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  • 转载 -- DotNetNuke 5 C#版本解读之1--架构介绍

    之前因为看有人怀疑我的DNN C#版本不是官方的,我晕,我得把整个事情的来龙去脉给写出来。


    Shaun first launched DotNetNuke on December 24, 2002.  I don’t think it’s a stretch to suggest that the first inquiry about a C# version came in on about December 25.  And they have continued to come in on a fairly regular basis igniting all sorts of “language wars” which continue to this day.  Scott Wiltamuth is the Microsoft Product Unit Manager for Visual Studio Languages and recently described the co-evolution of VB and C# from his point of view.

    2004 seemed to be the year of the great DotNetNuke C# debates on the ASP.Net forums, our own Bruce Hopkins finally pinned a response which we transposed to our own forum to preserve it.  Basically, although we’re as interested in C# as the next developer, DotNetNuke originated in VB.Net and there’s never been a compelling enough reason to change that.  However, there is no shortage of fodder for comparison on both sides of the ongoing debate. For example:

    • A 2007 Forrester Research poll indicated that 59% of .Net developers use only VB.Net
    • Scott Wiltamuth (cited above) indicates “the most reliable numbers we have… show roughly equal adoption” for VB.Net and C#.
    • A 2008 telerik survey suggested that C# (63%) had surpassed VB.Net (34%) as the primary programming language
    • And Scott Hanselman cracked me up with equating rooting for VB like rooting for the Red Sox.

    I dare you to google net vb vs c# and see what kind of interesting reading you can find *grin*.

    There still is not a compelling reason to change or a clear picture of advantage.  Heck, there’s not even a clear consensus on what constitutes advantage.  What we do know is that a lot of people have been interested in this for a long time and we now have a community member who is quite serious about helping us keep up with a C# version!  And we also have a DotNetNuke Corp engineer working alongside them to keep up the momentum. Thank you Ben for your commitment and to our own Keivan Beigi for working alongside him!

    One thing to note is that these package are NOT currently tested.  This is where I stick in the obligatory legalese:

    Use at your own risk!  At present this is strictly a project for developer interest. Although the contributors are professional and conscientious, there is no official testing or validation applied to this code base or packages. We highly discourage any attempt at production usage based on this risk.

    Right now, there are published packages of the C# source for version 5.4.1 and 5.4.2.  The team is working on adding this packaging to our automated build process so that new packages can be created quickly once the conversion has been done.  A normal turnaround should be just a few days after each regular release.

    If you’d like to discuss the C# project, I’ve pinned a thread in the development forum for that purpose.  I hope you’ll let us know what you think!










    1. web forms : 整个DNN主要的就是哪个default.aspx页面来展示内容。它是整个系统的入口点。当某个动作发生时,它会动态的加载表现层需要显示的内容。
    2. 皮肤: default.aspx页面会为不同的页面加载它的皮肤。DNN皮肤更换非常灵活,这是它很大的一个优点。皮肤的基类是在DotNetNuke.UI.Skins这个命名空间。最基本的类是Skin.cs这个类,如下图:




    1. Panes: Pane这个类是在DNN 5加进来的。一个皮肤文件可以包含很多个pane。
    2. 容器:每个Panel上面都会有来加载DNN模块,页面或者是portal的容器。容器的基类是在DotNetNuke.UI.Containers命名空间下,如下图:


    1. 模块(Module):每个模块至少有一个用户控件(.ascx文件)。这个控件会被load在容器里面。DNN所有的模块都在文件夹DesktopModules/…下面。


    1. 客户端js脚本:大部分的js脚本文件都放在js文件夹下,dnn允许一些模块去包含和引用js文件。比如DNNMenu控件就用到dnnmenu.js。皮肤用的js文件就需要放在皮肤的安装目录下,自定义模块用到的js文件放在自定义模块的目录下。














    1. Localization :也就是传说中的区域化。可以选择不同的语言。
    2. Caching: 通过使用缓存让页面在客户端的响应速度更快。
    3. Exception management: 异常处理。一个好的系统异常处理也是必须。这样可以让用户更加舒服。
    4. Event logging: 日志的记录。。。。
    5. Personalization: 个性化的设定。
    6. Search: 搜索
    7. Installation and upgrades:很好的升级和安装模式。
    8. Membership,roles and profile: 角色管理等。
    9. Security permissions: 安全许可。


    所有的这些逻辑表现层的实现都是使用DNN中非常出色一个模式:CBO and CBO controller。(可能你对这个比较迷惑,没关系,我会在接下来的文章中着重介绍一下。这里你先理解大致的框架就行了)。






    CBO就好比在MVC里德Model部分,它一般都会是一个只有属性的类,而对它执行操作的那个CBO control就好比MVC中的controller类。


      如果这么理解的话CBO模式其实算是老模式了,但是这里比较奇特的是一个CBO Hydrator的类。它的位置:






    数据访问层就是为了能够向商业逻辑层提供数据。DNN的数据访问层使用的是Provider Model模式。

    Data Provider是DNN中第一个成型的Provider Model模式的实例。当初DNN只是支持SQL Server数据库,但是很多人都要求它能够支持其它的数据存储,这样就需要一个扩展性非常好的数据访问层,也就引入了Provider Model模式。如下图:


    因为Provider Model能够让一些特性更加独体,不会依赖DNN的API,所以DNN大部分的CBO的数据提供都是Provider Model来进行的。主要包括如下一些Provider:



    以上基本上介绍了DNN的整体架构,当然由于我的表达能力和你本身可能刚接触DNN的缘故,你会很迷惑,甚至觉得没啥用,不过我希望我接下来拆开每一部分来介绍DNN能够让你更加的了解DNN。也希望你可以去codeplex上下载DNN的C#来体验下。接下来都会是结合代码来进行的,所以建议你去下载DNN 5.4.4 C#版本。



    DotNetNuke.Common: 整个应用程序中任何地方都可能用到的类的集合。

    DotNetNuke.Data: 所有需要于数据库交互的地方都会用到的类的集合。

    DotNetNuke.Entities: 所有显示和管理Host,Portals,TabsUsers和Modules的部分都会用到的类的集合。

    DotNetNuke.FrameWork: 一些最基本的类的集合。例如Usercontrol的基类,Page的基类等

    DotNetNuke.Security: 用户权限管理部分的类的集合。包括认证,以及页面的访问权限管理等。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oletan/p/1781925.html
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