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     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define inc(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++)
     3 #define dec(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i>=r;i--)
     4 #define link(x) for(edge *j=h[x];j;j=j->next)
     5 #define mem(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
     6 #define inf 1e9
     7 #define ll long long
     8 #define succ(x) (1<<x)
     9 #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x))
    10 #define id(x,y) ((y)*n-n+(x))
    11 #define NM 10000
    12 #define nm 700000
    13 using namespace std;
    14 int read(){
    15     int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar();
    16     while(!isdigit(ch)){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();}
    17     while(isdigit(ch))x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar();
    18     return x*f;
    19 }
    20 struct edge{
    21     int t,v;
    22     edge *next,*rev;
    23 }e[nm],*h[NM],*o,*p[NM],*tmp[NM];
    24 void _add(int x,int y,int v){
    25     o->t=y;o->v=v;o->next=h[x];h[x]=o++;
    26 }
    27 void add(int x,int y,int v){
    28     _add(x,y,v);_add(y,x,0);
    29     h[x]->rev=h[y];h[y]->rev=h[x];
    30 }
    31 int n,m,k,a[nm],b[nm],c[nm],d[NM],cnt[NM],l,r,tot;
    32 bool maxflow(){
    33     int flow=0;edge *j;
    34     inc(i,1,tot)tmp[i]=h[i];
    35     cnt[0]=tot;
    36     for(int x=1,s=inf;d[x]<tot;){
    37         for(j=tmp[x];j;j=j->next)
    38         if(d[j->t]+1==d[x]&&j->v)break;
    39         if(j){
    40             s=min(s,j->v);p[j->t]=tmp[x]=j;
    41             if((x=j->t)==tot){
    42                 for(;x!=1;x=p[x]->rev->t)
    43                 p[x]->v-=s,p[x]->rev->v+=s;
    44                 flow+=s;s=inf;if(flow>=k)return true;
    45             }
    46         }else{
    47             if(!--cnt[d[x]])break;
    48             d[x]=tot;
    49             link(x)if(d[j->t]+1<d[x]&&j->v)
    50             d[x]=d[j->t]+1,tmp[x]=j;
    51             cnt[d[x]]++;
    52             if(x!=1)x=p[x]->rev->t;
    53         }
    54     }
    55     return false;
    56 }
    57 bool check(int t){
    58     mem(e);mem(h);o=e;mem(d);mem(p);mem(cnt);mem(tmp);tot=id(n,t+1)+1;
    59     inc(i,1,t+1)add(id(n,i),tot,inf);
    60     inc(i,1,n)inc(j,1,t)add(id(i,j),id(i,j+1),inf);
    61     inc(i,1,m)inc(j,1,t)add(id(a[i],j),id(b[i],j+1),c[i]);
    62     return maxflow();
    63 }
    64 int main(){
    65     freopen("data.in","r",stdin);
    66     n=read();m=read();k=read();
    67     inc(i,1,m){
    68         a[i]=read();b[i]=read();c[i]=read();
    69     }
    70     for(l=1,r=100;l<r;){
    71         int _t=l+r>>1;
    72         if(check(_t))r=_t;else l=_t+1;
    73     }
    74     printf("%d
    75     return 0;
    76 }
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