class='pingjiaF' frameborder='0' src='http://biancheng.dnbcw.info/pingjia.php?id=338996' scrolling='no'>很想写一个PHP的jQuery,但是自己精力与能力有限,于是Google一下,找到 QueryPath。
其实前几天已经找到一个,叫 simple_html_dom (SourceForge下载),不到1000行代码,很简单。有兴趣就下载看看。
require 'src/QueryPath/QueryPath.php';
// 或者加载文件
// 或者加载文件
如果 qp的第一个参数是 url(包括http、file),则需要以html或htm为后缀名,否则当作XML来解释,通常会解释失败,并抛出 QueryPathExtension 异常,这应该说是一个缺陷,2.1版本的代码在QueryPath.php的3903-4010行。
有了qp返回的对象,我们就可以用 PHP 以 jQuery 类似的方法来操作DOM,如选择节点,可以用CSS3选择器、parent/top/children等函数。
下载是官方手册上的一个快速入门的例子 :
require_once '../src/QueryPath/QueryPath.php';
// Begin with an HTML stub document (XHTML, actually), and navigate to the title.
qp(QueryPath::HTML_STUB, 'title')
// Add some text to the title
->text('Example of QueryPath.')
// Now look for the <body> element
->find(':root body')
// Inside the body, add a title and paragraph.
->append('<h1>This is a test page</h1><p>Test text</p>')
// Now we select the paragraph we just created inside the body
// Add a 'class="some-class"' attribute to the paragraph
->attr('class', 'some-class')
// And add a style attribute, too, setting the background color.
->css('background-color', '#eee')
// Now go back to the paragraph again
// Before the paragraph and the title, add an empty table.
->prepend('<table id="my-table"></table>')
// Now let's go to the table...
// Add a couple of empty rows
// select the rows (both at once)
// Add a CSS class to both rows
// Now just get the first row (at position 0)
// Add a table header in the first row
->append('<th>This is the header</th>')
// Now go to the next row
// Add some data to this row
->append('<td>This is the data</td>')
// Write it all out as HTML
require_once '../src/QueryPath/QueryPath.php';
// Begin with an HTML stub document (XHTML, actually), and navigate to the title.
qp(QueryPath::HTML_STUB, 'title')
// Add some text to the title
->text('Example of QueryPath.')
// Now look for the <body> element
->find(':root body')
// Inside the body, add a title and paragraph.
->append('<h1>This is a test page</h1><p>Test text</p>')
// Now we select the paragraph we just created inside the body
// Add a 'class="some-class"' attribute to the paragraph
->attr('class', 'some-class')
// And add a style attribute, too, setting the background color.
->css('background-color', '#eee')
// Now go back to the paragraph again
// Before the paragraph and the title, add an empty table.
->prepend('<table id="my-table"></table>')
// Now let's go to the table...
// Add a couple of empty rows
// select the rows (both at once)
// Add a CSS class to both rows
// Now just get the first row (at position 0)
// Add a table header in the first row
->append('<th>This is the header</th>')
// Now go to the next row
// Add some data to this row
->append('<td>This is the data</td>')
// Write it all out as HTML