X轴与Y轴坐标

    this.xAxisName = '区县名称';

    this.yAxisName = '站点个数';

    this.store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({         fields: ['month', 'hits']     }),

    this.analysisPanel = new Ext.chart.ColumnChart({

            store: this.store,

            yField: 'hits',

            title: '站点统计',

            url: '/JS/Ext3.2.0/resources/charts.swf',

            xField: 'month',        

       xAxis: new Ext.chart.CategoryAxis({            

         title: this.xAxisName        


       yAxis: new Ext.chart.NumericAxis({

                title: this.yAxisName


         extraStyle: {

                xAxis: {labelRotation: -90  }        



    // 重新设定统计窗体的提交后的更新状态

            success: function(form, action) {
                    this.parent.analysisPanel.setXAxis(new Ext.chart.CategoryAxis({

             // 读取服务器端的x轴名称
                             title: action.result.xAxisName

                     this.parent.analysisPanel.setYAxis(new Ext.chart.NumericAxis({
                              title: action.result.yAxisName

              scope: this,
              failure: function(form, action) {
                        Ext.MessageBox.alert('提示', action.result.msg);

    // 将服务器端返回的数据放到store里面,可以弄一个Json store 来搞...

    function generateData(records) {
        var data=[];
        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
            data.push([records[i].Name, records[i].Value]);
        return data;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oftenlin/p/2672246.html
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