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  • 设计模式:工厂模式


      工厂方法模式。定义为:Define an interface for creating an object,but let subclasses decide which class toinstantiate.Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.(定义一个用于创建对象的接口,让子类决定实例化哪一个类。工厂方法使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类。)


       interface  zoon {
               function introduce();
       class dog implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小狗,我汪汪汪叫" . PHP_EOL;
       class pig implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小猪,我哼哼哼叫" . PHP_EOL;
       class sheep implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小羊,我咩咩咩叫" . PHP_EOL;
       interface createZoon{
               function create();
       class FactoryDod implements createZoon{
           function create(){
                   return new dog();
       class FactoryPig implements createZoon{
                function create(){
                   return new pig();
       class FactorySheep implements createZoon{
                function create(){
                   return new sheep();
      class Factory{
              function __construct(){
                $d = new FactoryDod();
                $p = new FactoryPig();
                $s = new Factorysheep();
      $t = new Factory();




       interface  zoon {
               function introduce();
       class dog implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小狗,我汪汪汪叫" . PHP_EOL;
       class pig implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小猪,我哼哼哼叫" . PHP_EOL;
       class sheep implements zoon{
               function introduce(){
                echo "我是小羊,我咩咩咩叫" . PHP_EOL;
       class  FactoryDod {
          static function create(){
                   return new dog();
       class  FactoryPig{
           static function  create(){
                   return new pig();
       class FactorySheep{
           static  function  create(){
                   return new sheep();
      class Factory{
              function __construct(){
                $d = FactoryDod::create();
                $p = FactoryPig::create();
                $s = Factorysheep::create();
      $t = new Factory();


      抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)定义:Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifyingtheir concrete classes.(为创建一组相关或相互依赖的对象提供一个接口,而且无须指定它们的具体类。)

        interface Human {
            function getColor();
            function talk();
            function getSex();
        abstract class abstractWhiteHuman implements Human{
            public function getColor(){
                echo "皮肤颜色:白色" . PHP_EOL;
            public function talk(){
                echo "语言:白人语言" . PHP_EOL;
        abstract class abstractBlackHuman implements Human{
            public function getColor(){
                echo "皮肤颜色:黑色" . PHP_EOL;
            public function talk(){
                echo "语言:黑人语言" . PHP_EOL;
        abstract class abstractYellowHuman implements Human{
            public function getColor(){
                echo "皮肤颜色:黄色" . PHP_EOL;
            public function talk(){
                echo "语言:黄人语言" . PHP_EOL;
        class FemaleYellowHuman extends abstractYellowHuman{
            function getSex(){
                echo "性别:女性" . PHP_EOL;
        class MaleYellowHuman extends abstractYellowHuman{
            function getSex(){
                echo "性别:男性" . PHP_EOL;
        class MaleBlackHuman extends abstractYellowHuman{
            public function getSex(){
                echo "性别:男性" . PHP_EOL;
        class MaleWhiteHuman extends abstractYellowHuman{
            public function getSex(){
                echo "性别:男性" . PHP_EOL;
        interface HumanFactory{
            function createYellowHuman();
            function createWhiteHuman();
            function createBlackHuman();
        class FemaleFactory implements HumanFactory{
            function createBlackHuman(){
                return new FemaleBlackHuman();
            function createWhiteHuman(){
                return new FemaleWhiteHuman();
            function createYellowHuman(){
                return new FemaleYellowHuman();
        class MaleFactory implements HumanFactory{
            function createBlackHuman(){
                return new MaleBlackHuman();
            function createWhiteHuman(){
                return new MaleWhiteHuman();
            function createYellowHuman(){
                return new MaleYellowHuman();
        class main{
            public function create(){
                $maleHumanFactory = new MaleFactory();
                $femaleHumanFactory = new FemaleFactory();
                $maleYellowHuman = $maleHumanFactory->createYellowHuman();
        $t = new main();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/onlycat/p/9164529.html
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