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  • [新]可精确到1毫秒的用以在记录文件中写入自定义的调试信息(主要是时间)的组件


    //TraceSpy - 用以在记录文件中写入自定义的调试信息(开发者:林健)
    //       TraceFileName        - 记录文件名
    //   ★文本写入方面
    //       WriteText            - 写入自定义文本
    //       ClearAllText         - 清除所有文本
    //   ★时间记录方面
    //       SetTimePoint         - 设置时间起点
    //       GetTimeSpanFromInit  - 询问时间跨度(距离时间起点)
    //       GetTimeSpanFromPrev  - 询问时间跨度(距离上次询问时间)
    //   ★自定义计数器
    //       SetCounter           - 设置自定义计数器
    //       AddCounter           - 累加自定义计数器

    using System;

    namespace TraceSpy
        public class TheTrace

            static public string TraceFileName = "Trace.txt";

            static private long InitTimePoint = TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;

            static private long PrevTimePoint = TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;

            static private int counter = 0;

            static public void WriteText(string str)
                WriteText(str, false);

            static public void WriteText(string str, bool showTime)
                FileWriter.WriteText(str, showTime);

            static public void ClearAllText()

            static public void SetTimePoint()

            static public void SetTimePoint(string note)
                InitTimePoint = TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;
                PrevTimePoint = TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;
                FileWriter.WriteText("设置时间起点[" + note + "]。", false);

            static public decimal GetTimeSpanFromInit()
                return GetTimeSpanFromInit("");

            static public decimal GetTimeSpanFromInit(string note)
                PrevTimePoint = TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;
                decimal span;
                span = (decimal)(PrevTimePoint - InitTimePoint) / (decimal)10000;
                FileWriter.WriteText("询问时间跨度[" + note + "],距离时间起点为" + span.ToString() + "毫秒。", false);
                return span;

            static public decimal GetTimeSpanFromPrev()
                return GetTimeSpanFromPrev("");

            static public decimal GetTimeSpanFromPrev(string note)
                long RectTimePoint =TimeCounter.GetExactNow().Ticks;
                decimal span;
                span = (decimal)(RectTimePoint - PrevTimePoint) / (decimal)10000;
                PrevTimePoint = RectTimePoint;
                FileWriter.WriteText("询问时间跨度[" + note + "],距离上次询问时间为" + span.ToString() + "毫秒。", false);
                return span;

            static public int SetCounter()
                return SetCounter(0);
            static public int SetCounter(int num)
                counter = num;
                FileWriter.WriteText("自定义计数器值设置为" + counter + "。", false);
                return counter;
            static public int AddCounter()
                return AddCounter(1);
            static public int AddCounter(int num)
                counter += num;
                FileWriter.WriteText("自定义计数器值累加到" + counter + "。", false);
                return counter;

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    namespace TraceSpy
        internal class TimeCounter
            static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter([In, Out] ref long lpPerformanceCount);
            static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency([In, Out] ref long lpFrequency);

            static long _f = 0;

            static private long GetTickCount()
                long f = _f;
                if (f == 0)
                    if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref f))
                        _f = f;
                        _f = -1;
                if (f == -1)
                    return Environment.TickCount * 10000;
                long c = 0;
                QueryPerformanceCounter(ref c);
                return (long)(((double)c) * 1000 * 10000 / ((double)f));

            static long _tc = 0;

            static internal DateTime GetExactNow()
                if (_tc == 0)
                    long tc = GetTickCount();
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                    _tc = dt.Ticks - tc;
                    return dt;
                return new DateTime(_tc + GetTickCount());

    using System;

    namespace TraceSpy
        internal class FileWriter
            static private System.IO.StreamWriter writer;

            static internal void WriteText(string str, bool showTime)
                if(TheTrace.TraceFileName == String.Empty)
                writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TheTrace.TraceFileName, true, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
                string words;
                words = str;
                    words += " @ " + TimeCounter.GetExactNow().ToLongDateString() + " " + TimeCounter.GetExactNow().ToLongTimeString();

            static internal void ClearAllText()
                if(TheTrace.TraceFileName == String.Empty)
                writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TheTrace.TraceFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oop/p/153138.html
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