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  • ABAP 中的日期处理 沧海

    Add n number of working days to date


    The following ABAP code adds n number of WORKING days to a particular date, any days which are not workings days (i.e. Saturday) will be ignored. For example if your starting date is Friday, adding 3 days would return a result of Wednesday or if starting date was Wednesday resultant day would be Monday as Saturday and Sunday are non working days. If you want to add n number of working days but allow result to be a non working day then click here for alternative ABAP code.
    Simply add the below FORM into you code and call it using the usual PERFORM command:
                     PERFORM add_working_days USING ld_numdays
                                      CHANGING gd_date.



    *&      Form  ADD_WORKING_DAYS
    *       Add n number of factory days(working days) to date
    *      <-- P_DAYS     Number of days to add
    *      <-- P_PAYDATE  Starting date
    FORM add_working_days USING p_days
                          CHANGING p_paydate TYPE sy-datum.
      DATA: gd_factorydat LIKE scal-facdate,
            gd_resdate    LIKE sy-datum.
    * Convert date to factory date
                date                = p_paydate  "Starting date
                factory_calendar_id = 'GB'
                factorydate         = gd_factorydat. "Factory calender date
    * Add n number of days to factory date, ignors non working days
      gd_factorydat =  gd_factorydat + p_days.
    * Convert factory date back to actual date
                factorydate         = gd_factorydat
                factory_calendar_id = 'GB'
                date                = gd_resdate. "Actual date
      p_paydate = gd_resdate.
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_WORKING_DAYS



    Add n number of working days to date (allow result to be a non working day)


    The following ABAP code adds n number of WORKING days to a particular date, but allows result to be a non working day. For example if starting day is Wednesday and you add three days to it, resultant day would be Saturday(non working day). Where as if you wanted to totally ignore non working days resultant day would be Monday (see ABAP code to totally ignore non working days). 
    Simply add the below ABAP FORM into you code and call it using the usual PERFORM command:
                     PERFORM add_working_days_resnonwork USING ld_numdays
                                                        CHANGING gd_date.



    *       Add n number of factory days(working days) to date, but allow 
    *       resultant date to be a non working day
    *      <-- P_DAYS     Number of days to add
    *      <-- P_PAYDATE  Starting date
    FORM add_working_days_resnonwork USING p_days
                           CHANGING p_paydate TYPE sy-datum.
      DATA: ld_count  TYPE i.
      ld_count = p_days.
      WHILE ld_count GT 0.
            date                       = p_paydate
            factory_calendar_id        = 'GB'
            message_type               = 'I'
            date_after_range           = 1
            date_before_range          = 2
            date_invalid               = 3
            date_no_workingday         = 4
            factory_calendar_not_found = 5
            message_type_invalid       = 6
            OTHERS                     = 7.
        IF sy-subrc NE  4.
          p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.
          ld_count = ld_count - 1.
          p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.



    Add n number of working days to date (using SAP personal work schedule)


    The following ABAP code adds n number of WORKING days to a particular date using the employees work schedule (tcode pt63) to calculate working day. 
    Simply add the below ABAP FORM into you code and call it using the usual PERFORM command:  PERFORM add_working_days_workschedule USING ld_numdays
                                                                                                      CHANGING gd_date.



    *       Add n number of working days to date, using employees work
    *       schedule to calculate working days
    *      <-- P_DAYS     Number of days to add
    *      <-- P_PAYDATE  Starting date
    FORM add_working_days_workschedule USING p_days
                           CHANGING p_paydate TYPE sy-datum.
      DATA: ld_count  TYPE i,
            ld_memid(30) TYPE c.
    * Copied from rptpsh10
      DATA: psp LIKE ptpsp      OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
            pernr LIKE pernr-pernr,
            inv_menge LIKE pakey-seqnr,      "ALV copies only 20 columns!
            moabw LIKE t001p-moabw,                               "
            mover LIKE t001p-mover,          "ALV copies only 20 columns!
            datum LIKE psp-datum,
            kurzt LIKE t246-kurzt,
            tprog LIKE psp-tprog,
            varia LIKE psp-varia,
             ttext LIKE t550s-ttext,
            vtart LIKE p2003-vtart,
             vtext LIKE t556t-vtext,
            motpr LIKE psp-motpr,
            stdaz LIKE ptev_rep_h-stdaz,
            ftkla LIKE psp-ftkla,
            tagty LIKE psp-tagty,
             tatxt LIKE t553t-langt,
            zmodn LIKE psp-zmodn,
             ptext LIKE t551s-ztext,
            mofid LIKE t508a-mofid,
             ftext LIKE thoct-ltext,
            menge LIKE ptev_rep_h-itanz,
            alvmarker TYPE rp_xfeld,
            END OF hd.
      ld_count = p_days.
      CONCATENATE sy-uname sy-uzeit INTO ld_memid.
    * Z version of 'personal work schedule' report, created to export data
    * to memory rather than display it on screen
      SUBMIT zrptpsh10_list_to_memory    WITH pnppernr EQ pernr-pernr
                         WITH pnpbegda EQ p2001-begda
                         WITH pnpendda EQ p2001-endda
                         WITH pnpbegps EQ p2001-begda
                         WITH pnpendps EQ p2001-endda
                         WITH pnptimed EQ ' '
                         WITH rdclust  EQ 'X'
                         WITH p_memid  EQ ld_memid
                         AND  RETURN.
    * import datd from memoory
      IMPORT hd FROM MEMORY ID ld_memid.
    * Check if days are working days
      WHILE ld_count GT 0.
        READ TABLE hd WITH KEY datum = p_paydate.
        IF hd-tprog NE 'FREE'.  "FREE equals non working day
          p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.
          ld_count = ld_count - 1.
          p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.



    Add n number of working days to date


    The following ABAP code adds/Subtracts n number of months from a particular date. This is a very simple processusing the 'MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE' function module. If this function module does not exist please see the  more cumbersome solution using SAP FM 'CALCULATE_DATE'.
    Simply add the below FORM into you ABAP code and call it using the usual PERFORM command:
                     DATA: ld_date TYPE sy-datum.
                                   PERFORM calculate_date      using '-4'
                                                                                changing ld_date.



    *&      Form  CALCULATE_DATE
    *       Add/Subtract n number of months from a date
    *  -->  p_months  Number of months to add/subtract
    *  <--  p_date    Start date and result date
    FORM calculate_date USING p_months
                        CHANGING p_date.
      DATA: ld_datestor TYPE sy-datum.
      ld_datestor = p_date.
          MONTHS        = p_months
          OLDDATE       = p_date
          NEWDATE       = p_date.
    ENDFORM.                    " CALCULATE_DATE



    Convert month value of a date to text


    The following ABAP code gets the month value of a particular date (YYYYMMDD) and converts it to its text value. I know its a very crude way of doing it but it does the job and having the ABAP code below provides a quick and easy way to copy and paste it into your SAP program.



    DATA: gd_datetext TYPE string.
      CASE sy-datum+4(2).
        WHEN '01'.
          gd_datetext = 'January'.
        WHEN '02'.
          gd_datetext = 'February'.
        WHEN '03'.
          gd_datetext = 'March'.
        WHEN '04'.
          gd_datetext = 'April'.
        WHEN '05'.
          gd_datetext = 'May'.
        WHEN '06'.
          gd_datetext = 'June'.
        WHEN '07'.
          gd_datetext = 'July'.
        WHEN '08'.
          gd_datetext = 'August'.
        WHEN '09'.
          gd_datetext = 'September'.
        WHEN '10'.
          gd_datetext = 'October'.
        WHEN '11'.
          gd_datetext = 'November'.
        WHEN '12'.
          gd_datetext = 'December'.
      concatenate sy-datum(2) gd_datetext sy-datum+2(2) into gd_datetext
                                                       separated by space.



    Date formatting


    The following ABAP code demonstrates a number of ways to format a SAP date value:



    * Using the WRITE statement
      data: gd_date(10).  "field to store output date
    * Converts SAP date from 20020901 to 01.09.2002
      write sy-datum to gd_date dd/mm/yyyy.
    * Converts SAP date from 20020901 to 01.09.02
      write sy-datum to gd_date dd/mm/yy.


    * Using data manipulation techniques
      data: gd_date(8).  "field to store output date
    * Converts SAP date from 20010901 to 01092001
      gd_date(2)   = sy-datum+6(2).
      gd_date+2(2) = sy-datum+4(2).
      gd_date+4(4) = sy-datum(4).


    * Using Function modules
      data: gd_date(8).  "field to store output date
    * Converts date from 20010901 to 01SEP2001
      gd_date   = sy-datum.
          input         = gd_date
          OUTPUT        = gd_date.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/omygod/p/1392152.html
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