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  • 物联网网关设计实战


    We always face with some applications which needs to just send some data to a server. To start thinking about MQTT-based framework, here’s the application scenarios: 

    arch1What’s MQTT

    MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/”Internet of Things” connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium. For example, it has been used in sensors communicating to a broker via satellite link, over occasional dial-up connections with healthcare providers, and in a range of home automation and small device scenarios.

    Pub/Sub Model


    Figure: Pub/Sub pattern


    In a pub/sub model, the producer acts as publisher, and consumer acts as subscriber.  Using the publish – subscribe pattern in application can dramatically simplify its design and improve testability.

    In a distribute IoT system, basically you just have some part(s) of your device subscribe to a particular topic and have some other part(s) of your device publish messages with that topic. Messages sent will be delivered to all registered handlders (aka listeners, also receivers) for a given topic(one-to-many broadcast).

    We implement the following parts:


    1.1 Generate a heartbeat in zigbee Node

    every node can produce data, adc value, temperature etc.

    void generateHeartbeat() {
        heartbeat_t heartbeat;

    The heartbeat format gateway requires is key-value pair string (KVP).

    “key:value” + ‘ ’

    eg:  “temperature:23  ”   

    Heartbeat is sent with no ack.


                                               Figure: Network Topology


    Figure: Gateway software architecture

     Gateway is written by pure Python, which makes it more pithy to implement the software components.

    It consists of four parts:

    1. Exchange component is one of the core components of the gateway project. It acts as a protocol converter between MQTT and PAN;

    2. Data filter component provides some static filter, such as LinearFilter, EnumFilter etc. Once a filter is activated by user, each incoming/outgoing data frame will be filtered by it.

    3. Plugin usually contains some user-defined business logic, such as sending a heartbeat, processing sensor data etc. Because every single data frame will pass to it, user can do anything they want according to the incoming data. Click here to get a depth understanding of the plugin developing.

    4. PAN device Driver is a layer used for communication between Pan Device and Host CPU. Usually, the physical connection is a serial port. Now, it supports MeshBee v1.0.4 firmware and XBee.

     Main features:

    1. Can be ported to any platform that supports Python.

    2. User-defined Qos, which ensure the reliability of data transmission.

    3. Message forwarding is handled by Broker. User can focus on their application developing.

    4. Pub/Sub model, one-to-many message deliver.

    5. light-weight messaging protocol over TCP. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a “small code footprint” is required and/or network bandwidth is limited.

    6. Support plugins expanding.

    7. Support data filter.

    8. Support any device that has a serial port.

    9. Build-in Sqlite Database.

    Getaway running flow

    The following flow provides some basic procedures of how a gateway engine run.


    Gateway configuration

    Gateway program will read its configuration files at startup. We create a yaml file in root directory. Modify the following items to meet your request.

    1. yaml['pan']['port']

    Pan device serial port device ID in /dev.

    2. yaml['pan']['baudrate’']

    Baudrate of pan device serial port device.

    3. yaml['pan']['driver_class']

    Specified pan device driver

    4. yaml['mqtt’']['client_id']

    Gateway client ID

    5. yaml['mqtt’']['host']

    Broker Url

    6. yaml['mqtt’']['port']

    Broker TCP port number.


    An android app can control and monitor every node from the pan network. It runs a background service to server MQTT.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/openIoT/p/4107741.html
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